MLBB M6 Wildcard: Connection Issue Spark Investigation on ULFHEDNAR vs DFYG

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The MLBB M6 World Championship Wildcard Stage is set to draw to a close after three days of intense action. Now, two teams are left, as Turkey’s ULFHEDNAR face Argentina’s Insilio for the title.

ULFHEDNAR registered a comfortable 3-0 victory to become the champion of their group. Insilio, on the other hand, was tied with RRQ Akira but made it to the decider match due to a better win-loss ratio. The MLBB M6 World Championship is taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Nov. 21 to Dec. 15.

ULFHEDNAR’s victory is under controversy, however, due to no fault of their own but a connection issue. Here’s what you need to know.

MLBB M6 Wildcard

Image Credits: MOONTON

ULFHEDNAR’s match against DFYG under investigation

Shortly after the last wildcard game between ULFHEDNAR and DFYG concluded, MLBB esports’ Instagram account issued a statement saying it was investigating the match. While the exact reason behind this wasn’t stated, the M6 committee revealed it was due to a complaint by DFYG.

It seems that the investigation stems from an apparent connection issue faced by DFYG’s Liu “zzzed” Chenjian in Game 3 of the Wildcard Stage. This was an extremely crucial game, as both teams were tied, and the winner could decide who advanced to the grand finals.

At 18 minutes and 10 seconds, though, there was a questionable play by zzzed as he just walked into the opponent’s turret and enemy, seemingly having no control over the hero. He was quickly taken down.

At this point, DFYG was far ahead in the game with a gold lead of 3,000, and ULFHEDNAR had their base completely exposed. It looked like DFYG was set to win the game. However, with zzzed taken down, they quickly retreated and called for a match pause.

The issue was addressed quickly, but DFYG couldn’t stage a comeback. They lost the next team fight, allowing ULFHEDNAR to secure the Lord and rush down the midlane to claim victory.

MLBB M6 Wildcard: What next?

The MLBB M6 committee is yet to announce a decision. This article will be updated when it does.

Connection issues aren’t uncommon in esports; however, this particular instance seems to have completely turned the tide of the match. It remains to be seen how the situation is handled. Nonetheless, the decider match will determine the last time in the Swiss Stage of the M6 World Championship.

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