While exploring the wonders of Throne and Liberty, your adorable and ever-present companions are Amitoi. Besides a cute appearance, they can collect resources and keep you in good health. There are over one hundred Amitoi to unlock, although some will take more effort than others.

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Many Amitoi can be acquired just by playing Throne and Liberty normally, whether found in the world or through quest rewards. We’ll cover the Amitoi you can pick up without an extra grind, either in early game progression or found during other activities.
8 Forest Sapling Grover
This friendly forest familiar is the easiest Amitoi to obtain. You’ll get to bring them along on your adventures after the first chapter. They can be found in your roster after a cut scene with Helpie.
The time to complete the chapter can vary, but focus on story progression, and you’ll have a new friend within a few hours.
With just how early you unlock the Forest Sappling Grover it’s likely to be your first, but certainly not the last. The lovable Sapling is just one of many Amitoi you’ll come across.
7 Thieving Nick
Now that your Amitoi hunting journey is started, Thieving Nick is the first to focus on. This is because the quest Meeting A Friend In The Field introduces the NPC necessary to unlock more Amitoi. Without access to the tailor in Kastleton, your collecting will be on hold.
You’ll need to go to Urstella Fields and look for a doll. It’s by a carriage that’s seen better days near the Starlight Observatory. You’ll also fight a monster and learn from Ashien where you can look for a tailor to help you. Once you’re finished at Kastleton Inn you’ll have Thieving Nick to show for it, and can go looking for more Amitoi.
6 Snow White Cutie Yeddy
The Nesting Grounds offer a variety of floating companions for you to find, including the Snow White Cutie Yeddy. This friendly snow-complexion Amitoi is one of the many you unlock by completing a quest or codex, this time it’s Little Friend in the Sky.
Because Meeting a Friend in the Field must be completed first in the same area, the Yeddy is the perfect Amitoi to get next.
The quest is started by finding a letter. Search near the Starlight Observatory Ruins, and you’re sure to locate it. Following each step will lead you to an encounter with the Gigantrite. You’ll earn your Snow White Cutie Yeddy during your ride in the sky.
5 Soft Nest Hawthorne
Finding Soft Nest Hawthorne will require more of your time, as you’ll need to be level 20 to start. Thankfully, following the story can get you there quickly without grinding experience. Unlocking the Amitoi requires completing the dynamic event Lantern Seed Festival.
You’ll need to be in the Nesting Grounds during one of the starting times to join the event. You can check when dynamic events are open on the world map to know when you should head there. Just enjoy the fun and the dance and your new Amitoi will be claimable after the event.
4 Trainee Ossic
Heading into Carmine Forest can net you another entry in your roster of Amitoi, Trainee Ossic. Poking around Old Goblin Town will let you find and start the quest Little Friend in the Box. You just need to track down a chest in the ruins, and you’ll be on your way.
The only difficulty is getting things unstuck from webs then fighting spiders until you get the required key. Brush off any cobwebs you picked up and you can go unlock the chest in Old Goblin Town. Just bring Tailor Noan the doll inside and you’ll have a new friend.
3 Vagabond Percy
Checking Vagabond Percy off your list is a walk in the park, or in this case, it’s a walk in Kastleton. All that’s needed is completing A Small But Mighty Companion to get a dashing penguin-like Amitoi.
The codex is one of the simpler errands to handle, just find Pro Adventurer Percy near a familiar statue, and you’re nearly done. There are no lengthy sidetracks here, you can start traveling with your new buddy in no time at all.
2 Wandering Youth Gneiss
Finding yourself a gneiss-looking new ally is easy while multitasking quests and collection. The Wandering Youth Gneiss is a possible drop when mining, specifically, when mining Moonstone or Marind Ore. Just collecting materials gets you closer to a new Amitoi.

Throne And Liberty: Where To Mine Moonstone And Marind Ore
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You can take trips through mining rotations until you force the drop, although that can be fatiguing. Instead, keeping an eye on the minimap while traveling can avoid a dedicated grind. Anytime you’re on the Gigantrite is a great time to check as ore can be found there.
1 Prankster Joker
This colorful comedian is obtained through yet another world quest, this time found in the Abandoned Stonemason Town. To find the doll that’s soon to be a new friend, you’ll need to head to the Old Chapel. Once there, take a look to the south, and you can get started.
As with many codex quests you can stumble across, you’ll be doing some walking and collecting. After locating the Discarded Doll you will need to defeat Mandrakes and find a mana stone. The stone can be found north of the ruins, then return, and you’ll have Prankster Joker to go on adventures with.
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