How To Reach The Forest

How To Reach The Forest

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Luma Island has a few major biomes you can reach as you progress in the game, and each one offers a range of new materials and locations to explore. The Forest is the second of these areas — the first you’ll unlock after The Farm — but the game isn’t super clear about how you can get there.

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It’s also not really possible to put it off for too long, because every profession in Luma Island will eventually ask you to go to The Forest in order to progress it. Thankfully, it’s not super difficult to get to The Forest — if you know where to look and have enough materials collected from exploring the Farm.

How To Unlock The Forest In Luma Island


When you start your first profession in Luma Island, the first steps to becoming a novice at whatever you’ve chosen can all be completed by simply exploring and gathering materials on The Farm. However, once you finish the quest step and move on to becoming skilled in your profession, you’ll need to unlock The Forest. The game doesn’t tell you how to get there at this point, and the questline will instead simply ask you to “Find a way to the Forest.”

If you look around the town, you’ll find a broken bridge just behind Sylvia’s shop near the entrance — and you need to repair this broken bridge in order to unlock the way to the Forest. If you get lost, just immediately turn right when you enter the town and follow the path until you reach the broken bridge. You’ll need the following materials to repair it:


How to Get

2 Bridge Beams

Buy at the Lumberjack’s Shop for 1000 gold coins.

5 Silk Rope

Crafted at the Simple Workbench using Fiber and Spider Silk.

10 Farm Planks

Crafted at the Saw Mill using Farm Wood.

10 Farm Stone Blocks

Crafted at the Saw Mill using Farm Stone.

Silk Rope may be a bit more challenging to acquire, especially if the first profession you pick is Cook or Fisherman, which doesn’t necessarily require you to explore caves and temples — which is where you can find Spider Silk. In Temples, you’ll need to break down Spider Webs that block your path forward, or you can kill Spiders in the abandoned caves for the chance that they drop Spider Silk. Reeds usually grow around water on the Farm, and they can be chopped with an axe and then refined at the workbench to turn them into Fiber.

Once you have all the materials you need, simply take them to the bridge and click on it. This will automatically enter all the materials, and the bridge will be fixed! You can then cross it into the Forest and start exploring to your heart’s content.

Unlike tthe Farm in Luma Island, the Forest is slightly more dangerous to navigate, as there are multiple enemies out in the open that will start attacking you as you walk past. It’s best to make sure you’ve upgraded your tools as much as you can before you head in so you can deal with these enemies, but also so you can fish, mine, and chop wood with a lot more ease.

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