Although Androids have some pretty special gameplay qualities to them, there is one group that stands out even more. Giant characters are, true to their name, huge, lumbering fighters who tower over the rest of the roster. Some great examples include Great Ape Vegeta and Hirudegarn.
This difference in size gives them many advantages. Any attempts to throw a Giant charac ter will be unsuccessful in nearly all cases. They’re also impervious to most Impact Actions, with smaller characters only able to trigger Blast Impacts against them. In a related matter, only blast and energy beam supers will work and inflict damage. Characters that try to use a Rush Super against them will bounce back and have wasted their Ki.
They further share many traits with those from the Strength category. Their attacks, whether that’s close-range or projectile, will take out some big chunks of HP and send opponents flying. Giant characters also won’t stagger easily, remaining undisturbed from Ki blasts and weaker melee attacks.
However, they also amplify many of the setbacks from Strength characters. Such slow attacks are easy to dodge for opponents that are constantly moving around. It’s common for them to lose track and miss attacks depending on their positioning. Fighters from the same category can also be an effective counter. Another Giant can cause a stagger with one hit and they are the only ones who can trigger a unique Power Impact. The latter likely won’t happen often as it requires both to use a throw at the same time, even though their normal throws won’t work on each other.
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