How To Find All The Royale Invitations In MySims Kingdom

How To Find All The Royale Invitations In MySims Kingdom
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Looking to kick off your royal journey in MySims Kingdom? Buddy’s first task, finding the scattered Royal Invitations, is your introduction to the game. These pieces of paper are hidden around the starting area, giving you a taste of treasure hunting while you get familiar with the controls. With a mix of easy-to-spot locations and cleverly tucked-away spots, this quest sets the tone for the adventures ahead.

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If you’re scratching your head wondering where they all might be, don’t worry — this guide has you covered. Prepare to hunt down every invitation like the future kingdom builder you are. Let’s dive in and get those scrolls.

How To Find All The Royale Invitations

The first task Buddy gives you is to locate all the scattered Royal Invitations. These papers are scattered around the starting area, and collecting them is a straightforward introduction to the game’s mechanics. Here’s where to find them all.

To collect them, walk up to the invitation and press ‘A’.

Invitation #

Location Description



Slightly left in front of the starting location. It’ll be near a red mushroom.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom


Left of the castle on a small hill. There will be a wooden table to the left of it.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (2)


Towards the back wall of the castle on the left.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (3)


In the mushroom garden left of the castle walls. You’ll enter a fenced area to get to here.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (4)


To the right of the pigs in the mud.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (5)


On the hill past the pigs; jump (press X) to reach it.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (6)


On the same hill as #6; to the left

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (7)


Left of the path, tucked between two rocks. There are blue mushrooms and cattails growing nearby.

Royale Inivtation location in MySims Kingdom (8)

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