Key Takeaways
- Rings in Core Keeper offer essential buffs and benefits for combat and exploration.
- Crafted rings like the Golden Spike provide specialized advantages for different playstyles.
- Unique rings like the Bomb Ring or Spine Ring cater to specific needs in defeating challenging bosses.
Drawing inspiration from some of the titans of the gaming industry, such as Minecraft and Terraria, Core Keeper is an exceptional survival title built on exploration and character-building. There are few games that manage to inspire such wanderlust in both new players and veterans to survival games.

6 Best Skills In Core Keeper, Ranked
Core Keeper allows players to level up their skills for great attributes, and these are the best ones to get.
Like many survival titles, this is a game where equipment is everything. It’s the line between life and death, it’s the yardstick for how far players have progressed, and it’s the gateway to some truly awe-inspiring skills and abilities that make the repairing or utilizing the Core far easier as time goes on. In particular, rings are an excellent way of providing strong passive buffs to the player, which can be essential in both combat and exploration.
8 Polished Golden Spike Ring
Great For Jeweler Characters
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Obtained: Crafting
- Base Level: 11
Following the tradition of many games with great crafting mechanics, player investment in crafting as a skill rewards them with the best version of this highly valuable ring that gives its wearer an increase to both critical hit chance and damage, as well as thorns damage.
It’s crafted at the proficient jewelry workbench with both gold and iron ingots and can become polished if crafted with the jewelry crafter talent active. The unpolished version of this ring is still useful, but if possible, the polished version is the one to aim for.
7 Black Ring
Vital For Exploration
- Rarity: Rare
- Obtained: Digging Spots
- Base Level: 15
Mining and exploration go hand in hand in Core Keeper, like they do with games such as Terraria, Minecraft, or even Stardew Valley. Survivability is an incredibly pressing part of longer expeditions underground, and the Black Ring helps out with this immensely.
Found in lava digging spots, the black ring provides a boost to mining speed, health, and mining damage, making it a fantastic addition to those who spend most of their time in Core Keeper prospecting for minerals.
6 Atlantean Worm Ring
Great For Combat Oriented Playstyles
- Rarity: Epic
- Obtained: Boss Fight
- Base Level: 17
While an optional boss, the Atlantean Worm is an amazing boss to take on for those looking to get some truly high quality equipment. The necklace it can drop, alongside this ring, are some of the best items in Core Keeper.
The Atlantean Worm ring rewards players with HP for every melee attack and increases the power of physical melee hits. It encourages a fast-paced, melee-focused style and can support it with the extra health gain.
5 Nomad Ring
Offers Unparalleled Survivability
- Rarity: Rare
- Obtained: Chests
- Base Level: 14
The Nomad Ring is a staple for all facets of gameplay in Core Keeper. Its effects are straightforward and simple, but even at its base level, the bonus given to health and attack power is fantastic.
This ring and its necklace can be found in locked galaxite chests and, when equipped in a pair, will reduce the rate that the character grows hungry from sprinting. This is just another reliable and solid factor that makes this ring so vital.
4 Bomb Ring
Endurance And Explosive Effectiveness
- Rarity: Rare
- Obtained: Chests
- Base Level: 15
Explosions are, for the most part, fun, whether they come from bombs or huge tanks. The bomb ring follows this gameplay philosophy by letting players rely on explosives more in combat.

6 Best Food Recipes In Core Keepers, Ranked
Survival is made easier in Core Keeper’s sandbox world if players focus on cooking the following food recipes.
This ring increases the player’s health a good deal, even at its base level, and also increases the damage dealt by explosives to ensure that each bomb thrown has the maximum possible impact on enemies.
3 Spine Ring
A Must-Have For More Challenging Bosses
- Rarity: Epic
- Obtained: Chests
- Base Level: 13
Core Keeper features some incredibly intense bosses. In the fashion of games like Terraria, this title is built around a steady progression of defeating larger and larger foes, and nothing helps out with that quite like the spine ring.
This ring, obtained in seashell chests, gives players a percentage increase to all damage done against bosses. It can be essential for some of the trickier-to-handle bosses that begin to appear after the core has been fixed.
2 Druidra’s Ring
Turns Poison Into A Deadly Status Effect
- Rarity: Rare
- Obtained: Boss Battle
- Base Level: 16
Dropping from the fearsome boss that gives this ring its name, Druidra is no pushover; her attacks can keep the player poisoned for almost the entire boss fight, and ill-prepared gamers are certain to have a very hard time with this one.
This ring increases the damage players deal to poisoned enemies and, on top of that, gives players a passive chance to poison their foes with every attack. It’s a powerful combination that can become the centerpiece of a build.
1 Glass Bead Ring
A Lethally Effective Accessory
- Rarity: Rare
- Obtained: Chest
- Base Level: 16
A startlingly effective ring, the glass bead ring offers some of the largest increases to damage available in all of Core Keeper. Such power, however, does come at a price, as players will similarly become more vulnerable to damage as well.
Combining this ring with some of the more powerful weapons in Core Keeper leads to some truly astonishing damage dealt. That is once players get this item from the somewhat rare alien tech chests.

- Released
- August 27, 2024
- Developer(s)
- Pugstorm
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
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