Best Weapons For Settlers, Ranked

Best Weapons For Settlers, Ranked

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Key Takeaways

  • Miniguns for settlers have unlimited ammo, making them great for defense against threats.
  • Laser Muskets enhance the roleplay experience with the Minutemen theme and effective combat.
  • Institute Rifles provide accuracy and efficiency for settlers defending against enemies.

While the settlement system in Fallout 4 may not be the best-received part of the game, it can still be a deep and exciting experience for players to dive into if they want. Being able to liberate a settlement and then work with the civilians there to keep it gives players a handful of places they can visit around the Commonwealth. The only issue is that there are a lot of things in the wild that want those settlements wiped out, both human and not.

This is why players need to arm their settlers so that they can fight off any threats that may wander too close or into their settlement. This allows players to go off and do their own thing, like completing one of the numerous side quests in the game, and the settlers can take out their enemies by themselves. However, not every weapon is as good as the rest. Just as it is with finding the right weapon for the playable character, the same goes for equipping the setters with the right weapons. Here are the best weapons to give to settlers for their defense.

Fallout 4: 8 Best Character Designs

Fallout 4 is home to an array of unique characters, but some manage to stand out from the crowd thanks to their great designs.

8 Minigun

Excessive, But Efficient


  • Can shred through enemies quickly
  • Hilarious to see

The Minigun is not exactly the best weapon for a player to use in the game thanks to its ammo type. It can be tough to get enough to use over a long period, so players usually avoid using it except for special situations. However, this isn’t the same with settlers.

Since settlers won’t run out of ammo, players can give them that initial batch of ammunition, and they’ll be set up with a minigun. Plus, seeing an entire settlement whip out their miniguns to take out a simple Radscorpion is one of the funniest things that can be seen in the game.

7 Laser Musket

Roleplay The Life Of The Minutemen

Fallout 4 - Laser Musket

  • Brings the role of a Minuteman to life
  • Effective weapon even with its flaws

One of the best parts of working with settlements in the game is the overall theme of the Minutemen. These characters model themselves after the famous group from the period of the Revolutionary War, and as such, it can be fun to roleplay that entire thing.

Fallout 4: 17 Pro-Tips For Gathering Scrap & Building Materials

Fallout 4 puts a lot of emphasis on rebuilding rather than character interaction. These are some pro-tips to getting more scrap and materials.

Equipping settlers with Laser Muskets is one of the easiest ways to do this, as the game doesn’t have any actual muskets. While George Washington sure didn’t sail the Delaware with lasers, this is as good as it can get and makes the roleplay a little more realistic.

6 Institute Rifle

Accurate And Efficient

Fallout 4 - Institute Rifle

  • Not flashy, but a solid choice
  • Can take down any enemy

The Institute Rifles may not be the flashiest weapons in the game, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be useful in their way. They offer plenty of accuracy and are easily found in the world to give to settlers.

They also can do decent enough damage to take out just about any enemy that could come across the settlement. It’s not going to require the settlers to get in close to their targets, so they have a better chance of staying alive.

5 AK-47

A Distinct Notification

Fallout 4 - AK-47s

  • Solid weapons that can easily be found in DLC areas
  • Distinct sound can tip players off

The AK-47 came to the game through the Nuka World DLC, offering a new weapon that can be modded to fit into several different molds. It can be an assault rifle, sniper, or SMG to suit any situation that may come up, especially defending a settlement.

Fallout 4: All Agility Perks, Ranked

Agility is a stat in Fallout 4 that governs stealth, Action Points, and pickpocketing chance. Its perks improve the player’s abilities in these areas.

Even better, it has a very distinct sound to its fire compared to other weapons, which can be a great signal for the player. They hear the sound of AK’s going off, and they know something is happening at a settlement nearby.

4 Laser Rifle

Enjoy The Light Show

Fallout 4 - Laser Rifle

  • Efficient, good weapons
  • Fun to look at in a fight

Sometimes a player needs to decide between weapons that look cool, and weapons that get the job done easily. Or, if they’re lucky, they can have a gun that does both, like the Laser Rifle. It boasts some good stats and damage, with enough accuracy to land more shots than it misses.

What’s more, it also looks fun in a firefight. Walking up to a settlement in the middle of a fight and seeing the lasers flying around is just plain entertaining.

3 Combat Shotgun

Take Them Head On

Fallout 4 - Combat Shotgun

  • Great for close-quarter fights
  • Easy to find and supply

Not every firefight in a settlement is going to allow for ranged attacks. Some settlements are smaller than others and will require players to use weaponry that can be effective at a close range. This is where the Combat Shotgun comes into play.

Fallout 4: Best Merchants In The Game

When looking to offload materials or buy new items, these individuals are some of the best merchants that players will find.

This weapon is one of the best close-quarters weapons in the game, boasting good damage and a good rate of fire. It’s a popular choice for players for a reason, and can work just as well for settlers.

2 Missile Launcher

Take The Biggest Bads Down

Fallout 4 - Missile Launcher

  • Great for finishing a fight quickly
  • Not too difficult to find

The Missile Launcher can be a great option thanks to its high damage. If the enemy that rolls up to a settlement is a bigger one like a Deathclaw, then a Missile Launcher is great for taking it out in no time at all. Plus, they’re pretty easy to find and supply to the settlers.

Players should make sure to give these weapons to settlers with larger homes. This helps reduce the risk of the settlers blowing each other up in their efforts to survive.

1 Fatman

Subtraction By… Subtraction

Fallout 4 Fatman Critical Hit

  • Effective at wiping anyone out
  • Absolutely hilarious

Not everyone is looking for the most practical of options in the game, which is why the Fatman rounds out this list. Its mini-nukes are iconic in the series and will wipe out any threat that comes to the settlements.

Once the dust settles, there may not be much of a settlement left. But that’s okay: the result is hilarious enough that it warrants making that sacrifice.

fallout 4 box art

November 10, 2015

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