Where To Get The Ultimate Key In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Where To Get The Ultimate Key In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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During the first few hours of Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you’ll get the Thief Key then the Magic Key. While these keys will help open a lot of the doors in the early areas of the game, there is one more key that will be able to open any door you find, the Ultimate Key.

While you will hear whispers of the Ultimate Key while you explore, it can be found anytime after you unlock the ship and can explore the world, you’ll just need to know where to look and how to solve the required puzzle. Here are all the steps to finding the Ultimate Key.

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Where To Get The Bottomless Pot In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Step one in getting to the Ultimate Key is getting the Bottomless Pot, found in the city of Edina. To enter this city, you’ll need to go and get a Fading Jenny to get past the guard at the front gate. Once inside, take the second left and head down the stairs to find the boulder puzzle.

How To Solve The Boulder Puzzle In Edina

The goal of this puzzle is to push each boulder to the back three pressure plates, Boulders that fall into the water will be lost and you’ll need to reset.

  • First, push the far left boulder up one space.
  • Then push the middle boulder to the right.
  • Circle around the far left boulder to push it right until it lines up with the path forward, pushing it forward onto any of the pressure plates.
  • Go back around past the entrance to push the far right boulder down one slot.
  • Push the boulder on the left to the left until it’s right before the water.
  • Circle around the water to push the boulder right and towards the path to the pressure plates.
  • Head back around to the entrance again and push the last boulder up one space, before pushing it along the same path as the previous one to finish the puzzle.

In the next room, you’ll get the Bottomless Pot, which will open the path forward to the Ultimate Key.

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Where To Get The Ultimate Key In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

After getting the Bottomless Pot, a new marker will appear on your map in the northeastern sea. Head to the marker to find a bunch of jagged rocks coming out of the ocean, and interact with the exclamation point icon to throw the Bottomless Pot into the ocean. This will have a cave come out of the sea, which can be landed one by getting close and interacting with it. Once inside, there will be a single chest, with the Ultimate Key on the inside.

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