How To Build The Flower Stand In MySims

How To Build The Flower Stand In MySims

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In MySims, every task is a chance to brighten your town and bring out your inner designer. Poppy, the flower-loving Sim, is counting on you to craft a flower stand for her shop. While the process is straightforward, there are a few tips and tricks to ensure you really nail this project.

MySims: Essence, Explained

We explain what Essences are and how to collect them in MySims.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make Poppy’s floral dream a reality. Ready to roll up your sleeves and sprinkle some Happy Essences around? Maybe allow your creativity to blossom? Here is the info you’ll need.

How To Build The Flower Stand


As you interact with Poppy, she will eventually ask for your help in building her a flower stand. This task is straightforward but requires a few steps to complete. To begin, you’ll need to collect two Happy Essences. These are obtained by selecting the ‘be nice’ interaction with other Sims in the game.

Spooky Sims will not provide Happy Essences, so focus on engaging with other types of Sims to gather the materials you need.

Once you’ve collected the required essences, head to your workshop and select the task from the option menu.

The flower stand construction requires various shapes of rectangles. As you work, you’ll notice that the pieces you need are highlighted in green, making it easier to identify them. It’s a good idea to enable snapping mode by pressing the up button. This will help you position the pieces correctly and with minimal effort.

To rotate a piece, flick the left joycon up or down. You’ll need to do this for a few of the pieces.

Once you’ve done that, use the paint tool to apply the Happy Essences to the flower stand. To meet the task requirements, make sure you paint at least two of the rectangles using the essences. This adds the cheerful touch that Poppy is looking for. Once the stand is painted to your satisfaction, save your progress by pressing the ‘+’ button.

Clicking the same rectangle multiple times lets you cycle through and choose your desired Happy Essence pattern.

How To Give Poppy The Flower Stand


With the flower stand complete, take it to Poppy’s shop for delivery. Use the gift interaction to present it to her. Open your backpack, select the flower stand, and find an appropriate place inside her shop to position it. Once the stand is placed, the task will be marked as complete.


As a reward for your efforts, Poppy will give you a table blueprint, which you can use to craft additional furniture in your workshop.

MySims: 9 Beginner Tips

Here’s what you need to know to get started in MySims.

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