Best Powers In Supervive

Best Powers In Supervive

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Key Takeaways

  • Powers in Supervive can be passive or active, with varying uses and rarities such as White, Green, Blue, and Purple.
  • Some Powers like Delicate Barrier provide damage reduction, Glider Jet offers speed boosts, and Fixer enables free repairs.
  • Tactical Nuke deals massive damage in an area, Sand Wall blocks projectiles, Mortar deals ranged damage on a short cooldown.

In Supervive, players will typically deal damage and achieve victory with their unique Hunter abilities and attacks. However, every Hunter is also able to equip two additional abilities, known as Powers. These Powers can be found primarily in Vaults, which must be cracked, or they can be looted from some monsters, bosses, and other players’ death boxes. On that note, players should beware that they will lose their Powers if they die and don’t have access to their own death box.

Supervive: Best Beginner Hunters

The following Hunters are best for beginners in Supervive, due to their more simple abilities and playstyles.

Powers are either passive or active abilities, and their uses can vary greatly. While some Powers are all about dealing more damage, others are defensive or offer stealth, ways to acquire gold and much more. Powers come in 4 levels of rarity, these being White, Green, Blue, and Purple. Naturally, many of the best Powers in Supervive belong to the rare Purple tier, but there are plenty of great Green and Blue Powers too. The Power slots can also be used for Exotics, which are a Red tier earned in different ways.

6 Delicate Barrier – Passive

Take Less Damage When On Full Health

Supervive Delicate Barrier Power

The problem with some Powers, especially for beginners in Supervive, is that they can be too overwhelming to use alongside all the Hunter’s abilities. Often, these powers get forgotten about, which is why some passive Powers can be considered strong. Delicate Barrier is one of these. At full health, take 50% reduced damage. Lingers for 0.5s after taking damage.

While players won’t notice this Power too much in combat, the damage reduction is invaluable, especially for squishy targets. It essentially prevents them from getting one shot. Delicate Barrier is particularly valuable if players have a healer on their team, or Omnivamp to heal back up. By reaching max health again, the shield will be enabled.

5 Glider Jet – Active

Boost While Gliding

Supervive Glider Jet Power

  • Cooldown: 8s for each of the 3 charges.

Traversing around the map is an important aspect of Supervive, and gliding is at the forefront of this. Often, though, players will feel like they could do with a boost, and that is exactly what the Glider Jet does. Activate while gliding to fire up a speedboost for your glider and deal 100 damage to enemies behind you.

Importantly, there are three charges for this boost, allowing players to travel much further and quickly get away from fights or out of the storm. The damage is fairly minimal, and will rarely come into use, but if enemies try to glide, even this small amount of damage will Spike them.

4 Fixer – Passive

Picking Up Basecamps & Repairing Beacons Is Free

Supervive Fixer Power

Not all Powers are about combat in this Battle Royale game, and the Fixer is easily one of the most useful. With it, picking up basecamps and repairing beacons is fast and free. The basecamp aspect of this allows players to deploy their camp to a new location inside the safe zone, granting them access to heals, armor repairs, and some vision. This is an underutilized mechanic for late-game situations, in part because of the associated cost, which is alleviated by the Fixer Power.

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Players with the Fixer Power can also look out for greyed-out Respawn Beacons that would usually cost a lot of gold to repair before they can be used. This can allow them to respawn allies in situations where they usually could not.

3 Mortar – Active

Deal Damage From Distance On A Short Cooldown

Supervive Mortar Power

Compared with the Tactical Nuke, the Mortar doesn’t boast anywhere near as much damage and the area of damage is smaller too. However, its incredibly short cooldown makes it one of the best Supervive Powers. The description for Mortar reads as follows: Press and hold to fire a Mortar that detonates after 1.8s and travels up to 5000 range, dealing 750 explosive damage to enemies in the area.

The important thing is to press and hold and then move the cursor. When players first use the Mortar, they will likely only press it, which will cause the Mortar to drop on their own head. The Mortar can be used in the back line while allies fight up front, or players can use it on objectives such as Respawn Beacons and Vaults where they know the enemy to be. It can be great alongside long-range vision granted by any means. Players could even use a Mortar to farm monsters in Supervive.

2 Sand Wall – Active

Block Projectiles & Push Back Enemies

Supervive Sand Wall Power

The Sand Wall Power is similar to Celeste’s Q as it is a moving wall that blocks projectiles. Its description reads as follows: Create a wall of sand that blocks projectiles and lasts 3s. Enemies hit by the wall are knocked back and slowed by 35% for 0.9s.

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This makes the Sand Wall great for escapes, especially into the Abyss where players would usually be in danger of getting Spiked. It can also be used in choke points or cast when a Hunter such as Myth uses her ult and has 6s to fire off long-range arrows. The small knockback and slow also help when being chased.

1 Tactical Nuke – Active

Deal Massive Damage To EVERYTHING In An Area

Supervive Tactical Nuke Power

It is easy to see why a Tactical Nuke would be considered one of the best Powers in Supervive. Its ability description reads as follows: Target a location to call down a nuke that detonates after 5s, dealing 5000 damage to everything in the area, and leaves behind a fire zone that deals 720 per second for 3s.

While enemies do have 5 seconds to escape, the nuke’s area of damage is rather large, and if players can trap an enemy team somewhere, they won’t last long. Naturally, the Tactical Nuke is great in late-game situations when the zone is small, but with a long cooldown of 2 minutes, players will want to pick their moment carefully, while also trying to avoid allies. The nuke will even destroy Respawn Beacons, which can be good if the enemy wants to use one.

Supervive Tag Page Cover Art

Theorycraft Games

Early Access Release
November 20, 2024

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