Once players get the ship in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, the entire map will open up and can be explored at whatever pace you want. Each town is unique, with many being tied to the various orbs you’re now tracking down, and others having additional side quests to complete and help strengthen your party.
While most towns can be entered as usual, Edina is a bit more stuck-up and won’t let just anyone inside. Fading Jennys can be used to make the entire party invisible and sneak past guards who are blocking your path, perfect for entering Edina. Here’s where to get Fading Jennys and how they work.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake: How To Kill Metal Slimes
Metal Slimes offer huge sums of XP when killed in Dragon Quest 3 Remake; here’s how to take them down.
Where To Get Fading Jennys In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
Fading Jennys can be purchased from the general shop in the town of Lanson for 300 gold a piece. Lanson is found along the southern border of the map and will require the ship to sail to the central island it is located on. Lanson is located along the eastern side of the island, and docking along the shore and walking there won’t be an issue, no matter your level. The general goods store is the second store along the main road when entering from the left side of town.
How Does Fading Jenny Work In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
Using a Fading Jenny anytime outside of combat will make the entire party disappear, with the duration based on steps taken, not time elapsed. While invisible, you’re unable to interact with any NPC, as they will only talk as if they are being haunted by a ghost. Being invisible only works on NPCs, as monsters in the overworld and in dungeons will still see you and trigger random encounters.
To talk to NPCs again, simply run around in circles for a few seconds and the effects of the Fading Jenny will end.
What’s the Difference Between Heal All and Handy Heal All In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
While outside of combat in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you can choose to heal your party with Heal All or Handy Heal All, but what’s the difference?
How To Enter Edina In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
The guard at the main gate of Edina won’t let anyone inside, so you’ll need to use a Fading Jenny to turn invisible and walk past him. You can use a Fading Jenny right in front of him with no penalty, and once in effect, you can walk right past him without issue. Once inside, your Fading Jenny can wear off and no one will give you any issue. You will need another Fading Jenny any time you want to walk past the guard after getting in for the first time.
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