All Supervive Twitch drops and how to claim

All Supervive Twitch drops and how to claim
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What are the latest Supervive Twitch drop rewards? Sure, playing games is all about the content, the mechanics, and the gameplay. However, customization is still one of the most popular aspects of a video game for a reason: we just love to kit our characters and surroundings out with items that best express us.

MOBAs are understandably not immune to this – as much as you want a player character to suit you, weapons, emotes, loading screens, and skins all define us as players too. You can express yourself in Supervive with unique Wisps, emotes, and sprays, and they’re always better when they’re free and exclusive, like these Twitch drops for the multiplayer game. So, to celebrate the current Supervive open beta, read on to learn how to claim Supervive Twitch drops for yourself.

Supervive Twitch drops

The current Supervive Twitch drops campaign runs until Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm GMT to celebrate the release of the latest open beta.

Since this beta is open to all, there is no need for an invite – you can just download and jump in to the latest free-to-play game. Whether you’re keen to get involved or you’re waiting for the full release, these Twitch drops will be waiting for you in-game when the official launch rolls around, provided you follow the steps to claim them below.

Two of the three Supervive Twitch drops, both featuring a small horned creature, Vivepup.

Supervive Twitch drops rewards

Here are the current Supervive Twitch drop rewards and their required watch time:

Reward Watch time
Deep Sleep Spray Two hours
Vivepup Panic Emote Four hours

There is a third Supervive Twitch drops reward this campaign: the ‘Spinny The Chair’ Wisp. However, this reward can only be claimed by purchasing a new, recurring, or gift subscription to one of the participating Twitch channels. You can see if the channel you’re watching has the campaign enabled by looking for the notification at the top of the chat box.

How to claim Supervive Twitch drops

To claim your Supervive Twitch drops, you must first link your Supervive Theorycraft account with your Twitch account by following these steps:

  • Head to the official Supervive Twitch drops site.
  • Scroll down to the Activate Twitch drops section.
  • Click the first box to login to your Theorycraft account.
  • Then, hit the second box to link your Twitch and Supervive accounts.
  • Watch participating channels for the required watch time.
  • Make sure you claim the rewards in your Twitch inventory.
  • Find your rewards in-game!

Now you can express yourself in-game using your new Supervive Twitch drops cosmetics, but they’re not going to win you the game. For that, you should get to know the best Supervive hunters in the MOBA game. Then, once the open beta is over, spend your time in some of our other favorite free PC games while you wait for the full launch.

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