Genshim Impact has many things going for it that make it one of the most beloved RPGs in the world. Its gorgeous world, the immersive storylines, and the lovable characters are all part of the charm, but a huge focus is also put on the easy-to-grasp combat and the various characters you can use to make different and engaging team compositions!

Genshin Impact: Every Bow User in The Game
Genshin Impact is all about creating party synergy with abilities. These bow users offer great utility and some are even free!
While teams like Raiden Hypercarry or Childe International can be fun to play and extremely strong, if you’ve been playing for a while, you might want to try something new. Here are the best, weirdest off-meta Genshin teams that aren’t mere memes!
8 DPS Kokomi
Everyone Buffs Everyone
Sangonomiya Kokomi herself deals a moderate amount of damage, but it’s never been enough to justify a Mono-Hydro team. There have been teams like Taser or a Kokomi Hyperbloom team that make good use of her being the active character, but she’s not exactly the best, or even a needed character for said teams.
However, with the release of Furina, Kokomi has found a team where she’s not merely preferred, but is a necessity! This would be a Kokomi-Furina-Xingqiu-Yelan team that focuses on dealing absurd amounts of raw Hydro damage.
This team only works with these specific characters. Changing any single one can ruin the synergy.
Kokomi serves to keep the team alive and pairs with Furina’s Fanfare stacks to buff both on-field and off-field characters, increasing the damage of all four members in the team. Xingqiu is an added defensive option that provides DMG RES and resistance to interruption while also shredding the Hydro RES of enemies, once more increasing the entire team’s damage.
Yelan serves as one of the big damage dealers in the team, but she also buffs Kokomi, the on-fielder, to deal more damage. This is one of the more comfortable teams to play despite its weirdness, and deals enough damage to hold its own against the meta!
7 Mualani – Yoimiya
Yoimiya’s Burst Is Useful!
This isn’t exactly an entire team, but it’s something worth talking about anyway. Mualani struggles with having good off-field Pyro options that can keep up with her Shark Bites, with
Xiangling being the only good option in the game currently. However, since Xiangling is needed by many other teams as well, putting her in purely as a support might not be a good idea.

Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Mualani
Learn all the pro tips to play as Mualani in Genshin Impact!
On the other side of the equation, Yoimiya‘s Elemental Burst is not good. The damage isn’t great, and it interferes with Yoimiya’s Elemental Reactions. However, using Yoimiya as a full Energy Recharge support for Mualani works perfectly! Each time Mualani triggers a Shark Bite, Yoimiya’s Burst triggers to reapply Pyro, which can then help with another Shark Bite, and rinse and repeat!
6 Healerbloom
Lots Of Comfort, Lots Of Damage
If you’re a casual player who wants to defeat enemies without giving enough attention to dodging enemy attacks to survive, or if you just hate seeing your HP fall low, a team made entirely of healers is not only possible, but also competitive!
Putting a Cryo in a Hyperbloom or Bloom core can create a Fridge team, having the benefits of both Dendro’s DMG and Cryo’s Freeze mechanic.
This team works due to the Hyperbloom reaction not needing huge scalings to beat endgame content. You can use Kokomi or Barbara to apply hydro,
Kuki Shinobu to trigger Hyperblooms, either Baizhu or
Yaoyao as the Dendro slot, and then either a second Hydro or a Dendro from the previously mentioned ones!
5 Ganyu Burnmelt
Arson And Icicles
Ganyu Burnmelt is one of the more popular teams on this list, but it certainly doesn’t make the interaction any less weird. The team uses a specific property of
Nahida‘s Tri-Karma Purification to repeatedly apply the Burning aura on the enemy. This lets Ganyu Melt each of her Charged Attacks from any distance, letting her safely stay within
Bennett‘s Burst.

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Nahida
Whether looking to make Nahida a DPS or Support, these are the best weapons you can equip her with.
To begin with, Ganyu’s kit is geared towards a Freeze playstyle. Using Melt Ganyu is already going against the game, but using the Burning Reaction as a source for consistent Pyro due to a niche interaction with Nahida’s E Skill makes it one of the weirdest teams for Ganyu. Funnily enough, this is also one of the best Ganyu teams in terms of DPS!
4 Sunfire Jean
Warm Winds Coming South
Another popular team, Sunfire Jean uses a special interaction between Bennett and Jean to apply Pyro very quickly to enemies. Bennett applies Pyro to himself while Jean’s Burst repeatedly clears it and Swirls it, making this core the fastest Pyro application in the game.
Jean can replace Xiangling in a Childe International team with somewhat decent results due to the Sunfire mechanic.
For the rest of the team, you can either go an Overload route with Fischl, or a Reverse Melt team using either Ganyu or Ayaka. In the Ayaka team especially, this lets her Melt every hit of her Burst, making it one of the best speedrunning teams in Genshin Impact!
3 Ocean Hued Clam Dehya
Grab A Cup Of Coffee While You Wait
Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly a good team. Maybe this isn’t a team at all. However, even though it can’t defeat enemies quickly, the AFK Dehya Ocean Hued Clam team can beat any content in the game without you ever doing anything yourself. If, for whatever reason, you’ve always wanted to play Genshin Impact without playing it, this team is perfect for you!
The team works by stacking Dehya with lots of HP and The Bell for additional HP and a shield. Then, you put an Ocean Hued Clam set on her for damage and put two Hydro teammates with her for the bonus HP from Hydro Resonance. Since Dehya now automatically heals around 25k+ HP every 20 seconds, she triggers the full damage of OHC each time, which is just about enough to defeat any enemy in the game, so long as you have the patience for it.
2 Hu Tao – Ayaka Melt
Melt Enemies, Literally
Hu Tao is a Pyro DPS that needs field time.
Kamisato Ayaka is a Cryo DPS that needs field time. Usually, a team like this can never work. However, one specific thing about Ayaka’s Elemental Burst makes her the single best Hu Tao teammate for Genshin speedruns specifically.

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Hu Tao
The funeral director can be deadly with any of these weapons.
Ayaka’s Burst has the fastest Cryo application of any unit in the game, letting Hu Tao Melt all her hits in a short amount of time by dash canceling her attacks. If you can end the enemy in a single rotation, this has the highest DPS of any of Hu Tao and Ayaka’s individual teams!
1 Thundering Furry
Rainbow Damage Razor
Razor is an Electro Character that deals mostly Physical damage. However, in this team, Razor does Pyro and Dendro AOE damage instead. While this may seem like a meme build at first, there are a number of specific interactions that make this team absurdly strong. The team has either Nahida or Dendro Traveller apply enough Dendro for Xingqiu to create Blooms. Then, Bennett’s C6 lets Razor perform Pyro attacks inside the Fantastic Voyage circle to trigger Burgeons.
Razor’s Burst doesn’t overtake his Pyro infusion from Bennett’s Burst. Instead, it deals the Electro damage after the attack has hit, ensuring Hyperbloom is not triggered accidentally.
This works extremely well because it solves Burgeon’s biggest problem. Usually, it’s very easy for Burning to overtake the Dendro Aura, stopping you from triggering Blooms. Razor’s Burst works against this by dealing a second instance of Electro DMG to chip away at the Burning to cause Overload, letting you consistently Bloom your hits.
Additionally, both Bennett and Razor apply Pyro and Electro respectively to themselves, repeatedly dealing Overload damage to enemies nearby. Since you’re building Razor full EM anyway, this damage is significant enough to be an advantage despite Overloaded not being a very good reaction. Thundering Furry might not use the Thundering Fury set, but it’s one of, if not the best Burgeon team in Genshin Impact.
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