Key Takeaways
- Sims 4: Life and Death added 15 unique gravestones, each with its own personality and style.
- Standout options include the Werewolf, Mt. Komorebi, and Skull gravestones for historic, unique, and spooky vibes.
- Other options like the Rose, Tree, and Classic gravestones cater to simpler tastes, offering elegance with a hint of playfulness.
Picking a headstone is a grave matter. Sorry, we couldn’t resist. But seriously – your Sims will be tied to that gravestone for all eternity. It might as well look nice. Thankfully, The Sims 4: Life and Death added a ton of new graves.
With a whole cemetery’s worth of stones to pick from, your Sims will have a gravestone fit for a celebrity. There are fifteen types to choose from, and each one has tons of personality and style. Throw away those urns and get back to the classic headstone. These are all the gravestones in the Sims 4 ranked.
15 The Werewolf Gravestone
Howl For The Dead
The Werewolf Gravestone is the best of those available purely because of the character it has. This headstone was originally made for the Werewolf occult state, hence the giant moon on the front. It looks aged, as if it has been left out for years. Historic and spooky, it creates the perfect combination.
Besides being associated with werewolves, the moon also has had an association with the deceased. The waxing and waning of the moon has been associated with the cycle of life, with the new moon embodying death.
14 The Mt. Komorebi Gravestone
Sleep Amid The Snow
This gravestone was added in the Snowy Escape expansion pack, and it is inspired by real-life Buddhist grave markers. This gravestone is striking among the available gravestones, and the tie-in to real-life culture makes it unique. It is an excellent option for your Sims, even if they aren’t from Mt. Komorebi.
Snowy Escape introduced two new kinds of deaths to go along with the new gravestone. The first was Death By Falling From A Great Hight, and the second was Death By Vending Machine. Hopefully your Sims have more peaceful reasons to use this gravestone…
13 The Skull Gravestone
Alas, Poor Yorick
The skull is the ultimate symbol of mortality. Everyone, even Sims, will eventually become a skull. The skull on the Skull Gravestone is another reference to Victorian grave art, making it a great choice for historic-minded Sims or vintage saves.

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Putting a skull on a grave is not only metal as anything, it serves as a friendly reminder to friends and loved ones. Memento mori, after all. This skull is at least quite cute, as it has been sim-ified by the game’s artstyle.
12 The Moonstone Gravestone
Forever Under The Moon
Simple elegance never goes out of style, even for the dead. A moonstone is embedded in the top of the gravestone which gives this headstone a classy twist. This gives it a witchy vibe that would suit any Sim who wants to add a little something to their headstone. This vibe is perfect, as it was originally introduced for Witch Sims.
Witchcraft has been in the series since The Sims: Makin’ Magic, but this gravestone marks the first time they were given a unique headstone. There’s no better option for those who want to show off their magic, even in death.
11 The Vampire Gravestone
Sleep Like The Dead
Vampires are immortal in the Sims 4 – provided they don’t have an unfortunate run in with the sun, or die of thirst. For those who get a bit of a tan, the Vampire gravestone was added.
With the Life and Death expansion, the Vampire gravestone is now open to all, giving goth Sims the perfect opportunity to have the ultimate headstone. Your Sim may be gone, but Bela Lugosi’s still undead, and the night goes on with this headstone in place.
10 The Raven Gravestone
Quoth The Raven
Sims that choose the Raven Gravestone will be well-guarded during their final rest. With the addition of ravens to the game in Life and Death, Sims can now befriend (and be-enemy) ravens. Ravens can give gifts…or cause an early demise.

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Ravens have been used in funerary art for centuries. They are often associated with death, but they are intelligent and loyal animals. Some people have even managed to befriend ravens in real life.
9 The Black Gravestone
Back In Black
The carvings in the stone resemble Victorian grave motifs, but what stands out is the black color of the stone. This headstone is unique for being made of a completely black material. This color, plus the heart and the swirls, will make a splash in any graveyard.
The color black has been associated with mourning for centuries, but it gained popularity during the Victorian period. Imagine an all black gravestone for those Sims that give the Victorian feel.
8 The Rose Gravestone
A Rose For The Dead
There is a link between flowers and death, and there has been one for ages. Flowers were used to cover up the less pleasant aspects of death and served as an offering of beauty amid sadness.
You can leave a permanent offering of flowers for your Sims with the Rose Gravestone. A rose is carved into the stone, a rose that will never age or wilt, making it an ideal tribute.
7 The Horse Gravestone
Eternally A Horse Girl
This headstone was initially created for Horses, but now there’s nothing stopping the Horse Girls in your Sims’ lives from representing their favorite animal for all eternity. The horse on the stone is mid-leap, which adds a dynamic action moment to the carving.
Interestingly this was the only pet-specific headstone made available by Sims. Both dogs and cats have their own headstones, but as of now they are still unique to dogs and cats. Typical of cats not to share, we suppose.
6 The Hourglass Gravestone
Ran Out Of Time
Eventually, every Sim runs out of time – even if they used that time wisely. For those Sims who like to remind other Sims about the ever-encroaching nature of death, this headstone has an hourglass carved into the bottom. It is likely inspired by Victorian grave art, as the hourglass was a popular motif for inscriptions.

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A lot of Victorian grave art was meant to remind the viewer of their own mortality rather than venerate the deceased. This Victorian-style headstone continues the theme in The Sims.
5 The Tree Gravestone
The Tree Of Life
Trees have traditionally been used as a symbol of the unending nature of life – they’re always growing and always changing with the season. It makes sense, then, that they’d be used as decorations for headstones.
The Tree Gravestone stands as a reminder that no Sim is ever truly gone. This is comforting to Sims, especially with Life and Death’s newly offered grief system. Of course, their ghost also serves as a reminder that no Sim is ever truly gone when they’re breaking the toilet. But at least this gravestone is nice.
4 The Mermaid Gravestone
Sleeping With The Fishes
The Mermaid Gravestone was added for the Mermaid occult state, and it fully embraces the nautical nature of the Mermaids. However, the giant Mermaid sculpture makes this headstone a bit niche. In terms of viability, this gravestone will probably only be popular with Mermaid Sims or those who really loved the ocean. But for those Sims, this headstone can’t be beaten.
Sims have been able to show off their love for the sea in the series before. Some Sims could even be buried at sea in The Sims 3…albeit after being attacked by a shark or drowning in the ocean. Even still, they got a cute little life preserver around their urns.
3 The Plain Gravestone
Keep It Simple
Some Sims might want a plain option for their headstone, but not feel super attached to the more classic style. The Plain Headstone is a very simple design, being made from a white slab of marble. But the little design up top adds a playful touch. Remember, it doesn’t have to be detailed to be fun.
This gravestone resembles one of the early gravestones from the first Sims game. In the first game there was no player-control over what gravestone would appear, and there was no way to tie a specific Sim to a specific gravestone. Technology marches on indeed.
2 The Classic Gravestone
Always A Classic
Sometimes a Sim just wouldn’t want an over-the-top funeral or gravestone. For those Sims in your life, the Classic Gravestone is perfect. It is a simple, basic stone that resembles entries from previous Sims games. For those who don’t want to improve upon perfection, the Classic Gravestone is here.
Like the Plain Gravestone, this headstone is a homage to the past. This headstone specifically resembles the headstones from The Sims 2. Ghost Sims were bound for the first time to specific gravestones in this game. This could cause problems with that ghost if your Sims mistreated their headstones.
1 The Alien Gravestone
Out Of This World
The Alien Gravestone stands out among the headstones. It was originally designed for Aliens, and it reflects the celestial and sci-fi vibe the Sims 4 Aliens embody. With the addition of Rocket Science and a whole playable world, Aliens have never had more to do in the series than in the Sims 4. This shift in focus reflects in their gravestone.
The Alien Gravestone looks like it has been designed with the Alien’s own culture in mind. This headstone is a bit niche, and most Sims probably wouldn’t chose it, but for those who want something more unique it is perfect.
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