Key Takeaways
- Blood magic is a dangerous last resort for mages in the Dragon Age franchise, with the risk of possession.
- Characters like Jowan, Uldred, and Hawke wield blood magic to varying degrees of chaos and power.
- Figures like Avernus and Corypheus showcase the immense knowledge and raw power that blood magic can imbue, with dire consequences.
Blood magic is the pathway to abilities many may find unnatural. It’s the dangerous last resort for mages and is considered the ultimate crime against the fade. Wielding blood magic puts the caster at risk of being possessed by demons and becoming grotesque abominations.

Dragon Age: All Archdemons, Ranked By Strength
The Archdemons of Dragon Age are immensely powerful beings, but some are stronger and more horrific than others.
Powerful mages can wield it without entirely giving themselves over to the dark side. However, wielding it does taint the user, and the more negative effects will eventually rear their heads. Though the first and second entries in the series featured blood magic as an optional specialization for either the Warden or Hawke to focus on, it never seemingly crept up into the narrative despite how detested its use is. Various incredibly potent apostates tap into its power temporarily, and with that said – here’s a list of some of the most powerful blood magic wielders in the Dragon Age Franchise.
8 Jowan
The Impulsive Mage Apprentice
- Released
- November 3, 2009
Players familiar with the circle of magi background are all too familiar with Jowan. He initially started as a mage apprentice, nervous about undertaking his first harrowing – who resorted to blood magic when cornered by Templars.
Though Jowan mainly dabbled in blood magic to keep up with his talented mage companions, after his breakdown, he causes havoc both inside the circle and later in Redcliffe when he causes the possession of the Earl’s son, Connor. Even though he’s not a talented blood mage or regular mage, in fact – it goes to show just how destructive blood magic is in any mage’s hands.
7 Uldred
The Corrupted Senior Enchanter
Uldred’s bizarre ability to weed out the sneaky blood mages was always somewhat suspicious to his fellow circle magi. These suspicions were subsequently confirmed after his takeover of the circle, where he corrupted countless mages through blood magic – transforming them into dangerous abominations.

12 Things That Make Dragon Age: Origins Infinitely Replayable
Fans of Dragon Age: Origins have a plethora of awesome reasons to keep diving back into the game.
Uldred’s power can’t be denied, especially as he succumbs more and more to possessing a Pride Demon. He entirely overran the Ferelden’s image circle and was only stopped due to the Warden’s and their companions’ efforts.
6 The Warden
The Indomitable Protagonist Can’t Quite Keep Up
The main protagonist of Dragon Age: Origins is undoubtedly one of the stronger characters in the series – even though blood magic can fall short as a specialization.
Though in most games where it’s featured as a specialization, it does take some time to make it a worthwhile choice that doesn’t immediately sap the player’s health – it’s somewhat lacking in damage output for The Warden. It primarily acts as a means to use the player’s health instead of their mana and lacks any unique abilities. Being a protagonist, however, most likely means the Warden can wield its twisted power to a high capability.
5 Merill
The Fascinated Keeper
Dragon Age 2‘s resident witty and naive companion is a Dalish elf who’s fascinated with ancient magic, both natural and corrupt. Merill is a potent mage who often goes underappreciated, and her infatuation with using blood magic as a force for good does contribute to it.

Dragon Age: Strongest Shapeshifters, Ranked
Shapeshifters in the Dragon Age series are incredibly powerful. Here’s how they stack up to one another.
This keeper-in-training doesn’t think any magic is inherently evil and believes that blood magic’s inherent dark nature lies within its wielder’s desires. She wields this twisted and powerful magic various times throughout the story, and it does become a point of contention for the party, especially Ghost Rider‘s number one fan, Anders.
4 Avernus
Near Unparalleled Knowledge Of Blood Magic
- Dragon Age: Origins – Warden’s Keep
Avernus was a Gray Warden mage who experimented with forbidden blood magic to enhance the abilities of the Gray Wardens and extend their lifespans. There’s no denying that he was an expert in twisting blood magic to his will – and detests the Chantry for their somewhat closed-minded view on the act.
Though he wasn’t as overtly powerful as he was incredibly knowledgeable. A lifetime of study and academics surrounding the prohibited arts meant that he understood blood magic in a way that very few do, even if he couldn’t truly wield it to its fullest.
3 Hawke
An Incredibly Powerful & Versatile Mage
Since the cinematic announcement trailer for Dragon Age 2, which saw Hawke going up against Arishok – it was clear that Hawke wasn’t above wielding blood magic to get their way.

Dragon Age: 10 Character Design Concepts Better Than What Made It Into The Game
Dragon Age is a beloved RPG series with engaging characters, and here’s a peek at concept art for fan favorites that didn’t make it to the game.
Clearly, the canon Hawke from Dragon Age 2 was always meant to be a mage apostate – and given that they’re a video-game protagonist, naturally, they’re mighty. From being able to control the minds of enemies to their blood boiling in their veins as Hawke plunges their staff into their own chest – they’re pretty unhinged.
2 Gereon Alexius
The Power To Manipulate Time
- Released
- November 18, 2014
A Tevinter mage who, in his desperation, used blood magic to manipulate time itself – and sent the inquisitor in the future. His desperation only amplified his abilities and the unplanned explosion that sent ripples through Ferelden.
His boss fight sees him dominating the Inquisition, and it’s a tough battle for players who haven’t put in the hours exploring the Hinterlands. His erratic use of blood magic causing him to be able to completely manipulate the fabric of time was definitely a surprise and puts him well up there in terms of powerful mages.
1 Corypheus
The Ultimate Antagonist
The main antagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition is none other than the twisted abomination himself, Corypheus. One glance at the Tevinter Magister is enough to signal to any Inquisitor that he’s a man deeply warped in his pursuit of power.
His command over the blight through the use of the architect’s blood, combined with his many immortal exploits in transforming the Golden City, makes him a blood mage of truly godlike proportions. No blood mage has ever truly lived up to the epic displays of raw power that Corypheus has, whether it’s in his lore or throughout his many efforts in terrorizing the Inquisition.

Dragon Age: Best Elf Romances in the Series
Throughout the Dragon Age series, there are plenty of elves that players can start a romance with.
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