Ororon is an excellent sub-DPS character in Genshin Impact which works very well in Electro-Charge teams. His passive triggers Hypersense Effect, which can let him deal off-field Electro damage while your Hydro DPS characters are on the field. He is a reliable character in any Electro-Charge and Hyperbloom team.

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Ororon’s versatility is a great trait that can work in multiple Electro-based teams. To create the best team for Ororon, you need a few Hydro applicators in your team. Some additional Electro support characters will also help you trigger Electro-Charge constantly. To add a twist, you can also add Ororon to your Hyperbloom teams, with one constant Dendro applicator to make it more consistent.
Best Ororon Team
- Ororon
- Venti
- Furina
- Xilonen
Your Ororon will truly shine in an Electro-Charge team, as his kit relies purely on generating Nightsoul Points by triggering the aforementioned reaction. To make sure that Ororon triggers it repeatedly in a short duration, make sure that the enemies are constantly applied with Hydro, which will react with his Electro attacks.
So, you will need some Hydro Applicators like Furina in your team. While there are other substitutes for her, such as Kokomi and Ayato, Furina is the best choice here as she can also heal your team if need be and can constantly apply Hydro with her Elemental Skill. Combining Hydro with Venti’s Elemental Burst also makes an opponent trapped in a Hydro vortex.
Xilonen is a de-buffer and will reduce the opponent’s resistance to Electro, Anemo, and Hydro in this team. This will cause Ororon to deal even stronger damage using his Elemental Skill and Burst. Xilonen is also a Natlan character, so you can generate more Nightsoul points while she is on the field.
Ororon Hyperbloom Team
- Nahida
- Ororon
- Kokomi
- Xinqiu
While your main focus here will be Hyperbloom, you will still rely on Electro-charge reactions to use your Ororon to its full potential. Kokomi’s elemental skill can constantly apply Hydro to the enemy and also heal your team.
Nahida can use her Elemental Skill to apply Dendro to them at regular intervals. Xinqiu or any other strong Hydro DPS characters like Neuvilette, Ayato, and Yelan can finish them off while your Ororon deals off-field damage.
Ororon F2P Team
- Ororon
- Xinqiu
- Barbara
- Sucrose
You might be lacking a few five-star characters as they rarely appear in event wishes. Still, you can create an excellent F2P team for Ororon with the four-star characters you have. There are some good Hydro-applicators and DPS characters that you can try out, such as Xinqiu and Barbara.
Xinqiu can act as the main damage dealer in the team while relying on Ororon’s off-field electro damage. If you need healing, you can add Barbara to your team. Since both of them can apply Hydro consistently, you will have no trouble triggering some Electro-charge reactions.
Sucrose can infuse either Electro or Hydro damage with her Elemental Burst, which will also aid you in applying the correct elements. You can also debuff an enemy’s resistance if you have equipped the Viriscident Venerer set on Sucrose, as the four-piece set can decrease an enemy’s resistance by 40 percent. This will increase the overall damage output of your team.

Genshin Impact: How To Locate And Defeat Avatar Of Lava
Many Avatars of Lava are waiting for you in Natlan. Learn their specific regions in Genshin Impact in this guide.
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