Best Professions For Making Gold

Best Professions For Making Gold
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In World of Warcraft Classic, building up cash in your wallet isn’t easy. If you want access to some gold early on, you might be wondering what the best professions are to help you save for your first mount and other items.

Whether you are just getting into World of Warcraft Classic or if you started with the fresh restart of the Classic servers, you will need money. Of the eleven non-First Aid professions, there are some that will help you to get a little extra early to help you pay for whatever you need.

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The Best Profession Combinations to Make Money

Whether you choose Horde or Alliance, there are two profession combos that will help you to get the most money in the early game: Skinning and Herbalism and Skinning and Mining, and Alchemy. These are all gathering professions, and people will need those items to help level up their crafting professions later on in the game, but might not have the time or inclination to gather them for themselves. Unfortunately, this means that it will be pretty challenging if you are playing on a fresh server. Everyone will be broke when the new servers start, and you can only get as much gold as other people have access to for buying your products. But here is a breakdown of how to make the most bank as you level.

Skinning and Making Classic Money


Skinning will eventually start to pay off in later levels as you gain access to Devilsaur Leather from Un’goro Crater. Farming this skinning product will be incredibly challenging, as everyone and their mothers will be out there skinning these critters for money. However, it is the best return on investment for WoW Classic gold per hour farming, especially if you can manage to do it during off hours. The early-game leather will also be helpful for making money to sell to tailors who are leveling their profession but won’t or can’t gather them on their own.

Herbalism as a Job


In combination with skinning, either of the other two big gathering professions will also help to turn you a profit. Most high-level toons won’t want to hang out in low-level areas to pick commonly-needed low-level flowers and herbs, so even low-level herbalists can make some money on the AH by gathering all the stuff people need to level up their alchemy when they hit max level. Also, if you can get your hands on one, Black Lotuses always go for a lot, since they are rare and needed for a lot of flasks.

Mining for Money


Mining is amazing because it fuels the most popular profession in the game: Engineering. Engineers are massively important for raiding, as they allow players to build Sapper Charges. Many guilds will have mostly engineers without having any miners, which means they will need to buy their mats. It is also the only source of Arcane Crystals to make Arcanite Bars. So the good sources of money will be the Solid Stone, Arcane Crystals, Mythril, and (in the short term) Thorium.

Alchemy as a Long Term Investment


Alchemy is one of the best professions for long-term money-making in both WoW SoD and WoW Classic. Once you hit max rank, you’ll be able to make some of the most sought after potions, like Mongoose elixirs, Greater Fire Protection, and other potions needed for raiding. When you hit 60, switching from whatever professions you have over to Herbalism and Alchemy will allow you to charge for your potion-making services, sell potions on the AH, and you will bring a powerhouse of cheaper potions to any raid group.

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November 23, 2004

T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)

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