Myth is a Hunter in Supervive belonging to the Fighter class, which means she is expected to deal lots of damage, something she typically achieves from a distance with her bow. While she isn’t one of the beginner-friendly Hunters in Supervive, Myth isn’t too hard to pick up after learning the basics, but she does have an incredible amount of depth.

Supervive: Beginner Tips
These beginner tips and tricks for Supervive should help players understand the game better and get some early wins.
One advantage Myth has over Shrike, a similar ranged sniper, is that she has much more mobility by being able to dash or walk through terrain. As a squishy Hunter who can’t take many hits, this allows her to escape bad fights, but at the same time, she can also chase down enemies. With her AOE Q ability, Myth can also be great alongside Hunters with crowd control, as otherwise, enemies will walk away from her Rain of Arrows.
Myth’s Passive – Spectral Hunter
- You have vision of injured hunters through the fog of war. (Less than 40% HP and 2500 Range.)
This allows Myth to chase after kills with her mobility, or even snipe them out with her ult. Having more vision is always useful.
- You can climb double highground walls with jump. You must be facing the wall to climb it.
This can only be learned by practicing and learning which walls are still too high.
Myth’s LMB Attacks – Greenwood Bow
In Game Description
- HOLD to charge your bow, increasing arrow damage, speed, and distance.
- Draw power increases in 2 stages.
- Deals more damage if fired at the perfect moment after the first stage.
- Does Destruction damage if fired at the perfect moments after the second stage.
- Firing arrows at either perfect moment reduces the self slow while shooting arrows.
How To Use Myth’s Basic Attacks
To understand Myth’s attacks, the best thing is to enter Training Mode and practice charging up shots. Around the halfway mark of her max range, players will notice there is a little mark, and when this is reached they will hear a ping noise.

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Releasing Myth’s arrow just after reaching this stage will reduce her slow and deal extra damage. For dealing DPS at medium range, Myth should fire at this first mark every time.
When enemies are further away or a bigger burst of damage is needed, release when her max range is reached. Holding for too long will cause some damage and range to be lost.
- Practice the rhythm of her shots at both stages, using the sounds as audio cues.
- For DPS use the first stage.
- Only use uncharged shots when a tiny amount of damage is needed against a close enemy.
- Be careful when charging due to the self slows. Myth becomes easy to hit at these times.
Myth’s Q – Rain Of Arrows
In Game Description
- Fire in a cone that creates a wall of raining arrows for 4.5 seconds. The wall deals damage per second, Slows, and applies Anti-Heal.
- Knocking burning enemies applies Cremation.
- Affects wisps that pass through it.
- Level II: +60% Damage.
- Level III: -4s Cooldown & +30% Arc Width.
How To Use Myth’s Rain Of Arrows
Myth’s Q has incredible damage potential, but only if enemies remain within its effect. It is best used in combination with Crowd Control or for contesting objectives.
- Can be placed close to Myth or far away.
- It doesn’t deal damage straight away. Only when the icon disappears.
- Place it before stunning an enemy into a wall for maximum damage.
- Great for killing Monster Camps.
- Place it on objectives such as Respawn Beacons or Base Camps that enemies are trying to use.
- Zone enemies away, as they will be slowed when passing through.
Myth’s RMB – Heartpiercer
In Game Description
- HOLD to charge the arrow.
- RELEASE to fire an arrow that impales enemies, Knocking them back.
- If enemies are knocked into terrain, they are Stunned.
- Shots cause enemies to take increased damage when hitting a wall.
- Can be used on enemy Wisps.
- Charged arrows do more damage and knock enemies further away.
- Level II: -6s Cooldown.
- Level III: Increased range & gain a dash charge on wall stun.
How To Use Myth’s Knock Back Arrow
Heartpiercer is a versatile ability as it can be used both offensively and defensively. It’s also great for setting up her other attacks.
- Knock away enemies who try to engage or those chasing you when attempting to escape.
- Knock enemies into the abyss, potentially leading to a Spike.
- Stun enemies against walls for easy follow-up attacks or ultimate shots.
- Works great with Myth’s Q as stunned enemies will take lots of damage from the Rain of Arrows.
- Knock enemies into her Q or into allied abilities.
Myth’s Shift (Dash) – Phase Walk
In Game Description
- Dodge roll or enter Phase Walk
- Phase Walk allows you to walk through walls and objects. You can not walk into terrain or vaults. Taking damage ends Phase Walk.
- Walking into a wall or object leaves behind a phase orb. Enemies or allies who touch the orb also gain Phase Walk.
- If Phase Walk ends while inside a wall, lose mana and teleport to where you entered the wall.
- Both Phase Walk charges reset after 9s, but this cooldown is reset if you use a charge.

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- Level II: -2s Cooldown.
- Level III: +1s spell duration & +50 Movespeed in terrain.
How To Use Myth’s Phase Walk
Myth’s Phase Walk is easily one of the best movement abilities in Supervive, as she can go through walls to escape, chase, or simply get places faster. As other Hunters can use her Phase Walk, it’s great to be aware of, even when not playing as Myth.
- For maximum distance, dodge toward a wall, walk through it, and then dodge again.
- To escape damage, dodge through the wall quickly.
- When walking through walls, look for a blue bar that signifies how long the ability has left.
- Confuse enemies by entering a wall or large object and staying inside of it. They will expect you to exit at the other end, but once the ability ends, you will pop out and the entrance.
- Be careful of an enemy following you through walls.
- Ping your orb so that one ally can escape through a wall with you.
- You can go through multiple walls during the duration of one Phase Walk.
Myth’s R (Ultimate) – Virideth’s Fury
In Game Description
- PRESS to empower your next 3 LMB shots with Virideth’s Fury.
- These shots do not need to be charged. They have increased range, knock back enemies, pierce destructible objects and enemies, and deal increased Explosive damage.
- The final shot deals more damage.
- This effect lasts 6s.
- Can be used to snipe wounded enemies spotted with Myth’s passive.
- Level II: +10% Damage and -10s Cooldown.
How To Use Myth’s Ultimate
Myth’s ultimate allows her to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, but without accuracy it is useless.
- Remember the shots don’t need to be charged.
- Wait for enemies to be Stunned or in choke points to fire.
- Don’t let the timer run out.
- Remember that the final shot deals more damage.
- Make use of the increased range to snipe enemies who think they are safe.
- Snipe low HP enemies spotted with her passive.
Best Build For Myth In Supervive
As Supervive is an online competitive game, players can expect balance changes that will affect the best builds. Players are also encouraged to adapt their builds based on a number of factors that change each game.
Ability Order For Myth In Supervive
- At level 1, Myth will almost always want to take Rain of Arrows (Q) for AOE damage on a camp.
- If she is safe at level 2, she can take Heartpiercer (RMB) for more damage.
- If she might need to flee or chase other teams, take Phase Walk (Shift) instead.
- Prioritize maxing Q first, as it will deal more damage and eventually become larger.
- Max RMB second for a huge cooldown reduction or Shift for more mobility.

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Items For Myth In Supervive
In terms of the best items for Myth in Supervive, she will always want two swords and never a helmet, as she has mobility to stay safe, and every arrow hit should deal plenty of damage.
- Mana Blade: This will help Myth never run out of mana. The Rampage upgrade allows her to gain more Attack Power (AP) after hitting a few shots or skills.
- Tech Blade: Grants Ability Haste, allowing Myth to use her abilities more often. Works great with Mana Blade. The Amplifier upgrade means these abilities refresh even quicker. The alternative Interweaver upgrade instead grants a small bit of damage on attacks after an ability was used.
- Quick Blade: An alternative for those who want more mobility thanks to increased speed. All three Quick Blade upgrades can be good.
For Boot upgrades, Meditation is probably best as Myth can safely stand still in the back line to regen, but other options are also fine.
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