Cyberpunk 2077 provides players with an expansive arsenal of weapons, and the best Assault Rifles are quite expansive. With over 16 Iconic Assault Rifles in Cyberpunk 2077, players across the base game and Phantom Liberty can become rich with weapons, and Assault Rifles can easily provide players with the firepower they need to fight the toughest bosses and become a Night City Legend.

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The best Assault Rifles in Cyberpunk 2077 extend across the plethora of Iconic weapons, and there are a few ways to obtain them. With so many to choose from, players might want to know which ones are worth V’s Stash, and which ones are worth using against those who certainly are not chooms.
11 Umbra x-MOD2
More Modifications than Other Iconic Assault Rifles
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
11 |
Damage |
37 |
Reload Speed |
1.6 |
Effective Range |
36 |
Weapon Handling |
8.0 |
Magazine Size |
30 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
A special version of the weapon capable of additional modification. Optimized design also allows for improved handling. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Umbra x-MOD2: Found inside the Wild Blue hotel at Terra Cognita (Phantom Liberty)
The Umbra x-MOD2 is a tad unusual. To start, it’s a weapon that can seemingly only be obtained via an exploit. Secondly, despite being an Iconic Assault Rifle, there isn’t much to it. The Umbra x-MOD 2 has a few more attachments than some other guns, but the way it fires and the effects it has really don’t amount to anything worth keeping hold of.
10 Psalm 11:6
Fire Explosive Rounds to Burn Enemies
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
11 |
Damage |
30 |
Reload Speed |
1.6 |
Effective Range |
30 |
Weapon Handling |
6.7 |
Magazine Size |
50 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Fires explosive rounds. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Psalm 11:6: Crafted after defeating Tom Ayer in the Suspected Organized Crime Activity Just Say No in Richmond Street, Northside, Watson.
A weapon named after a passage from the Bible, Psalm 11:6 will reign coals on the wicked, quite literally. Psalm 11:6 has explosive ammo that has a 30% chance to burn enemies, igniting them in a sinner’s flame. While the fire damage isn’t all that impressive, the 50 rounds in a magazine are, so it’s a fairly competent weapon to use.
9 Kyubi x-MOD2
Great Headshot Damage and Attachment Selection
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
5.0 |
Damage |
71 |
Reload Speed |
1.9 |
Effective Range |
63 |
Weapon Handling |
7.8 |
Magazine Size |
16 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
A special version of the weapon capable of additional modification. Optimized design also allows for improved handling. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Kyubi x-MOD2: Found underwater in the pit across from the Golden Pacific Data Term in Dogtown (Phantom Liberty)
The Kyubi x-MOD2 is a semi-auto Assault Rifle that sees an advantage from its fire rate due to how it has more controlled handling and recoil. With this weapon, comes a few mod slots that can be used to find even more advantages when using the Kyubi x-MOD2, but the real show stealer is the improved headshot damage multiplier.
8 Pit Bull
Increase Movement Speed and Damage with Every Kill
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
7.5 |
Damage |
66 |
Reload Speed |
1.8 |
Effective Range |
30 |
Weapon Handling |
5.5 |
Magazine Size |
20 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Gain increased movement speed on kills and dismemberment. The faster you move, the more damage you deal. BARGHEST weapons also gain increased Armor Penetration. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Pit Bull: Random reward from Airdrops or through Amazon Prime Gaming from October 26, 2023–November 29, 2023. (Phantom Liberty)
Pit Bull is one of the best Assault Rifles, but it’s sadly locked behind RNG and a now-disabled Amazon Prime Gaming deal. As for the weapon itself, it certainly has the bite of a wild dog with how fast it can make players move, and how lethal players who wield it can be. Every kill increases Movement Speed and Damage by 4%, stacking to a total of 25% for 6 seconds. On top of that, players also have a great deal of Armor Penetration to take out pesky foes.

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7 Chinook
Increase Movement Speed and Damage After Rapid Kills
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
5.9 |
Damage |
74 |
Reload Speed |
1.8 |
Effective Range |
49 |
Weapon Handling |
7.6 |
Magazine Size |
20 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Gain increased movement speed on kills and dismemberment. The faster you move, the more damage you deal. BARGHEST weapons also gain increased Armor Penetration. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Chinook: Random reward from Airdrops or through Amazon Prime Gaming from December 27, 2023–January 24, 2024. (Phantom Liberty)
Behaving identically to Pit Bull, the Chinook provides the same bonuses in terms of Movement Speed and Damage and can be obtained through the same methods of a random Airdrop reward. The Chinook slightly beats the competition on its core stats, but it’s still a weapon that most players might not be able to obtain due to RNG.
6 Divided We Stand
Unleash Gas Clouds of Death Upon Multiple Enemies
Type |
Smart |
Attack Speed |
10 |
Damage |
8.7 |
Reload Speed |
1.5 |
Effective Range |
30 |
Weapon Handling |
3.6 |
Magazine Size |
30 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Smart-target up to five enemies simultaneously, though at the cost of accuracy. Bullets may cause Chemical explosions that apply heavy Poison effects. Rounds deal increased damage, but have a chance to lose target-lock and miss. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Divided We Stand: Beat Walker’s score or fight the 6th Street members during Stadium Love.
Divided We Stand is a proud achievement for those who bested 6th Street’s shooting competition in Santo Domingo, and it’s fairly good. It’s a Smart Weapon, so players need a Smart Link to see this gun work its magic. Thanks to its high-round capacity, Divided We Stand will shoot multiple enemies at once and perhaps even provide a Chemical burst to provide Poison to those within. However, losing lock-on and only a 6.6% chance for a Poison explosion makes it a tad underwhelming.
5 Moron Labe
Dismember Enemies with Ease and Obtain Faster Fire Rates and Crit Damage
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
7.5 |
Damage |
40 |
Reload Speed |
1.8 |
Effective Range |
42 |
Weapon Handling |
7.3 |
Magazine Size |
30 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Dismembering increases your Crit Chance against an enemy. Your fire rate is uneven, hindering your aim. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Moron Labe: Crafted after defeating Anton Kolev in the Suspected Organized Crime Activity in West Wind Estate, Pacifica.
The Moron Labe Assault Rifle is pretty brutal, and those who enjoy something with a sadistic nature will certainly want to pick up this gun. Moron Labe has a 400% increased chance to dismember enemies, leaving them limbless and fighting for their short lives. Every dismemberment with Moron Labe increases its Crit Chance by 5% and reduces the attack speed by 5% for 10 seconds with a 5x stack, applying great buffs for the sadists out there.
4 Carmen
Better Handling While Moving and Increase Crit Chance on Limbs
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
13 |
Damage |
30 |
Reload Speed |
1.6 |
Effective Range |
30 |
Weapon Handling |
7.2 |
Magazine Size |
40 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Shots to limbs have an increased Crit Chance. Weapon handling is improved while running, jumping or sliding and simultaneously increases damage and Bleeding. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Carmen: Help Paco Torres in Balls to the Wall (Phantom Liberty)
Carmen is a wildfire weapon that for some, might be a tad too fast and fierce to work for them effectively. Carmen requires players to be on the move, improving the gun’s handling by 60% and the damage by 10%, so it’s best used when players like to stay on their feet or air dash around like there’s no tomorrow to really see this gun work its magic.

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3 Prejudice
Recieve Bonus Crit Damage and Infinite Ammo When Used with Pride
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
4.0 |
Damage |
58 |
Reload Speed |
2.4 |
Effective Range |
48 |
Weapon Handling |
8.6 |
Magazine Size |
18 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Neutralizing enemies with the Pride temporarily stops ammo use while shooting from the Prejudice. The first shot is always a Crit and fire rate is greatly increased when your Health is low. Increases damage against Elite enemies. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Prejudice: Found in the Afterlife in For Whom the Bell Tolls, the Main Job that triggers if V lets Johnny take their body in Nocturne Op55N1.
Prejudice is a brilliant Assault Rifle thanks to its modifier and already great stats, but it’s made one of the best if combined with Pride, which is Rogue’s Pistol that can be obtained during a fight with Adam Smasher in the finale to the main game. Pride and Prejudice work wonders together, and using Pride first and then switching to Prejudice will provide bonus damage to enemies unlucky enough to witness the power of the combined forces of this Pistol and Assault Rifle.
2 Hawk
Great Headshot Potential and Completely Immobilizes Enemies
Type |
Power |
Attack Speed |
5.0 |
Damage |
63 |
Reload Speed |
1.8 |
Effective Range |
68 |
Weapon Handling |
7.0 |
Magazine Size |
16 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
Headshots temporarily weaken and mark enemies. In this weakened state, enemies move slower, cannot use abilities, deal less damage and are more prone to losing their balance. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Hawk: Picked up from Rosalind Myers after leaving for the Kress Street Hideout in Lucretia My Reflection (Phantom Liberty)
The Hawk is a near-perfect weapon, and the fact that it was handled by the NUSA President makes it even more worth grabbing. Hawk has great stats, and the only downside comes from its low ammo count, but that’s easily made up for thanks to how Hawk will mark and weaken enemies shot by it for 15 seconds, providing them with slower speeds, the inability to use abilities, and a reduction of their total damage to make them all weakened and ready for death at V’s hand.
1 Hercules 3AX
A Prototype Assault Rifle That Fires Explosive Chemical Damage Without a Smart Link
Type |
Smart |
Attack Speed |
10 |
Damage |
32 |
Reload Speed |
3.3 |
Effective Range |
42 |
Weapon Handling |
8.8 |
Magazine Size |
90 |
Effects |
Iconic Modifier |
From hipfire, projectiles have a curved trajectory. While aiming, projectiles track enemies. This weapon does not require Smart Link Cyberware to use. Has a chance to severely Poison enemies. Poisoned enemies are more susceptible to Crit Damage. Neutralizing an enemy causes them to explode and leave a pool of acid. |
Attachment Slots |
- How to Get Hercules 3AX: Found within the shooting range of the Nighthawks Rehabilitation Center only in the Road to Redemption mission (Phantom Liberty)
The Hercules 3AX is a true beast with hardly any competition for the role of the best Assault Rifle in Cyberpunk 2077. With a whopping magazine size of 90, the Hercules 3AX will shred any choom, especially since it’s a Smart Assault Rifle that doesn’t even need a Smart Link Cyberware piece. The weapon’s affinity for Chemical damage and Poison makes it a true toxic fright for those facing the barrel.

- Released
- December 10, 2020
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