The Best Mods That Improve Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City

The Best Mods That Improve Cyberpunk 2077's Night City
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Key Takeaways

  • Mods enrich Night City: Adds organic interactions, dangerous elements, and varied weather.
  • Night City is flawed: Imbalance in Corp control and unmet promises are addressed by mods.
  • Immersive mods: Sit anywhere, revamp apartments, engage with street vendors, and leverage a stock market.

It’s often said that one of the main characters in Cyberpunk 2077 is Night City itself. It’s an antagonist, a mentor, a love interest, etc. It’s hard to fault this vaguely trite idea considering how detailed Night City is, with real-world city planners having helped CD Projekt Red put it all together in the name of realism. It certainly feels like a real, breathing city, where every glitzy main street is accompanied by shady alleyways and slums.

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Despite how polished and glamorous it all might look, anyone who has played this game knows Night City is not perfect. Yes, it’s imperfect in the sense that a single company has essentially monopolized the entire city, but also, the scars from Cyberpunk‘s troubled development still linger even after the patches and DLC fixed its most glaring issues. Some of the promise of what Night City could have been never came to fruition, but these mods help improve Night City as players know it and bring back some of that Cyberpunk charm.

7 Night City Interactions

Brings Vitality To The City And Partners

Night City Interactions Cyberpunk
Image credit: Deceptious

Cyberpunk 2077 has a wide variety of character interactions available, especially with the handful of characters available to romance, but something that often stifles these interactions is how manufactured they tend to feel—the game needs to essentially be put on hold to focus on a conversation or moment.

This mod changes that, and in doing so really changes the composition of Night City’s environment by adding locations where players can organically have conversations and interactions with various characters, both within the romanceable pool and beyond.

6 Night City Alive

Makes The City Feel As Dangerous As They Say

Night City Alive Cyberpunk
Image Credit: Katane

Night City has one of the highest murder rates per capita, it’s said. It borders on anarchy, with the police only there to stop those who affect the Corps’ bottom line. This is Night City from the lore’s perspective, but gameplay-wise, the city tends to feel much more peaceful than that.

This mod changes things for the better, with roving gangs now fighting each other—and the player—at random spots all over the map; not as a set encounter, but as something that happens as organically and fluidly as NPCs walking down the street. For those with some weapons they’ve been itching to try out, or those who want more immersion, this is the ideal mod.

5 Weather Probability Rebalance

Promotes More Interesting Weather Patterns

Weather Probability Rebalance Cyberpunk
Image credit: RMK

Night City has a lot of weather. There can be sunshine! Rain! Acid rain, fun! The weather and the way it changes the entire atmosphere of Night City is such a huge part of this game’s environment, but it does tend to feel like all players see sometimes is sunshine with a chance of clouds.

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This mod changes how the variability works between different weather states, meaning that if a player sees sunshine, once the weather transitions to something else, they’re guaranteed to get an ‘interesting’ weather effect before they get sunshine again.

4 Proxima’s Apartment Emporium

An Overhaul Of The City’s Apartments

Proxima's Apartment Emporium Cyberpunk
Image Credit: Proxima

There are a host of available apartments for V to discover, and one day live in, throughout Night City. They all have their own unique perks and charms, from the dingiest Northside hovel to the sprawling penthouses overlooking the whole city.

Proxima’s Apartment Emporium makes every apartment feel even more unique and charming, with a host of modular presets that can be baked into the mod to make each apartment appear more personalized to the tastes of the player and the specific type of V they’re running.

3 Street Vendors

Makes Merchants Feel More Present

Street Vendors Cyberpunk
Image credit: MathiewMay

While there’s no doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 has one of the most realistic and vital cities in the history of open-world games, sometimes the city can feel make V feel more like a tourist, traveling around and staring at all the unique details.

This mod makes the city feel more alive by having many of the street vendors, who were once only really there for the occasional quest or for adding to the scenery, are now proper merchants that V can interact and trade with.

2 Sit Anywhere

Take In Night City And Have A Rest

Sit Anywhere Cyberpunk
Image Credit: keanuWheeze

There are so many beautiful sights and scenes in Night City, every player who has gotten a hold of this game has at least once stopped to simply drink in the view. What might bug them is that, while they’re doing this, V is just staring blankly into space from an outsider’s perspective, like they’re trying to remember if they left the oven on at home.

This simple, immersive mod lets V sit anywhere (hence the title) to add that extra level of immersion to the whole experience. V can now sit down on any couch, bench, or bench-adjacent surface to take a breather and watch Night City go about its day.

1 Stock Market And News System

Immersive And Fully Interactive Capitalism

Stock Market Cyberpunk
Image credit: keanuWheeze and scornthegreat

  • Mod Creator: keanuWheeze and scornthegreat
  • Mod Link

Do you think the corpo background is objectively the best one? Wish V could take on the CEO mindset like in games such as Cruelty Squad? This mod might be the answer to those prayers with a fully interactive stock market and news system.

The two systems here work in tandem as events that happen in the game —both those within and outside V’s control—and will drastically change the stock margins of all the listings on the market. This is another one of those mods that just makes the game feel real.

cyberpunk 2077 poster

December 10, 2020

OpenCritic Rating

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