Where To Find The Missing Wheel In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Where To Find The Missing Wheel In Disney Dreamlight Valley

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There’s a lot to do in Disney Dreamlight Valley, from thwarting nefarious schemes to gardening with your friends. Your role is to keep the peace within the village no matter what iconic Disney or Pixar character comes your way, and the Storybook Vale Expansion will put that to the test as you play the mediator for Hades and Maleficent.

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However, you’ll also have to help other villagers caught in the middle. One of your biggest concerns is the Wolf of the Wilds, whom Merida is greatly concerned about. We’ll show you how to find them and confront the Fairy Tale Trial that awaits you within the woods.

How To Unlock The Wild Woods

To start this quest, you’ll need to unlock the Wild Woods to the west of the Library of Lore. This mysterious mushroom forest is whimsical as can be, and dark secrets are hidden within the marshes. However, a fiendish howl can be heard even outside this realm.

Merida warns you of the dangers, but will help you open up the area by clearing away inkies if you have at least 2,000 Story Magic.

You can earn more Story Magic by completing duties across Storybook Vale!

Once the area is open, it’s yours to explore in full. Just watch your step and keep an eye out for baby dragons–they have a rock-crushing bite.

Where To Find The Fairy Tale Trial

Once inside the Wild Woods, make your way across the river and to the southwestern corner of the region. Here, you’ll find several inkies blocking your path down a winding slope. Clear them away and follow the trail to find the first Fairytale Trial.

When you do, report your findings to the Lorekeeper. She urges you to get help from Merida before tackling this challenge, as it’s dangerous to go alone.

When you speak to Merida, she’ll accompany you to the Wild Woods and warn you of the wolf that lurks there. You’ll find a trail of paw prints leading down to the Trial site, circling around it and causing havoc.

Where To Find The Missing Wheel


Talk with Merida again to learn that the spinning wheel that opens the Trial is missing. The wolf must have removed it! You’ll need to find it and put it back in place to open the portal.

Look at the tracks on the ground and follow them behind the Trial site to a vibrant purple bush on the left. Here, you’ll spot the wheel stashed in the brambles. Interact with it to add it to your inventory, then bring it back to its rightful place.

Place the wheel back on the pedestal, then use your Royal Net to activate it. The portal to the Fairy Tale Trial will open, and the quest will conclude.

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