The Veilguard – Worst Rogue Skills You Should Avoid

The Veilguard – Worst Rogue Skills You Should Avoid
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Key Takeaways

  • Unending Quiver and Poisonous Precision skills are avoidable for Rogue players in Dragon Age due to being less valuable.
  • Explosive Trap ability and A Timely Defense upgrade are considered weak for Rogues in the Veilguard.
  • Triple Threat skill may not be worth it for increasing ability damage as it requires abilities of different types, potentially limiting playstyle focus.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has an assortment of classes for the player to experiment with while trying to save the world from two Blighted Gods. However, with the skill page being a web of different traits, passives, and abilities, there are certain skills a player may wish to avoid in the hopes of focusing on the more powerful options available.

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This is especially the case for Rogue, which relies heavily on being able to gain momentum quickly so that the player can use their abilities often, as well as increasing the damage of afflictions to deal even more damage. With this in mind, players will want to be resourceful and therefore avoid these skills due to them being the worst for Rogues in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, as they aren’t worth using.

8 Unending Quiver – Greater Passive

More Arrows Can Be Gained In Other Ways

Unending Quiver Greater Passive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Activating an Ability gives the player two more arrows.

Players who wish to focus on playing as an Archer when they pick the Rogue class may find this greater passive to be quite useful. However, as the passive needs the player to use an ability to grant the player two more arrows, there is an assortment of other skills on the Rogue skill page that are far more valuable to be had instead.

Players can get more arrows from certain armors they choose to equip, which means players can instead purchase ability upgrades to better improve their abilities instead of getting more arrows when using them.

7 Explosive Trap – Ability

One Of The Weakest Physical Abilities

Explosive Trap Ability in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Type: Area, Tool
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds

Tools are something that Rogues commonly have available to them as abilities. While many of them do a high amount of physical damage, some ability options aren’t worth spending skill points on. One example of an ability that players may wish to avoid is the Explosive Trap, which can be found while working towards the Saboteur specialization.

Although an Explosive Trap can be used to detonate the Overwhelmed effect, these Antaam repurposed bombs still do little damage and don’t even do an increased amount of stagger either. Therefore, players should leave an ability slot open for something else.

6 Poisonous Precision – Greater Passive

Only Useful For Those Focusing On Bows

Poisonous Precision Greater Passive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Defeating an enemy by hitting them to the Weakpoint grants Necrotic Weapons. They also last 50% longer.

There are multiple Greater Passives available to the Rogue that give the player the advantage of Necrotic Weapons once they have done a certain thing. Out of all the ways to get Necrotic Weapons as a Rogue, Poisonous Precision is one of the skills a player may wish to avoid in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

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With this skill purchased, a player earns Necrotic weapons by killing an enemy by shooting them to the Weakpoint. As mentioned, this is one of the hardest ways to earn the effect, and therefore players that want to get Necrotic Weapons may wish to work towards the other Greater Passive versions of it instead.

5 A Timely Defense – Ability Upgrade

Resistance Is The Weakest Advantage

A Timely Defense Ability Upgrade in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Using a Duration Ability grants the player Resistance.

Ability Upgrades can be incredibly useful for any class the player selects. However, A Timely Defense is an ability upgrade players may wish to avoid due to the advantage given by it not being as useful as other advantages available. When using a Duration ability, the player is also granted Resistance, which reduces the amount of damage taken by the player.

However, when playing on harder difficulties, and being similar to the Mage, players are likely to still take a lot of damage even while Resistant. Therefore, a player may instead benefit from skills that make them Invulnerable.

4 Triple Threat – Greater Passive

Hard To Choose Abilities Of Different Damage Types

Triple Threat Greater Passive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Equipping an Ability of each damage type increases all Ability damage by 25%.

While increasing the damage of the player’s abilities is really useful in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, some skills are not worth the damage bonus. Purchasing Triple Threat may increase the player’s damage abilities by 25%, but in order to achieve this, the player must have three abilities that do three different types of damage.

While this is possible as a Rogue, the player is forced to expand in different directions across the skill page to purchase abilities that are different damage types. Therefore, a player may struggle to focus on a single playstyle.

3 Amperage – Passive

Damage Can Be Increased Through Weaponry Instead

Amperage Passive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Electric Damage is increased by 10%.

Although increasing the Rogue’s damage is important to dealing with the various foes in Dragon Age: The Veilguardas this class, the passive skills like Amperage that only increase damage by 10% aren’t worth it compared to the various greater passives that can be obtained on the skill page.

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This damage can be increased through equipping specific weaponry, armor, or runes that also boosts damage by certain percentages that stack atop one another for even more damage. Therefore, Passives like Amperage can instead be avoided when short on skill points or only purchased when the player needs to go past it on the web.

2 Improvised Ammunition – Ability Upgrade

Players Gain Arrows Quickly Without This Upgrade

Improvised Ammunition Ability Upgrade in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • When a Tool Ability expires or is triggered, a player gains three arrows.

Returning to skills that increase the amount of arrows the player earns. Improvised Ammunition gives the player three arrows when a tool ability expires or is triggered. With the majority of the abilities available to the player being Tool abilities, this may at first seem like a useful Ability Upgrade for players to purchase.

However, as mentioned before, arrows are something players can earn through wearing various armor, which would only be useful to a player who wishes to focus on an archer-like build. Therefore, players may instead wish to focus on other ability upgrades that don’t rely on using certain ability types.

1 Convert Energy – Greater Passive

Costs More Than It’s Worth

Convert Energy Greater Passive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

  • Charged attacks now consume 25 Momentum to deal 25% more damage and Stagger.

Although each specialization has important skills that may help a player better finalize their build while playing as a Rogue in Veilguard, there are a few Greater Passives a player may wish to avoid. In the Duelist Specialization, once the player has passed level 30, a Rogue has access to the Greater Passive of Convert Energy.

With this skill purchased, players can use 25 of their Momentum when using a charged attack to do 25% more damage and Stagger. While this may be great for those who feel as if they don’t do enough to kill enemies, players may instead find themselves using fewer of their abilities due to constantly using up their Momentum.

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October 31, 2024

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