Black Ops 6 Players Have Serious Problem With Nuketown Point B

Black Ops 6 Players Have Serious Problem With Nuketown Point B

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players have serious issues with Nuketown’s capture point B in the Domination game mode. Of every location in every Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 map, Nuketown’s point B might be the most chaotic in the entire game.

Nuketown is arguably Call of Duty‘s most iconic map. It has appeared in all the Black Ops games, and is popular with players thanks to its small size and chaotic action. This makes it a fan-favorite for quick camo grinds, as the next gunfight is never more than a few seconds away. It was reintroduced to Black Ops 6 a few days after its launch, although its inclusion was simply a formality at this point. The Nuketown 24/7 multiplayer playlist is a staple at this point, and remains one of the most played in the entire game, despite the repetition of one map. However, there is a problem with Nuketown on Domination.

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A video shared by Redditor Prizzog showed why capturing point B in Domination on Call of Duty: Black Ops 6‘s Nuketown is a pain. The point is so tiny, and can be hit with grenades from anywhere on the map. This means that throughout the entire game, point B is essentially one big grenade magnet, making it extremely difficult to capture. Even with a perk like Flak Jacket, it can be impossible to survive the onslaught of utility raining down on the capture point.

B on Black Ops 6’s Nuketown is a Grenade Magnet

There are some who feel that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 punishes players who play the objective. Capturing point B on Nuketown can often take several lives, with players feeding themselves into the meat grinder to capture the flag. It’s hard to dispute that objective players are being massively punished because right now, death is near certain. One user in the thread joked that when a teammate puts down a Trophy System onto the capture point, “I just want to give them a fat kiss.” There’s clearly a sentiment that point B is too tough at the moment, but the solution is tough. Expanding the site is a possibility, but even then, there isn’t much room to work with in that area of the map.

Hopefully, Treyarch is able to find a solution that makes all players happy, although that is obviously far easier said than done. In the meantime, the studio continues work on Season 1 of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, with more content to come.

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