How To Complete Piece of Cake in STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl

How To Complete Piece of Cake in STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl has numerous side quests for players to undertake. These missions are very well sculpted into the game’s story, and many could have been main missions. One such endeavor is the mission Piece of Cake. Players will acquire this mission by progressing through the story until they find and interact with Squint — who will be encountered during A Needle in a Haystack.

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A lot of players might not worry themselves with side quests, and only pursue the main missions instead. This is a fair course of action, but side quests tend to come with useful rewards and can greatly enhance the experience of the game.

How to Complete A Piece of Cake

Once you receive the mission, your first objective will be to find the entrance to the cave. Head back down to the mill and exit it. Open your map, and you will see the general area you will need to travel to. You will arrive at a derelict house. Go inside and you will find a hole in the floor. This will be a cave with plenty of twists and turns, as well as Bloodsuckers mutants lying in wait. Bloodsuckers have the ability to turn invisible, which can be a rather terrifying ordeal.

Your best option is to have a shotgun or strong automatic weapon ready before heading down the hole — use whichever has sufficient ammo. Move along the left side of the wall, and you will come to your destination, but always be ready to turn around and run when encountering Bloodsuckers. They will give chase, and you can turn around and get them when they attack from directly in front of you. This can allow you to open fire without them having anywhere to run off to, using the cavernous tunnels to your advantage.

Following along the walls will have you arrive in an area with yellow puddles on the grounds, similar to There and Back Again. Just like with the first time, you will pull out your detector in order to get the artifact for Squint. Make your way safely around these pools, and the Artifact will pop up as you make your way around the pools near the end of the cave. You will know you are close when the detector starts beeping rapidly.

Pick up the artifact and head to the opposite end of the direction you came from. This will lead you to a ladder you can use to exit the cave. You will now be tasked with going back to Squint, who will still be at the top of the mill.

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Keep the Artifact or Give It to Squint

STALKER 2 Piece of Cake Reward

You will now have the choice to hand over the Artifact you found for a reward or kill Squint and keep it for yourself. If you hand over the artifact, Squint will give you the items you need to complete the A Needle in a Haystack mission.

If you choose to attack Squint, you will keep the Artifact, and then be able to take the items you need from his dead body. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a lengthy game, and Mold is the only Artifact that will provide Chemical Protection, so players


November 20, 2024

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