Key Takeaways
- Anastasija’s Inspiration: Offers constant haste by triggering with health regeneration, making it a highly recommended ring for its easy activation and great effect.
- Band Band: Complicated to obtain but worth the effort as it increases health, movement speed, and revive speed, making it ideal for cooperative gameplay tactics.
- Bisected Ring & Worn Admiral’s Ring: Both rings provide overpowered effects at the cost of serious debuffs, making them suitable for skilled players who can dodge attacks effectively. However, they may hinder less experienced players.
There are easily over a hundred different Rings for players to collect in their Remnant 2 adventures, which is somehow an even bigger catalog of jewelry than the first game, Remnant: From the Ashesoffered the Soulslike community.

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It turns out that taking set bonuses off of Armor in Remnant 2 and adding two more Ring slots in exchange may have led the developers at Gunfire Games to go a bit overboard with the sheer number of Rings they created to compensate for the changes. Still, among all these options there are plenty that manage to separate themselves from all the other Rings, so let’s go over the ones that players seem to be enjoying the most.
Updated November 25th, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: Remnant 2 very likely has the metaphorical award (excluding maybe MMORPGS) for ‘game with the most equippable Rings’, and that’s no exaggeration. There truly are hundreds and hundreds of Rings that players can acquire in this game through their multiple escapades through the different Realms offered to them by the Worldstone. In Remnant 2 specifically (the case was a bit different in Remnant: From the Ashes, the previous game) Rings make up a very large percentage of a player’s build, which is exactly why they have 4 separate Ring slots while most games typically have about 2. The third and final DLC for Remnant 2, the Dark Horizon DLC, adds even more Rings, many of which are just absolutely fantastic. So, let’s take another in-depth look at all the Rings players have access to in this game and talk about some of the best overall options.
21 Burden Of The Gambler
Obtained From Cass’ Shop in Ward 13 (RNG Dependant)
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Gambler |
Disables Weakspots. Increases Critical Chance by 10 percent and Critical Damage by 15 percent. |
Just about every single one of the rings with the ‘Burden’ moniker is on this list at some point, so it seemed apt to start things off with one. The Burden of the Gambler is one of the Burden Rings that is slept on by the player base. At a glance, this Ring might seem awful, given that it disables Weakspot damage on enemies while equipped, and that’s a huge loss of damage overall.
However, this Ring is actually very useful on any builds that don’t rely heavily on gunfire itself for their damage. For example, on Weapon Mod builds where Weakspot hits don’t really matter, the Burden of the Gambler can do a whole lot. With this Ring equipped, it’s very easy to get to about 100 percent Crit Chance depending on the build, and it’s a good option for players who never really aim for Weakspots in the first place.
20 Vestige Of Power
Found as a Random World Drop on Yaesha
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Vestige of Power |
After 5 seconds of not being damage, increases Ranged and Melee Damage by 10 percent. |
The Vestige of Power is a Ring that also isn’t talked about nearly enough, simply because it’s a random world drop Ring and therefore there’s not really a guaranteed way to get it. In fact, when checking our own characters for this list, we noticed we also didn’t have the Ring and subsequently had to run through Yaesha a few times to get it to spawn.
When obtained, however, this Ring is incredible, as it rewards skill-based gameplay with a massive 10 percent damaged buff overall. And, as those who have cleared Remnant 2 at least once are aware, once a build reaches a certain point of power, it’s pretty easy to stay out of harm’s way and avoid taking damage altogether. There’s not much else to say, this is just an incredibly useful Ring overall.
19 Archer’s Crest
Found in the Fake Wall Room Behind the Waterfall in Yaesha’s Endaira’s End
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Archer’s Crest |
Increases Projectile Speed by 20 percent and decreases Weapon Charge Time by 25 percent |
First up is a ring that’s only useful for a specific subset of weapons, but on those weapons it’s incredible. The Archer’s Crest is a Ring that’s meant to make any weapon that has a ‘charge time’ feel a lot better to use whether that’s bows or something a little bit more unexpected.
And, while this Ring is amazing for making the few bow weapons in Remannt 2 even better (such as the Royal Hunting Boy or the Crescent Moon) it can also make weapons like the Corrupted Meridian or the Krell Axe a lot more convenient to use as well. Essentially, if a weapon has a charge time, try the Archer’s Crest and if it feels like a weapon’s projectile is a bit difficult to hit enemies with, try the Archer’s Crest.
18 Anastasija’s Inspiration
Bought From Whispers in Ward 13
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Anastasija’s Inspiration |
Gain Haste for 10s when healing effects are active. |
First up is a Ring that’s deceptively more useful than it may appear. At first glance, the effects of Anastasija’s Inspiration might seem very situational, but players don’t realize that this effect is also triggered by Health Regeneration. That’s right, Health Regen counts as ‘Healing’, even if the player’s HP is currently at max, meaning it’s very easy to keep this ring’s effect active 100 percent of the time. And, since Haste has such a great effect, this Ring is always an easy suggestion for friends to use.
17 Soul Shard
Found as a Random World Drop on Yaesha
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Soul Shard |
Increase all damage dealt by 5 percent for each Summon. Maxes out at 15 percent. |
There are a couple of different Rings that are centered around buffing Summons in Remnant 2. Summon-based builds are much more viable in this game than they were in Remnant: From the Ashes, and with the right combination of Rings, Archetypes, and of course, player Traits, a Summon-based build is both a heavy damage dealer and essentially unkillable.
The Soul Shard is another Ring added alongside the Awakened King DLC out of the 26 total new Rings, but it has to be one of the best of the bunch. Considering how many different things are considered Summons in this game (Rootlash Tentacles, Space Crabs, Handler’s Dog, Summoner’s Root Creatures), the max effect of this Ring will likely be active at all times.
16 Band Band
Obtained in Endaira’s End on Yaesha By Playing the Right Song at the Wind Tower Puzzle
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Band Band |
Increases Health and Movement Speed when downed by 100 percent. Also increases Revive Speed (both receiving and giving) by 35 percent. |
While getting this next Ring can feel a bit overly complicated, especially in public lobbies (since the game has no voice/text chat), it’s well worth all that effort given the Ring’s effect. With the Band Band Ring equipped, reviving an ally mid-boss fight is a lot more doable. And, these effects stack with other revive-based effects such as Revivalist or Captain’s Insignia, meaning a party of three built around this concept can brute force their way through an Apocalypse difficulty boss fight just constantly reviving each other through the tougher moments.
15 Bisected Ring & Worn Admiral’s Ring
Obtained in the Backrooms of the Labyrinth Where the Archon Archetype is Found & Purchased From Reggie in Ward 13
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Bisected Ring |
The player takes 15 percent more damage from all sources but gets infinite Stamina in exchange. |
Worn Admiral’s Ring |
The player takes double damage from all sources, but outgoing damage increases by 15 percent. |
There’s a very specific reason this entry is a two-in-one, and it’s because both of these rings are great (and not so great) for the same reasons. Both of these Rings are examples of high-risk, high-reward options, as they grant some ‘overpowered effect’, but at the cost of a pretty serious debuff.

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So, when used by a seasoned Remnant 2 player who can dodge every attack with ease, these Rings will feel like they’re the best in the game. But, when used by the ‘average’ player, these Rings are often nothing more than a hindrance.
14 Burden Of The Destroyer
Obtained From Cass’ Shop in Ward 13 (RNG Dependant)
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Destroyer |
+15 percent to all damage dealt, -35 percent to Ideal Range of all firearms. |
Players are going to notice a lot of the ‘Burden’ Rings on this list, and for good reason, this subset of Remnant 2 rings are almost all amazing. The Burden of the Destroyer, for example, is basically just a damage buff that has a pretty easily ignorable downside (depending on the player’s weapon choice). While equipped, the Burden of the Destroyer gives a 15 percent damage increase to all damage from the player, which is huge.
The tradeoff for this is that the Ideal Range for every weapon that the player uses is now reduced by 25 percent. However, as long as players aren’t only sniping enemies or using close-range weapons from afar, they’re not really going to notice this Ideal Range decrease. However, they will absolutely notice the damage increase, especially so if they’re a Challenger Archetype user who’s always up close and personal anyway.
13 Burden Of The Sciolist
Obtained From the One True King’s Scribe by Immediately Giving Him the Bookbound Medallion
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Sciolist |
Reduces Ammo Reserves by 20 percent. Increases Mod and Skill Damage by 15 percent. |
For the most part, any Ring or Amulet in this game that buffs Mod or Skill Damage usually either only does so by a smidge, or does so by a sizeable amount but has some sort of trade-off/condition. In general, players will often find themselves stacking 7-15 percent buffs to their Mod and Skill Damage on top of each other to create their powerful Mod/Skill-focused builds.
And, while the Burden of the Sciolist also has a condition, it’s really not even a noticeable one. Sure, players will notice that they’re running out of ammo a bit quicker, but by the time they obtain this Ring they’ll easily have enough Scrap to always keep Ammo Boxes on hand.
12 Sagestone
Found as a Random World Drop on Yaesha
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Sagestone |
Increases all earned EXP by 10 percent. |
With the new Archetype/Class system Remnant 2 introduced, a lot of completionists’ time in this game is going to be dedicated to grinding out levels for Archetypes (especially since a new one was added with the Awakened King DLC). For example, to get the best Relic Fragments to drop, players need to get their Total Archetype Level to at least around 90, which means getting 9 of the 12 different Archetypes to the max level.
Doing this grind without Mudtooth’s Elixir is already tedious enough, but as long as players at least have the Sagestone ring, this process isn’t all that bad and most players will end up getting levels while they’re just exploring and looking for other items instead of grinding for it.
11 Burden Of The Excavator
Found at the End of the Logistics Bridge Dungeon
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Excavator |
Explosions cannot Critical Hit. Increases Explosive Damage by 35 percent. |
Yet another Burden Ring. Though, this one was added in The Dark Horizon DLC. Just about all of the Burden-named Rings are worth using, some more than others, and the Burden of the Excavator follows that same pattern. However, this Ring is a bit more niche than a lot of the other options, being pretty much irreplaceable in any build that utilizes Explosive Damage but entirely useless in any build that doesn’t use Explosive Damage.
So, it gets this ranking on the list simply because of how niche it is. That said, for any build involving Explosive Damage, this Ring is a must-have and the trade-off of nullifying all Critical Hits is barely even a trade-off at all.
10 Devoured Loop
Obtained From Reggie in Ward 13 After Completing the Campaign on Apocalypse Difficulty
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Devoured Loop |
All incoming damage to the player increases by 10 percent. But, in exchange, Critical Hits have a 1 percent chance, on-hit, to reset Skill Cooldowns. At max, it occurs once every 10 seconds. |
Funnily enough, by the time players actually unlock this next Ring, they’ll likely be a bit burnt out on Remnant 2, at least for the moment. To get the Devoured Loop, players need to beat the entirety of the game on the Apocalypse difficulty, which is by no means a small feat. That last boss is absurdly hectic even to this day, and that difficulty increases in leaps and bounds when players try it on Apocalypse..
Still, once the Devoured Loop is obtained, it’s a hugely beneficial ring, especially on specific builds like the Havoc Form build for Archon. It’s just a bit of a shame that so many players are going to unlock this thing after feeling like they’ve already done everything they wanted to do in the game (outside of Hardcore Mode, of course).
9 Wired Inhibitor
Crafted at Spark NPC in Ward 13, Requires 1x House Lythia Glyph & 25x Alien Alloy
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Wired Inhibitor |
Applying a Negative Status Effect on an enemy also applies Slow for 1 second. Applying or refreshing additional Negative Statuses will increase the duration by 1 second. Caps out at 5 seconds. |
The Wired Inhibitor is one of the many things players can obtain from Spark once they have this NPC follow them back to Ward 13. Of course, it’s going to involve a bit of work and farming for the Alien Alloy, as Spark’s questline is pretty expansive and obtuse, but the Wired Inhibitor at the very least is worth the effort. There are a couple of different mainline Negative Status-centric builds, not even including the stereotypical Ritualist build.
There are Bleed Builds, Corrosive Builds, Overloaded Builds, and more, and this Ring quite literally just makes them even better. Slow might not ‘seem’ like the strongest Negative Status Effect, but anyone who has played on Nightmare or Apocalypse difficulty can verify that an enemy that’s even a bit slower can make an incredibly difficult combat encounter a whole lot more bearable.
8 Dried Clay Ring
Found as a Random World Drop on Losomn
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Dried Clay Ring |
Grants 1 stack of Bulwark. Increases All Damage by 50 percent of the total Damage Reduction granted by Bulwark stacks. |
On its own, the Dried Clay Ring is pretty decent since it just ‘hands out’ a constant stack of Bulwark while equipped. However, the Ring’s effect shouldn’t be enough to get it onto this list. But, when combined with any number of other Bulwark-focused items, the Dried Clay Ring both becomes a defensive Ring and an offensive one.
In particular, the combination of the Dried Clay Ring and the Whispering Marble Amulet (nice Berserk reference, by the way) is absurdly strong and is by far one of the best item combinations in the entirety of the Awakened King DLC.
7 Burden Of The Departed
Obtained by Defeating The One True King With the Burden of the Divine Equipped
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Departed |
Reduces Total Relic Charges by 33 percent. Increases all damage dealt by 10 percent. |
For the last of the ‘new’ Rings added in the Awakened King DLC for Remnant 2, let’s talk about the Burden of the Departed. This is a Ring that a lot of players accidentally stumbled upon without realizing it, and that’s because obtaining this Ring depends on whether the player is wearing another overpowered Ring while fighting the One True King.

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The Burden of the Divine is a Ring that a lot of co-op players almost never take off, so it was a very smart move on Gunfire Games’ part to make this the Ring that the One True King seems to have made for someone he held dear to him. In any case, the Burden of the Departed is just a very offense-focused Ring that has a pretty steep cost, but again with the playtime most players are at when they obtain this Ring, they’re likely barely using their Relics anyway.
6 Dull Steel Ring
Obtainable From Reggie in Ward 13 After Defeating 15 World Bosses in Solo or Co-Op
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Dull Steel Ring |
Improves player’s Dodge Roll by 1 weight class. |
This next Ring wasn’t just nerfed or ‘fixed’ like how the Stone of Malevolence was, the original Ring was completely ripped out of the game and replaced with this new one. The Bright Steel Ring was inarguably overpowered. The ability to give players the lightest dodge roll regardless of their Encumbrance was broken, and everyone knew that.
So, it only made sense that eventually, Gunfire Games would adjust something. But, who knew they would remove the Bright Steel Ring and replace it with a Dull Steel Ring. Granted, improving a Dodge Roll by one entire weight class is still very useful, but it does make sense that the Ring that used to be so Bright has now dulled a bit.
5 Mortal Coil
Crafted at Spark NPC in Ward 13, Requires 1x Fruit of Death & 25x Ancient Alloy
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Mortal Coil |
Increases all Damage dealt by 1 percent for every 2 percent of the wearer’s total Lifesteal. Caps out at +20 percent buff to all Damage. |
Lifesteal is already an incredibly powerful stat to build into in Remnant 2 and that’s even without considering all the different guns, gear, and other things that synergize with it. So, a Ring that not only incentivizes building more Lifesteal but actually rewards it with more damage overall is of course going to be incredibly strong, and that’s exactly what Mortal Coil does. Now to reach the cap players will need to reach about 40 percent Lifesteal, which might seem impossible but it’s worth mentioning that the Ring counts both Ranged and Melee Lifesteal as well as Lifesteal Efficiency, so it’s actually not as hard to reach the cap as it may seem. All in all, a Ring with basically no downsides to it whatsoever.
4 Stone Of Malevolence
Found as a Random World Drop on Losomn
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Stone of Malevolence |
Generate 15 percent additional Mod Power with Elemental damage. |
They finally did it, they nerfed the Stone of Malevolence. Originally, this Ring was at the top of these rankings, but after the bugfix for this Ring, it’s had a bit of a ‘fall from grace’. The Stone of Malevolence is still a great Ring, and the Firestorm build is pretty much just the same as it ever was. But, for any other Weapon Mod build that used this Ring to generate Mod Power while the Mod was active, they had to switch things up a bit after the bugfix.
Anyone who has seen a player/build where some guy in the Red Prince’s Crown is firing off multiple Firestorms in a shockingly small span of time knows exactly what the potential of a Weapon Mod Power build could be.
3 Burden Of The Divine
Obtained in One of Two Locations on Losomn, One Location is Near Where the Meridian is Found & The Other is in Tiller’s Rest
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Burden of the Divine |
Incoming damage is reduced by 15 percent and 30 percent of all healing (including Health Regen) is applied to allies |
There are a good number of Rings on here that are really only beneficial in co-op/multiplayer, as Remnant 2 is a game that is arguably just as much designed for co-op as it was for single-player.
And, when it comes to overpowered Rings in co-op, there’s not much out there that beats the Burden of the Divine. That said, the Burden of the Divine Ring is impressive even in single-player, at least on a couple of very specific builds. While the description may not make it sound like it, the self-healing that’s shared with this ring also applies to Summons such as the Handler Dog, the Engineer Turret, the Summoner’s Root Minions, or the variety of other allies that come from Weapon Mods like Rootlash or Knight Guard. So, on a Summon build, a pure health-regen build, or a build focused around the Sorrow Hand Gun, this Ring has a massive impact.
2 Black Cat Band
Obtainable From Reggie in Ward 13 After Dying a Total of 15 Times
Ring Name |
Ring Effect |
Black Cat Band |
Instead of dying when the player’s health reaches 0, it drops to 1 HP instead and gives the player a 25 percent Movement Speed buff for 10 seconds. This effect has a 2-minute cooldown. |
Out of all the rings on here, this one probably needs the least amount of explanation, as a Ring that stops a player from dying once every two minutes is of course going to be highly sought after. Plus, Reggie offers this Ring in his shop so incredibly early in the game, which allows players to go through the majority of a run with two lives per attempt (or more) instead of one if they’re playing as Challenger or as Handler. And, this isn’t even taking into account other unique death-defying items/Consumables such as the Thaen Fruits the Traveler can pick from a certain tree back in Ward 13.
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