Furnace of Fiery Embers (I) Puzzle Guide & How To Reach In Genshin Impact

Furnace of Fiery Embers (I) Puzzle Guide & How To Reach In Genshin Impact
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Puzzles in Genshin Impact are always fun to solve, especially if they’re in the open world. There’s no better feeling than coming upon a puzzle as you run around Teyvat while exploring the surrounding areas.

One of the best examples of this is the Furnace of Fiery Embers puzzles scattered all around Ochkanatlan. Once you solve all five puzzles, you get your hands on multiple Precious and Luxurious chests alongside Flute of Ezpitzal, which is a Forgeable weapon in Genshin Impact.

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Furnace of Fiery Embers (I) In Genshin Impact

To find Furnace of Fiery Embers (I) in Genshin Impact, look at the three Waypoints in the far west of the area and pick the one in the middle. From the teleport Waypoint, look to the right, and you’ll find an Iridescent Inscription in the open. Approach it and touch it to teleport your character inside the first Furnace of Fiery Embers in Genshin Impact.

Furnace of Fiery Embers 1 Puzzle Solution In Genshin Impact

Once inside, the Iridescent Inscription will be in front of you. Move towards it, and it will ascend into a corridor, causing a gate to close behind it.

Transform into a Yumkasaurus and interact with the key behind you to partially open two gates and jump inside before they close. There’s another key to open the same gate again for you to get out. But before you do so, interact with the key to open the gates, then take the red Relay Ball and aim it at the red platform. That will open the gate where the Iridescent Inscription went.

You can still use your Yumkasaurus to get to that corridor and continue chasing that Iridescent Inscription.

At the end of the corridor, a lift takes you to another puzzle. This time you have a blue Relay Ball, two red platforms, and three Ball Path Converters that turn the blue Relay Ball into red and shoot it out.

First, chase the Iridescent Inscription, and it will keep moving until it reaches a closed gate. Rotate the Ball Path Converters to aim at the red platform above that gate. Take the blue Relay Ball, shoot it at the mechanism, and quickly open the gate to let the red Relay Ball pass through. After opening the gate, go to the Iridescent Inscription, which will return to the center of the arena.

Now that you have the first Iridescent Inscription, it’s time to unite it with the second one in the area. Start by rotating the Ball Path Converters on each side so they face each other. Shoot a blue Relay Ball at one of the two mechanisms, and it will bounce between them, turning red.

Above the right mechanism, you can find a Hook hanging from the ceiling. Interact with it, and a third mechanism will descend to shoot the red Relay Ball into the red platform in the middle. This will open the gate, allowing you to reach the second Iridescent Inscription.

Genshin Impact: Embers Rekindled Achievement Guide (Flute of Ezpitzal Reward)

Solve the puzzles at all 5 Furnace of Fiery Embers in Genshin Impact to get the Flute of Ezpitzal Sword and Embers Rekindled Achievement.

Combining the two Iridescent Inscriptions in the center of the chamber will solve the first Furnace of Fiery Embers puzzle and reward players with a Precious Chest in Genshin Impact. You can also use the wind current that spawns after to get out of the Furnace of Fiery Embers, which can help relocate your character to many other spots around the area.

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