In Fields of Mistria, you’ll be tasked with donating to the town’s museum. There are four wings, each with several categories. The Insects Wing, as its name implies, requires you to donate all different types of bugs you’ll find during your playthrough. During winter, you’ll want to be on the lookout for the rare Crystal Caterpillar. You won’t find the Crystal Caterpillar crawling on the ground, and it’s locked to specific weather. Thus, this makes the Crystal Caterpillar one of Mistria‘s more challenging bugs to collect.

Where to Find Alligator Gar in Fields of Mistria
The Alligator Gar is a rare fish in Fields of Mistria that can only be caught on snowy days.
How to Get a Crystal Caterpillar
Weather Conditions and Habitat
To get a Crystal Caterpillar, it needs to be winter and the weather must be snowy or blizzard. If you check the crystal ball item that you received from Juniper in Year 1, you can check the following day’s weather, giving you some time to prepare for Crystal Caterpillar farming.
The Crystal Caterpillar likes to hide in trees, so to get one to appear, you’ll need to literally shake it from the regular-sized trees growing everywhere in Mistria. To do so, just approach the tree and use the action key. You’ll know if it worked if you see leaves falling or, hopefully, a Crystal Caterpillar. There isn’t a specific landmark where Crystal Caterpillars spawn. You can get them from the trees on your farm, The Eastern Road, or The Narrows.
If you’re struggling to get snowy days, then use
Summon Rain
spell to make it snow. This spell will remain active in whichever area you used it
so long as you don’t leave the area
. It’s good to use Summon Rain in an area with a lot of trees. Remember that you’ll need
one sphere of mana
to use the spell.
The Crystal Caterpillar is bright blue and white. Once it falls from the tree, use your Bug Net to catch it. You’ll also want to make sure you’re not confusing the Crystal Caterpillar with the Snug Bug, which looks similar, but isn’t as brightly colored as the caterpillar. Fortunately, Snug Bugs can be found from cutting grass or breaking rocks, which aren’t methods used to farm the Crystal Caterpillar.
What to Do with the Crystal Caterpillar
Insect Wing, Museum
The Crystal Caterpillar is displayed in the museum’s Insect Wing in the Narrows. It is part of the Winter Bug Set along with the Walking Stick, Winterpillar, Brighbtulb Moth, and Frost Flutter Butterfly. Depending on how many insects you’ve donated to the Winter Set, you may or may not get a reward for turning in the Crystal Caterpillar. This reward will also vary depending on how much of the Insect Wing you’ve already completed. You can also sell the Crystal Caterpillar for 20 Tesserae.
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