Why is There an Egg On Roger’s Ship?

Why is There an Egg On Roger’s Ship?
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Key Takeaways

  • The Oro Jackson, Roger’s ship in One Piece, has a mysterious egg that may hold the secret of an ancient weapon.
  • The theory suggests the egg on the Oro Jackson could be a Roc holding the power of the ancient weapon Uranus.
  • The true nature of the egg remains a mystery in One Piece, sparking fan theories on its significance and connection to the story.

One Piece is no stranger to having some weird ships. Throughout the series, fans have been introduced to boats like the Going Luffy, a Going Merry replica with Luffy replacing the sheep head, Baratie, a floating restaurant, and the Heart Pirate’s Polar Tang, a literal submarine. With One Piece ships like these, it’s easy to look over any normal-looking ship without sparing it an extra thought.

This is exactly the case with the former strongest pirate of One Piece, Roger’s ship, the Oro Jackson,. Seemingly a completely normal sailing ship, the Oro Jackson feels like a classic pirate vessel, a perfect fit for the King of the Pirates himself. However, on closer inspection, the Oro Jackson does seem to have a few eccentricities, namely the massive egg that sits right in the middle of the vessel.

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What is the Egg on the Oro Jackson?

A Super Weapon or Breakfast

So far, the egg on Roger’s ship remains one of the greatest mysteries in One Piece. Since not much has been revealed about Roger’s journey and life, the character invites constant speculation. From theories about One Piece’s final island Laugh Tale to the mysterious illness that afflicted Roger to the secrets of the One Piece itself, Roger has some of the most theories out of any character in the world of One Piece.

Mr. Tom, you built the awesomest pirate ship ever didn’t you? Young Franky in reference to the Oro Jackson

Despite this, it could be possible that the egg on Roger’s Ship could just be a design choice, similar to some of the other greatest ships in One Piece. However, the design of the egg seems so deliberate, that fans can’t help but speculate on what just might be inside. While some theorize that it may be a dragon or even Big News Morgans, one fan’s theory takes things in a very plausible direction.

Could the Egg Be One Piece’s Ancient Weapon Uranus

Hatching Into Destruction

Oro Jackson Egg

In a Reddit post from Arcade_Theater, the user shares that the egg may be a secret to one of One Piece’s Ancient Weapons. The Ancient Weapons are extremely powerful weapons that were employed sometime during One Piece’s Void Century. While two of the three weapons, Pluton and Poseidon, have been accounted for in the story, the final weapon, Uranus, still has yet to make an appearance.

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In Arcade_Theater’s theory, the egg on Roger’s ship may just hold the secrets to One Piece’s last Ancient Weapon. In this theory, the egg on the Oro Jackson houses a mystical bird-like entity known as a Roc. This bird would contain the powers of Uranus, in a similar manner to how Shirahoshi possesses the power of Poseidon.

The theory gets even deeper when looking at the specifics of the three weapons from One Piece’s Void Century.

Arcade_Theater explains that while Pluton represents power over the surface of the One Piece world, and Poseidon represents power under the sea, the Roc with the power of Uranus could represent power over the sky. Additionally, Uranus itself directly translates to heaven or the sky, helping cement the plausibility of this idea.

The Egg of the Oro Jackson Remains a One Piece Mystery

We May Never See it Hatch

Gol D. Roger partying with Kozuki Oden and the rest of his crew in the One Piece anime.

Despite how plausible this theory for the egg on the Oro Jackson may seem, there are still many other theories for the egg that make sense as well. Especially with Uranus revealed to be somehow connected to One Piece’s Mother Flame, this Uranus theory loses more and more credibility with each passing chapter. In fact, many consider the weapon that Imu used to destroy the Lulusia Kingdom with the power of the Ancient Weapon Uranus, though this hasn’t been confirmed. If it was Uranus, on the other hand, this doesn’t completely discredit the Egg Theory, as the World Government may have obtained the creature after Roger’s death, and the creature itself could be connected to the Mother Flame.

Three Ancient Weapons, each bearing the name’s of Gods.

As One Piece enters its final saga, it may never actually be revealed just what the egg on the Oro Jackson is. In the end, it very well could have just been some sort of breakfast that Roger was saving for later. However, the egg itself also represents the mysteries of One Piece, showing how one simple detail can spark the imaginations of fans around the world.


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