Best Four-Star Eidolons In Honkai: Star Rail

Best Four-Star Eidolons In Honkai: Star Rail

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In Honkai: Star Rail, Eidolons are like a fresh coat of paint that allows your four-star characters to compete with their shinier five-star cousins. These upgrades are unlocked by obtaining additional copies of characters, and each Eidolon provides unique effects that improve your character’s skill sets, adding utility, damage, or survivability.

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While obtaining multiple Eidolons does require some faith in the Gacha gods, some Eidolons in particular make the struggle worth it, breathing new life into four-star characters and making them feel like completely different units. From additional effects to new buffs, here’s a rundown of some of the best Eidolons available for four-star characters in Honkai: Star Rail.

10 Tingyun’s E6: Peace Brings Wealth to All

Tingyun’s E6, Peace Brings Wealth to All, greatly enhances her utility by making her Ultimate regenerate ten more Energy for the target ally. This added Energy regeneration doesn’t sound like a lot, but it quickly adds up. For example, your DPS will be able to use their Ultimate one turn sooner, which in turn boosts their own damage output and future energy generation potential.

This Eidolon pushes Tingyun’s support role to new heights, ensuring that your primary damage dealers are pumping out their Ultimates and continuing to apply pressure to enemies.

9 Herta’s E2: Keep The Ball Rolling

Herta’s E2 increases her Crit Rate by 3% whenever her Talent is triggered. This effect stacks up to five times, giving her a potential 15% Crit Rate boost. This stacking mechanic makes Herta snowball into an absolute menace in Pure Fiction where her AOE kit excels.

With this Eidolon, Herta’s ability to sweep through mobs becomes much more reliable, as her Crit Rate steadily increases whenever her talent activates, which is often. For players looking to maximize Herta’s effectiveness, E2 makes her far deadlier and really emphasizes her gameplay of spin to win.

8 Asta’s E6: Galaxy Dreams In Calm And Comfort

Asta’s E6, Galaxy Dreams in Calm and Comfort, reduces the number of Charging stacks lost each turn by one. This improvement gives her the ability to maintain her powerful attack buffs for longer periods, reducing the downtime between using her Skill and gaining the maximum amount of Talent charges.

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This Eidolon is key for Asta players who rely on her for consistent buff uptime, especially in longer battles where maintaining her Charging stacks is crucial for sustaining her full potential.

7 Pela’s E1: Victory Report

Pela’s E1, Victory Report, is easy to underestimate since it isn’t too flashy. However, the key lies in its activation requirement. Pela gains five energy whenever ANY enemy is defeated, not just enemies she defeats herself. This makes her much more self-sufficient in terms of Energy generation, allowing her to pump out her kit defining Ultimate much more frequently.

This Eidolon makes Pela a stronger support character, all but ensuring her Ultimate maintains its defense shredding debuff in extended fights. It’s especially useful for her role in applying consistent debuffs and contributing to the overall team’s Energy economy.

6 Yukong’s E6: Bowstring Thunderclap

Yukong’s E6 gives her a significant boost every time she uses her Ultimate. Upon activation, she immediately gains one stack of Roaring Bowstrings, which makes Yukong go from SP neutral at best to SP positive. This gives a notable bump to her efficiency and making her even more valuable for Crit-dependent or burst-damage hypercarries who may be hogging Skill Points.

This Eidolon enhances Yukong’s role as an attack buffer, helping her sustain support while also benefiting from the additional Roaring Bowstrings stack to boost her own damage.

5 Lynx’s E2: Noon Of Portable Furnace

Lynx’s E2, Noon of Portable Furnace, allows her skill to apply one instance of debuff application resistance. This allows Lynx to fortify your units against powerful debuffs such as sleep or stun without requiring her Ultimate.

This Eidolon is the perfect complement to Lynx’s kit, which often depends on frequent Ultimates to manage enemy crowd control effects. With so many five-star Abundance units already coming equipped with utility to provide team-wide debuff resistance, this Eidolon allows Lynx to punch above her weight and earn a permanent spot on any team.

4 Gallagher’s E2: Lion’s Tail

Gallagher’s E2, Lion’s Tail, transforms his Skill into a versatile tool for support by additionally removing one debuff from a target ally. Along with the cleanse, he also grants them a 30% boost to Effect RES for two turns, making it harder for them to be hit by further debuffs. This double-duty effect significantly boosts Gallagher’s value as a team protector, ensuring allies can keep attacking without the hassle of harmful status effects.

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This Eidolon almost feels like it could have been part of Gallagher’s original kit, it’s just that good. With debuff cleansing becoming an ever more important part of an Abundance unit’s kit, Gallagher gaining a cleanse makes this Eidolon invaluable.

3 Qingque’s E4: Right On The Tiles

Qingque’s E4 enhances her Skill by giving her a 24% fixed chance to gain an effect called Autarky after using it. Autarky lasts until the end of the current turn and provides a powerful bonus: when Qingque uses a Basic ATK or Enhanced Basic ATK, she immediately launches a follow-up attack on the same target, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 100% of the previous attack’s damage.

This Eidolon can potentially double Qingque’s damage, as the follow-up attack adds additional damage for free. Since you’ll frequently be cycling through the tiles of Qingque’s skill, there’s always a good chance to trigger Autarky. This boost to Qingque’s consistency in dishing out damage makes her a more reliable DPS in both single-target and multi-target situations.

2 March 7th’s E2 (The Hunt): Blade Dances On Waves’ Flight

Blade Dances on Waves’ Flight gives March 7th a special follow-up attack whenever her designated Shifu uses a Basic ATK or Skill, dealing Imaginary DMG equal to 60% of her ATK to the primary target. Not only does this extra hit add more damage to March’s toolkit, but it also adapts to Shifu’s Path, triggering effects accordingly and even gaining a Charge point in the process. If that wasn’t great enough, if there’s no primary target she’ll still hit a random enemy, making sure that this effect is never wasted.

This Eidolon provides an easy boost to March 7th’s powerful sub-dps kit, giving her even more synergy with her Shifu. The once-per-turn trigger keeps things balanced, but it’s still a fantastic boost that keeps her damage rolling outside of her turn.

1 Xueyi’s E6: Saṃsāra, Mastered

This Eidolon seems simple enough but the effects it has on Xueyi’s damage is profound. Xueyi’s E6, Saṃsāra, Mastered, reduces the max stack limit for her Karma to six, allowing her to stack Karma faster and more efficiently.

This change makes a night and day difference, significantly boosting her DPS potential with a jump in the amount of follow-up attacks she can execute. Like the name implies, with this Eidolon Xueyi truly becomes a master of her break-focused abilities.

Honorable Mention: E2 Klesha, Breached

Klesha, Breached enhances Xueyi’s Talent by allowing her follow-up attack to reduce enemy Toughness regardless of the enemy’s Weakness type. On top of that, the Talent also restores Xueyi’s HP by 5% of her Max HP each time it triggers. This Eidolon also makes a large impact on Xueyi’s kit, and when working in tandem with her E6 it really shines.

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