0.7 Update All New Weapons, Items, Stamps, and Collabs

0.7 Update All New Weapons, Items, Stamps, and Collabs

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HoloCure is an incredibly fun indie roguelike game inspired by the VTubers of Hololive Production. The game’s fifth major update, version 0.7, introduces a wealth of new content for players to explore, alongside balance adjustments for existing characters and items. Highlights of the update include new characters, items, stages, systems, and several fun minigames.

With this update, players can experiment with fresh combinations of weapons, items, stamps, and Collabs. Here’s a comprehensive look at these new additions in HoloCure version 0.7.

HoloCure: How to Transfer Save Data on Steam Deck

Transferring your existing HoloCure saves from Itch.io to Steam on Linux is much more complicated than Windows, but it is possible.

0.7 Weapons & Collabs

Weapon: Owl Dagger

Owl Dagger is a new basic melee weapon that can be unlocked by earning the achievement, I Am… Peko!, by defeating the final boss of Stage 5, Pekodam. This weapon is a reference to Nanashi Mumei of Hololive Promise.


Owl Dagger

Level 1

A very fast dagger that slashes continuously in front.

Level 2

Reduce the time between attacks by 20%.

Level 3

Increase damage by 20%.

Level 4

Increase attack area by 20%.

Level 5

Reduce the time between attacks by 30%.

Level 6

Increase damage by 20%.

Level Max

Reduce the time between attacks further and slashes twice each time.

Possible Enchantments:

  • Crit Damage +10%
  • Cooldown -10%
  • Damage +15%
  • Size +15%

Collaboration: Blood Lust

Blood Lust is a new melee Collab weapon that can be obtained by combining a max-level Owl Dagger and a max-level Psycho Axe. This weapon unleashes rapid slashes in front of the character non-stop. While classified as a melee weapon, the slashes produce projectiles that reach a considerable distance, giving it excellent range. The Blood Lust Collab is a reference to Nanashi Mumei of Hololive Promise and Hoshimachi Suisei of Generation 0.


Blood Lust

Level Max

Two powerful murderous forces combine.

Collaboration: Black Plague

Black Plague is a new melee Collab weapon created by combining max-level EN’s Curse with max-level Owl Dagger. EN’s Curse can be unlocked by completing the achievement, You have been Cursed, by defeating the last boss of stage 3, Spiderchama.

This weapon infects nearby enemies with a damage-over-time effect that spreads continuously to other targets. Additionally, non-target bosses infected with Black Plague have a chance to be instantly defeated with each tick of damage they take. The Black Plague Collab is a reference to Nanashi Mumei’smusic video featuring Hakoz Baelz.


Black Plague

Level Max

A historically deadly disease that continuously spreads to any targets nearby. Has a very small chance to defeat a target instantly.

Super Collaboration: True Infinite BL Works

True Infinite BL Works is the latest Super Collab weapon, created by combining a Collab weapon with a maxed-out item. To craft this Super Collab, players must fuse the Collab weapon BL Fujoshi with the max-level item Hope Soda. BL Fujoshi itself is obtained by combining a max-level BL Book with a max-level Psycho Axe.

While BL Fujoshi features two rings of spinning books and axes around the character, True Infinite BL Works upgrades this to three rings of books, dealing damage to everything in their path. This Super Collab is a reference to Hoshimachi Suisei, Houshou Marine, and IryS.


Black Plague

Level Max

A historically deadly disease that continuously spreads to any targets nearby. Has a very small chance to defeat a target instantly.

HoloCure: What Does Eliminate Do?

This HoloCure mechanic could vastly improve a run if players are aware of how to use it.

0.7 Items


Corporation Pin

Corporation Pin is a new item unlocked by completing the achievement Bigger, which requires players to reach at least 500% Pick Up Range during a run. This feat can be accomplished with the help of the Limiter item or its Super variant, both of which are unlocked by completing Limiters Released!, an achievement earned by surviving at least 10 minutes with Tsukumo Sana. The Corporation Pin increases the attack area of all weapons, scaling with every 40% Pick Up Range the player currently has.


Corporation Pin

Level 1

Every 40% of Pick Up Radius also increases attack area of all weapons by 2%.

Level 2

Every 40% of Pick Up Radius also increases attack area of all weapons by 2.5%.

Level Max

Every 40% of Pick Up Radius also increases attack area of all weapons by 3%.

Promise Tiara

Promise Tiara is an item unlocked by completing the achievement Stamp Hunter, which requires players to sell at least 10 weapon Stamps in a single run. This item boosts Crit and Haste based on the number of Stamps that have dropped during the run, including those obtained before Promise Tiara was selected. As of the 0.7 update, players can achieve a maximum bonus of +22% Crit and +44% Haste from the 22 available Stamps. This item is a reference to the five members of HoloPromise.


Promise Tiara

Level 1

Increase the drop rate of Stamps by 30%. For each Stamp that has ever dropped, gain +0.5% Crit and +1% Haste permanently.

Level 2

Increase the drop rate of Stamps by 30%. For each Stamp that has ever dropped, gain +0.75% Crit and +1.5% Haste permanently.

Level Max

Increase the drop rate of Stamps by 30%. For each Stamp that has ever dropped, gain +1% Crit and +2% Haste permanently.

Raven Feather

Raven Feather is an item unlocked by completing the achievement Just One More Life, which requires players to revive exactly three times in a single Stage mode run using the item Chicken’s Feather. Chicken’s Feather is unlocked by surviving 10 minutes as Takanashi Kiara, completing the Chicken Down achievement.

Raven Feather grants players an extra life and increases ATK by 6% per minute. However, consuming a life removes the accumulated ATK buff and causes players to lose 50% of the HoloCoins earned at the end of the run. This item references Nerissa Ravencroft of Hololive Advent.


Raven Feather

Level Max

Gain +1 life. Increase 6% ATK every minute. Upon losing 1 life, lose the gained ATK and lose 50% gained HoloCoins at the end of the game.

0.7 Weapon Stamps


Collector Stamp

When equipped, the Collector Stamp increases the chance of enemies dropping a Stamp when defeated by the character’s main weapon.


Collector Stamp

Level 1

If a target is defeated within 2 seconds after being hit by this weapon, they have a 1% chance to drop a Stamp, but may drop a mushroom instead.

Level 2

If a target is defeated within 2 seconds after being hit by this weapon, they have a 2% chance to drop a Stamp, but may drop a mushroom instead.

Level Max

If a target is defeated within 2 seconds after being hit by this weapon, they have a 3% chance to drop a Stamp, but may drop a mushroom instead.

Rock Hard Stamp

When equipped, the Rock Hard Stamp increases the damage of the main weapon and reduces the time between attacks of all weapons while the character is standing still. This effect can be challenging to utilize on squishy characters at the start of a run, but is exceptionally powerful on tanky characters like Shirogane Noel later in the game.


Rock Hard Stamp

Level 1

While not moving, increase the damage of this weapon by 20% and reduce the time between all weapons by 30%.

Level 2

While not moving, increase the damage of this weapon by 25% and reduce the time between all weapons by 40%.

Level Max

While not moving, increase the damage of this weapon by 30% and reduce the time between all weapons by 50%.

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