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Farming Simulator 25 isn’t all about planting, maintaining, and harvesting crops; there is a plethora of different livestock available in the game, too. These animals are all used for the same purpose in the game as they are in real life, ranging from meat to byproducts and other passive benefits.

Farming Simulator 25: Complete Beekeeping Guide
Here’s how to get honey in Farming Simulator 25!
One of the livestock you can farm is pigs. Pigs are a middle-of-the-road situation; they aren’t terribly involved to manage, but they aren’t quite as easy to keep around as bees, either. But, for the amount of effort you put in, pigs can provide massive benefits in both money and helpful byproducts.
Construction For Keeping Pigs
There are a few different buildings you can build for keeping pigs. Most of these buildings function similarly to each other, and are straight upgrades that are reflected in their price.
Building |
Price |
Description |
Pig Pasture |
20,000 |
The Pig Pasture houses 36 pigs, and is the most barebones building for housing pigs in the game. There are multiple downsides to the Pig Pasture: you need to manually fill it with water for the pigs, and you cannot collect slurry, which is a useful byproduct. |
Pigsty |
67,000 |
The Pigsty houses 50 pigs, and is the first pig building that automatically gives your pigs water, and allows you to collect slurry from them. |
Shed With Pig Pasture |
44,000 |
This houses 25 pigs, making it the smallest in terms of pig capacity. But, it does automatically water the pigs and allows you to collect slurry. Overall, it’s an improvement over the default Pig Pasture. |
Pigsty 2 |
109,000 |
This Pigsty can hold considerably more pigs than the first one, with a capacity of 109 pigs. It functions the same otherwise, making it the second tier of Pigsty. |
Pigsty 3 |
164,000 |
The final Pigsty is the most expensive, and has the highest capacity at 275 pigs. Functionally, it works the same. |
How To Feed Your Pigs
There are two different ways to keep your pigs fed.
Feeding Your Pigs With Crops
Feeding pigs is a very simple process, since pigs will eat just about anything. In terms of crops that you grow, pigs will eat:
- Corn
- Wheat
- Barley
- Canola
- Sunflowers
- Soybeans
- Potatoes
- Sorghum
- Sugar Beets
These can be a readily available food source for them, but if you’re looking to regularly sell your crops for a profit or have them included in other supply chains, it can cause problems.
However, if you do choose to go this route with feeding your pigs, it can be made easier by keeping specialized fields near your pig habitations, for a couple of reasons.
For one, it’s going to ensure that the field is specifically suited for feeding pigs. It won’t be confused as a field with a different purpose, and you won’t accidentally sell it without remembering to feed your pigs, first.
Second, it keeps the transport of the crops down. You can bring it right from the field, and to the pigs, without driving across the map to do it. For something that you’re going to be doing with regularity, it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
Rotating Crops
If playing with seasonal growth turned on, you need to consider that in the winter months, the crops that your pigs need aren’t going to grow. During these months, you can either buy pig feed from the store or keep some food back in a silo throughout the year.
You’re also going to want to need to consider your pigs’ dietary needs. Simply feeding them a steady supply of sunflowers isn’t going to get them to their fullest, and rotating through base food, grain, root crops, and protein is going to maximize their potential.
Feeding Your Pigs With Pig Feed
Pig Feed is available for purchase in the Packs > Animals section of the store. Pig Food costs €1,000, which isn’t terribly expensive considering the convenience of it. The trade-off for pig food means that you’re going to be spending less time managing your pig’s diet with crops, but making less profit overall by outright buying the food.
Storing Your Pig Food And Straw
Loading your pig habitations with pig food varies slightly cosmetically depending on what kind of habitation you’ve built, but functions essentially the same. For all of these buildings, the area in which you need to store food has a food symbol next to it. Simply drive the food to that symbol, drop it, and it will automatically load into the container for the pigs.
Straw works much in the same way, but isn’t used in the simple fenced-in Pig Pasture. For the other buildings that do use straw, drive the bale of straw to the same place you load the food, and it will be there for the pigs when they need it.
How To Collect Slurry
Collecting slurry from your Pigsty is also very easy, but is going to require certain equipment. You’re going to either need a slurry tanker if you want to transport vast amounts of slurry, or a slurry spreader if you move lower quantities.
These come in various prices, starting at €31,500 and €37,500 for a spreader and a tanker, respectively. They’re found in the Yield Improvements section of the store, and require a tractor to pull them.
If you opt for Garant or Oxbo
variations on the spreader, you won’t need the tractor, but they are considerably more expensive.

Farming Simulator 25: Achievement/Trophy Guide
Farming Simulator 25 offers a ton of achievements to unlock and here are all the tasks you need to do to get them.
How To Buy Pigs
There are two different ways to buy pigs; one of them is considerably more convenient than the other.
You can buy pigs at zero months old, or at three months old, with older pigs being more expensive.
Buying Pigs At Your Pigstys
You can buy pigs at a pigsty, and those pigs will load directly into their home right when you buy them. This keeps you from having to transport pigs across the map, which requires an animal transport vehicle. This is very slightly more expensive per pig, but avoids the upfront cost of the animal transport attachment.
Buying Pigs From An Animal Dealer
You can also buy pigs from an animal dealer in town. You can buy most varieties of animals here, not just pigs, and will avoid the fee of delivering the pig right to its new home.
The Life Of A Pig
There are three different varieties of pigs, but their differences are entirely cosmetic. The pig types are:
- German Landrace
- Bentheim Black Pied
- Berkshire
Young Pigs
Pigs that are aged zero-six months old are unable to reproduce, and so eat, sleep, and play without doing anything else. Once pigs get to six months old, they start reproducing, and you’ll gain more pigs without having to buy them.
Adult Pigs
Adult pigs can be sold for profit. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when selling pigs, though.
You’ll gain less money for selling pigs without transporting them to where they’re going to end up. This will, again, keep you from the cost of animal transport and save you time, but it’s going to cut into your profit, especially over bulk.
You also don’t want to hurt your pig population too much. If you sell too many adult pigs, you’re not going to have pigs reproducing at the same rate. This is going to hurt future profit, and so keeping a healthy population of pigs is going to help you earn more, in the long run.

Farming Simulator 25: How To Grow Grapes
We look at growing, tending, harvesting, and selling grapes in Farming Simulator 25.
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