Pale Mist Color Puzzle (Puzzle Beneath The Cliffs) In Genshin Impact

Pale Mist Color Puzzle (Puzzle Beneath The Cliffs) In Genshin Impact

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Although the official in-game puzzle name is called Pale Mist in Genshin Impact, some text and figures refer to the occurrence as pale fog, which may throw players off a little bit. The area surrounded by Pale Mist is dark and colorless, so it’s up to the Travelers to restore the original state of the area.

Typically, tricky puzzles in Genshin Impact come with an achievement, but the Pale Mist color puzzles only give a Remarkable and Precious Chest. This is because the achievement came later from the Will of the Mysterious Graffiti.

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Third Lies Beneath The Cliffs Puzzle Solution (Will of the Mysterious Graffiti Quest)

When first speaking to the Will of the Mysterious Graffiti in Genshin Impact, it hinted, “Third lies beneath the cliffs, where a pale fog that could have dissipated now spreads as Cinder City stirs…” However, the painting didn’t explain that there are actually two puzzles beneath the cliffs where pale fog resides. Players can remove the mist by solving the color puzzle in the area.

Pale Mist Color Puzzle Locations In Genshin Impact

There are two Pale Mist color puzzles in Genshin Impact. One northeast of the Masters of the Night-Wind Statue of the Seven, while the other is to the northwest. Both Pale Mist puzzles are beneath the cliffs, just as the Will of the Mysterious Graffiti explained.

Pale Mist Color Puzzle #1 – East

To find the Xalac Vale Pale Mist color puzzle in Genshin Impact, head to either the Masters of the Night-Wind Statue of the Seven or the Waypoint to the east. From the Waypoint, head north to a small opening beneath two cliffs to reach an area starved of color.

To solve the Xalac Vale Pale Mist color puzzle in Genshin Impact, follow these steps:

  • Locate the two Saurian statues. On one statue, there’s a yellow Hued Monetoo, while the other is sitting on a “track.”
  • Approach the wooden toys and activate them.
  • Take the yellow Hued Monetoo from one statue then jump to the other statue’s colored area. This will move the Hued Monetoo.

The yellow Hued Monetoo will disappear if you touch the colorless area.

Next, hit the wooden toy to make it move. It’ll stop when it reaches a colorless track, so pick up the yellow Monetoo and paint the color with it using the Elemental Skill button. Afterward, keep the Monetoo with you and hit the toy again until it lights up the stone structure.

Now that the stone area is not colorless, use the yellow Hued Monetoo to complete the stone’s color. This will solve the Xalac Vale Pale Mist color puzzle in Genshin Impact, rewarding players with a Precious Chest.

Pale Mist Color Puzzle #2 – West

For the second pale fog, head to the western part of the Masters of the Night-Wind and find the colorless area. To solve the Pale Mist puzzle, do the following:

  • Activate the wooden toy statue, then attack it.
  • It’ll move until there’s a rock blocking the way.
  • Transform into a nearby Iktomisaur or use Ororon’s ability in Genshin Impact to remove the rock from the track.
  • Go to where there are a bunch of rocks and place the stone in the middle of the line. This will reveal a secret cave.
  • Keep hitting the wooden toy until it enters the cave; soon, you’ll see a second statue.
  • Activate the second statue.
  • Take the red Hued Monetoo and color the stone structure with red.
  • Claim the Remarkable Chest reward in Genshin Impact.

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