Hogwarts Legacy 2 Could Make Harry Potter’s Most Obscure Classes Shine

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Could Make Harry Potter's Most Obscure Classes Shine

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With the confirmation of a sequel on the way, Hogwarts Legacy has the chance to expand upon many of its existing features. Though it would always be interesting to see what new non-canonical additions Avalanche Software and Warner Bros. Games can create, Hogwarts Legacy should look to the Harry Potter books for inspiration.

Though the Harry Potter franchise has a vast amount of material, focusing on underutilized aspects of Hogwarts and its schooling would add to fun gameplay. Hogwarts Legacy already includes several classes and school subjects in its games, but a few niche subjects from the series didn’t make the game’s cut.

Why Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Double Down on the First Game’s Fantastic Beasts Aspects

Hogwarts Legacy had a plethora of interesting creatures, but there’s a lot left unexplored in the magical world of Harry Potter.

Classes that are Included in Hogwarts Legacy

The classes available in the first Hogwarts Legacy game are Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, Beasts, and Flying. The names of a couple of these classes have been changed or added for brevity, notably the Beasts and Flying courses. Flying classes are only shown briefly in the first Harry Potter title, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and the true canonical name of the Beasts class is Care of Magical Creatures.

The gameplay for classes is fairly simple. Classes will be introduced as a main quest and typically feature a required level. Some classes, like Charms, have a lower barrier to entry at level one, whereas players must be level sixteen to take on Astronomy. The lower level classes are at this stage due to the abilities and gameplay features they unlock that are necessary to progress through Hogwarts Legacy. For example, players unlock the Accio spell upon completing the Charms class and Levioso after completing Defense Against the Dark Arts.

All the classes included in Hogwarts Legacy are necessary for gameplay in some way. Therefore, it would be unsurprising to see Hogwarts Legacy’s sequel use this same kind of class gameplay to unlock spells and other forms of magic. However, players may find the inclusion of Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and so forth, repetitive. To stifle this recycled feeling, Hogwarts Legacy’s sequel should look at the Harry Potter franchise’s more obscure subjects.

Hogwarts Legacy’s Sequel Should Add These Classes for More Depth

There’s a clear gateway for these niche subjects to be included in Hogwarts Legacy. The game surprisingly included History of Magic, which is more obscure compared to the other subjects the game chose to include. Though the class may have only been added as a side quest, it presents an interesting opportunity for Hogwarts Legacy to include other text-based classes in its next installment.

History of Magic helps establish some of Hogwarts Legacy’s lore, which takes place in the 1890s, about a hundred years before Harry Potter’s main storyline and the Battle of Hogwarts. Because the course helps establish the magical world, including Muggle Studies as a way to establish the ins and outs of the Muggle world during Hogwarts Legacy’s time period could add a bit of realism to the game.

Additionally, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy are magical courses that have yet to be added to Hogwarts Legacy. These courses are mentioned in passing several times throughout the original Harry Potter series as electives Hermione Granger takes. Though the spellwork for these subjects may not be as magical as using a wand, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy are based on the real-world rites of the runic alphabet and numerology.

Perhaps an Ancient Rune quest could unlock a runic alphabet that players would have to use to solve a puzzle in the sequel. The same could be done in a hypothetical Arithmancy course, where players are taught how to do number puzzles before facing one head-on to unlock crucial aspects of the sequel’s gameplay. In fact, Hogwarts Legacy has technically used an Arithmany puzzle previously, proving that there are many ways that Avalanche Software could bring these subjects into Hogwarts Legacy’s sequel. Until Hogwarts Legacy’s sequel is released, players will have to dig through the Harry Potter franchise to scrounge up more information about these niche magical subjects.

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