How To Get A Wand Early

How To Get A Wand Early

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World of Warcraft Classic makes a few things quite a bit harder than modern retail World of Warcraft. Getting your character equipped with the correct starting gear, weapons, and resources in Classic can be a real challenge, but it’s worth the effort. Leveling up with the right tools equipped will make the grind much less painful… especially for a caster.

WoW Classic: Best Professions For Making Gold

Gold is much harder to come by in Classic WoW than it is in retail, so you might be wondering what professions you should pick up to get more money.

Mages, Priests, and Warlocks start out in World of Warcraft Classic with some basic spells for DPS. Those are going to be their bread and butter for killing trash, but players also need another source of damage for when mana is low. That’s where wands come in. These casters start the game off with a basic melee weapon to smack boars and raptors over the head with, but a ranged weapon makes leveling way easier.

Updated November 26, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: There are a few methods to get your first wand WoW Classic players can employ after starting the game as a Caster class, and it is an important thing to prioritize. Though Caster classes can get by without using Wands, WoW Classic players will find mana management significantly easier if they use the Wand Auto-Attack alongside their other abilities. This guide to how to get a Wand in WoW Classic has been updated to provide a list of three sources: leveling Enchanting on your character, completing Quests to earn a Wand, or going to the AH or Trade chat to get one from another crafter.

How To Get A Wand Early In WoW Classic

WoW Classic How To Get A Wand Enchanting Crafting

One of the trickiest parts of getting a Wand early in WoW Classic is the lack of resources at the start. Usually players could just purchase a low level weapon from a different character and mail the item to their new toon, but right now everyone is starting from scratch and low on funds.

Although some players already hit max level in WoW Classic, most players are still broke and low level. That’s why it’s so important to be resourceful and try to go for a wand from Enchanting or Questing before resorting to the AH, where prices can sometimes be very steep for basic equipment like this at the start of a launch.

Level Enchanting

The best way to secure a low level wand in World of Warcraft Classic is through Enchanting. There are two options here: Become an enchanter (which we recommend for cloth wearers in our Classic Profession guide) or seek out an enchanter. Enchanters are able to craft the lowest level want at Enchanting skill 10, which is very easy to get to.

World of Warcraft Classic: Best Professions For Each Class

World of Warcraft Classic players who want to pair their class with the most beneficial profession should use this guide to find the best match.

If you go the route of becoming an enchanter yourself, you’ll first need to visit a city to pick up the skill and start leveling up. The easiest way to do this is to pair the profession with tailoring, collect a ton of linen, and then make the lowest level green item you can and disenchant it.

This will allow players to level up to Enchanting 10 very quickly with pretty much just linen cloth and some thread. At that point, pick up the Simple Wood and craft your first wand!

Complete Quests To Earn A Wand

You can also get a Wand in WoW Classic by completing certain quests. Though you won’t find any quests that reward Wands in the starting zones in WoW, Wands can be acquired from just about every secondary zone in the game for both Factions.

For example, in Westfall, completing a series of quests at the lighthouse in the far southwest of the zone rewards an early Wand for Alliance players. For Horde players, the quest “Isha Awak” in The Barrens rewards the Branding Rod, a Wand for Level 19 characters.

The downside to not taking Enchanting or using the services of an Enchanter is that you have to wait a long time to get your first wand. Most classes can get by just fine without one in the early leveling stages of WoW Classic, but Wands make caster rotations significantly simpler and use less mana while dealing more damage.

Try Trade Chat Or The Auction House

Players who don’t want to go the Enchanting route themselves just need to find a friendly Enchanter willing to help out. Type /2 to enter Trade Chat in one of the capital cities, and offer a modest tip or your own materials for a wand, and you should be able to find a friendly Enchanter in no time.

Many users are currently leveling up their professions and are happy to offer their services without a big profit margin right now, as crafting an item using someone else’s materials still grants a Skill Up to the crafter.

If you can’t find someone in Trade chat, try the Auction House, though you will have to spend your Gold to get one via this method. The Lesser Magic Wand is the first one you can purchase, and goes for around 10s on most servers (though it can really depend on the demand and number of Enchanters listing them).

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