Pokemon GO follows a live-service game format, meaning it frequently offers a variety of familiar and new in-game events. These events regularly introduce new challenges, features, and even Pokemon debuts to keep the gameplay exciting and fresh, meaning there is always something new for Trainers to return to or look forward to each time they play the game.
During the Max Out Season, many different events have been available for players to participate in, including the GO Wild Area: Global event, which heavily features Electric and Poison-type specimens, as well as Mighty Pokemon—regular Pokemon with more powerful stats than the average specimen. Everything you need to know about the complete list of Pokemon available to encounter during the GO Wild Area: Global event, as well as which event bonuses will be available, has been included in the guide below.

Pokemon GO Into The Wild: All Bonuses & Featured Pokemon
Pokemon GO’s Into The Wild event has numerous bonuses and featured Pokemon for players to interact with.
All Bonuses & Featured Pokemon in Pokemon GO Wild Area: Global
In Pokemon GO, the GO Wild Area: Global event began on November 23, 2024, and concludes on November 24, 2024. During this brief period, there are numerous event bonuses and a wide range of different featured Pokemon that can be encountered and captured during this time. Trainers have a limited timeframe to make the most of this opportunity, so knowing exactly which bonuses and specimens are available and how they can be obtained will be beneficial.
All General Bonuses in Pokemon GO’s Into The Wild
- Daily limit for collecting Max Particles increased to 1,600.
- Lure Modules activated will last for two hours.
- Chance of receiving Special Backgrounds from Four-Star and Five-Star Raid Battles.
- One GO Snapshot surprise event encounter per day.
All Ticketed Bonuses in Pokemon GO’s Into The Wild
- Increased Max Particles from Power Spots and exploration.
- Daily limit for collecting Max Particles increased to 3,200.
- Increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon.
- 2x Catch Candy.
- 1/2 Hatch Distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event.
- 2x Hatch Stardust.
- 2x Hatch XP.
- 2x Hatch Candy.
- Up to 5 Raid Passes per day by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms.
- 5,000 Additional XP from completed Raids.
- 1 Additional Candy XL from Pokemon in Four-Star, Five-Star, Mega Raids, Ultra Beast Raids, and Primal Raids.
- Up to 6 Special Trades can be made each day.
- Reduced Stardust cost for trades.
- Three GO Snapshot surprise event encounters per day.
In addition to these event bonuses, there are also numerous Pokemon available to encounter and capture during the GO Wild Area: Global event. The Pokemon that will spawn rotate hourly in set groups, meaning there are frequently new specimens popping up to grab. Here is a complete list of all groups, the relevant Pokemon that will spawn within each group, and an indication of whether they can be encountered as a shiny or not.
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – Wild Spawns: Electric Hour
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Alolan Geodude |
Magnemite |
Voltorb |
Hisuian Voltorb |
Electabuzz |
Electrike |
Shinx |
Blitzle |
Joltik |
Tynamo |
Stunfisk |
Helioptile |
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – Wild Spawns: Poison Hour
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Bulbasaur |
Bellsprout |
Tentacool |
Spinarak |
Paldean Wooper |
Qwilfish |
Hisuian Qwilfish |
Skorupi |
Croagunk |
Venipede |
Skrelp |
Mareanie |
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – Wild Spawns: Mighty Pokemon
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Day |
Pidgeot |
Golem |
Gyarados |
Luxray |
Scolipede |
Galvantula |
Tyrantrum |
Toxapex |
Venusaur |
Poliwrath |
Dragonite |
Feraligatr |
Electivire |
Mamoswine |
Eelektross |
Dragalge |
At the end of each day, from 6:00 PM to 6:15 PM local time, Mighty Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild for 15 minutes.
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – 10 km Eggs
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Druddigon |
Larvesta |
Carbink |
Goomy |
Jangmo-o |
Toxel |
Dreepy |
Charcadet |
Frigibax |
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – Raids
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Raid |
Studded Jacket Snorlax |
Luxray |
Scolipede |
Venusaur |
Electivire |
Toxtricity (Amped) |
Toxtricity (Low Key) |
Origin Forme Dialga |
Primal Kyogre |
Primal Groudon |
Pokemon GO Into The Wild – Max Battles
Pokemon |
Shiny Chance? |
Raid |
Drilbur |
Excadrill |
Toxtricity (Amped) |
Toxtricity (Low Key) |
Gigantamax Toxtricity |
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