Recent changes to our comments system

Try our new "For you" section

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You may have noticed some recent changes to our commenting system. I want to explain what has been happening.

Two weeks ago we swapped our in-house commenting system for a third-party system. As soon as the swap was complete, complaints about poor site performance and usability problems flooded in from readers.

Most importantly, a substantial number of you reported that your mobile devices were crashing when trying to read articles – not good.

We treat this sort of reader interruption with the same level of severity as a site outage, and we have been working behind the scenes with the third-party to understand and fix the problem.

But, sometimes the fix is to go back to what you had. So that’s what we’ve done.

As of today, we are back using our old commenting system. No more infuriating “See more” buttons, no more broken notifications, and most importantly – no more crashing browsers.

You may notice your comments from the last two weeks aren’t visible – we’ll be restoring those in the coming days.

This, and other communities across Gamer Network sites have some of the most eloquent, funny, and insightful commenters on the internet, and we want you to stick around. That will only happen if our websites offer not just the best journalism in the world, but also provide you with the best reading experience and community tools possible. That is our goal.

I am really sorry about these recent changes impacting your ability to enjoy the site.

I’ll be hanging around in the comments thread to chat if anyone has any questions, feedback, or ideas for further improvements we should make to our in-house comments system.

Thanks for reading.

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