One Persona 3 Reload Party Function Could Shake Up Persona 6’s Story

One Persona 3 Reload Party Function Could Shake Up Persona 6's Story
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Even though it still has yet to receive an official reveal, Persona 6 has been the subject of a great deal of anticipation. This includes not only the core Persona fandom, but the wider gaming community as a whole. Persona 3 Reload has helped to increase the good will towards the series, and Persona 6 should make sure to capitalize on this.

Despite the community remaining in the dark, speculation has continued to push ahead thanks to a number of leaks that may or may not be true. Much of this information has had little to do with gameplay, instead focusing on theme, story, or setting elements. However, one function of party balance in Persona 3 Reload could be the perfect mechanic to spice up Persona 6.

Persona 3 Reload’s SEES Presents a Possible Framework for P6’s Party

SEES in Persona 3 Reload offered a different party dynamic than the series is used to, and Persona 6 may be able to learn from it.

Persona 6 Could Borrow Persona 3 Reload’s Party Limitations

Persona 3 Reload Embraces a Fresh Take on Age-Old Mechanics

Persona 3 Reload is, of course, a full-scale remake of Persona 3. P3 has had two other versions, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable, each with its own unique pros and cons. Persona 3 Reload lifts features from each version, and although some important updates were left on the table, it can largely be considered the new definitive version of the game.

One staple of Persona 3 which made it into Reload is the way in which party management functions. The Persona series’ calendar system is known for its blend of dungeon-crawling and hang-out sessions, and Persona 3 Reload offers a great way to balance this. In Persona 3, certain party members are temporarily unavailable on certain days.

Persona 3 Has a Unique Approach to Party Management

This naturally adds a whole new dynamic to party management in Persona, let alone general time management. In a similar vein, it enhances the game’s immersion, implying that each character has more of an internal life to take care of. In summary, it’s a whole new factor to take account of when making important decisions, and these decisions can lead to some pretty major consequences.

Party members can be unavailable for any number of reasons, either hinging on a prior commitment or even a cold. Of course, players can decide to simply go to Tartarus in Persona 3 without them. However, this could make the expedition much more dangerous if the player is caught unprepared. This inherent risk only serves to make the entire system more interesting, and Persona 6 could make this feature even more engaging.

Persona 6 Can Improve Persona 3 Reload’s Party Management Mechanics

Even on the surface level, adopting this mechanic would certainly be a boon to Persona 6‘s story. The game could implement plenty of reasons for party members to be unavailable, each of which could enrich the narrative overall. Despite saddling players with more potential risks, Persona 6 has the potential to make the system that much more rewarding.

As it stands, the benefits of this mechanic are matter-of-fact effects on the story. Other than that, it is simply a choice to make that will almost always cause the player to take a greater deal of risk. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing to put roadblocks in the way of a player, but this is a roadblock that they can always simply choose to avoid. If Persona 6 truly wants to innovate on this dynamic, it can convert the mechanic into a system of risk and reward.

This can be done in a number of ways, all of which would offset any potential drawbacks of the current system. Perhaps if the player decides to respect a party member’s wishes to sit on the bench, the bond between the two of them will grow stronger. On the flipside, perhaps persevering without a certain party member could grant an additional amount of EXP to the others.

Whatever the case, the road ahead is relatively clear on this front. Persona 3 Reload‘s current system of party management is interesting enough as it is, but there’s always room for improvement. Persona 6 could take the risk inherent to this mechanic, and create a fresh risk-reward system in the process.

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