The Best Crops To Grow First In FS25

The Best Crops To Grow First In FS25
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Key Takeaways

  • Canola is a seed-efficient crop with high profit returns, best sold as canola oil for optimal income.
  • Growing cotton, a valuable crop for making high-end goods, can help manage workflow with its specific planting season. But the harvester is expensive.
  • Wheat, a stable choice for profit with added benefits like producing straw, is a common crop for beginners.

Farming Simulator 25 gives you a detailed and soothing experience to live out your dream as a farmer. Each activity, from maintaining crops and livestock to forestry, is hyperrealistic and requires careful pre-planning along with backhand knowledge. Out of the three task categories in the game, most players will stick to growing and selling crops — simple, easy, and comforting.

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However, like any simulator title, several mechanical aspects must be considered for a broad task. For farming crops, you need to look at when to grow, harvest, sell, and more. With 25 unique crops, picking the right ones to start your journey can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the series. Fortunately, there are a few standouts that guarantee massive profit with minimal effort.

8 Canola

Showing Canola's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: August to September.
  • Harvest Season: July to August.
  • Peak Selling Price: €2,190 in December.

Seeds are a valuable commodity in Farming Simulator 25, as you can’t grow much without them. Thus, having a seed-efficient crop that returns the bulk of what you used to set up is amazing, and none do it better than canola.

The overall income is slightly low for an oilseed crop, but it’s an ideal choice when you want to reserve seeds as a beginner. If you have the production for it, you sell canola after converting it to canola oil, which is the right approach. If you’re starting out, this is a great early-game oilseed crop, but you’ll want to switch to olives as you purchase more technical equipment.

7 Cotton

Showing Cotton's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: February to March.
  • Harvest Season: October to November.
  • Peak Selling Price: €4,170 in March.

Cotton is a special crop you can use to make several high-value goods at the spinner, rope maker, and tailor shop. Although the yield is a little restrictive, selling it at its peak will still reward you handsomely. However, it’s better to use cotton exclusively for making fabric and clothes because the revenue from those products is simply unbelievable.

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Another convenient thing about cotton is its planting season — February is a slow month for farmers, and the only crop you can plant during that month is cotton. With not much else to do, you can utilize the month by planting cotton in the fields. This will help manage your workflow and prepare you for March, which is fairly busy.

It’s better to lease the
cotton harvester
when growing cotton because this equipment is quite expensive!

6 Wheat

Showing Wheat's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: September to October.
  • Harvest Season: July to August.
  • Peak Selling Price: €1,224 in January.

For the majority of players, wheat will likely be the first-ever crop you regularly grow, and it’s a great choice for stable profit. With the yield often reaching above 11,000 liters on a medium-sized field, you can routinely push profits above €10,000. There’s also the fact it produces straw, a byproduct you can either sell straight away or use for animal pens.

Of course, wheat is a key crop for the bakery and is used in various items, such as bread, cake, noodle soups, and more. However, it has an extremely tight planting and harvesting window since both procedures are essentially back-to-back. After that, you must wait a whole year.

5 Sugarcane

Showing Sugarcane's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: March to April.
  • Harvest Season: October to November.
  • Peak Selling Price: €378 in August.

For a crop that barely needs any field prep, like plowing, the income from sugarcane is a delight. The price per liter of it is astounding, rivaling even some of the top root crops like potatoes and sugar beets. Additionally, the crop can grow back, thanks to its rattoon staying on the field, but remember that the next harvest will take roughly four months.

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Despite its easy setup requirements, sugarcane is arduous to grow. Its planters are just too narrow, requiring several back-and-forth cycles, and the sugar cane harvester is extremely expensive. Still, if you accept the challenge, this offers a unique experience with a strong ROI (Return On Investment).

4 Spinach

Showing Spinach's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: March to May.
  • Harvest Season: All year.
  • Peak Selling Price: €693 in October.

There’s a major disparity regarding the output of newer crops introduced in Farming Simulator 25. Fortunately, spinach lands on the higher end of the spectrum, having some of the highest monetary returns of any crop in the game. This is because you can harvest it twice after planting, doubling its original revenue with little exertion.

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Alongside its huge generation, it has an added benefit: you can harvest it anytime. With a growth period of three months, you can harvest it immediately after the planting season. While most crops need intensive processing to have a solid ROI, you can sell spinach right away and gain a decent chunk of change.

3 Potato

Showing potatoes' pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: March to April.
  • Harvest Season: August to September.
  • Peak Selling Price: €765 in December.

In previous Farming Simulator titles, potatoes were clearly the weaker of the two staple root crops. This time, though, they have seen a major improvement in revenue and fieldwork. Not only do the potatoes and their processed goods sell for more, but the seed costs have also considerably decreased.

However, the only challenging part is the initial set-up — combining the planter, harvester, tractor, and seeds costs almost €380,000. Besides that, you need to be really careful when and where to sell the harvest because of spiky fluctuations. Other than that, though, the ROI for potatoes is among the best, but it does require some dedication.

2 Rice

Showing Rice's pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: April to May
  • Harvest Season: August to September
  • Peak Selling Price: €3,465 in July

If you want a scalable crop that produces exponentially better results the more you invest in it, rice can be a great crop for that. These have extremely high yields that sell for triple the price of wheat. One of the best things about this crop is the selling procedure — the price stays relatively consistent for most of the year, so you can sell it anytime you want.

Rice’s processed products are also numerous and offer solid profit opportunities. The harvest can be used to make rice boxes, bags, flour, and more. To simplify, though, focus on making rice bags since they have the highest margins.

Rice fields are created from the Construction menu instead of the traditional way. Make sure you’re committed to where they’re going to be and that you choose somewhere relatively flat.

1 Sugar Beet

Showing Sugar beets' pricing line chart in Farming Simulator 25's Prices menu.

  • Planting Season: March to April
  • Harvest Season: October to November
  • Peak Selling Price: €594 in December

Sugar beets have been the most prized crop in recent Farming Simulator titles, and they remain the best crop to grow in this iteration. They’re the most profitable harvest with an absolutely fantastic yield, reaching up to €33,000. The only downside is unloading the grain tank several times during harvest because there is so much produce.

From a money-making standpoint, sugar beets beat out almost every other crop, so be sure to keep up on fertilizer and lime to maximize your earnings. After that, you can sell them as-is or use them to make sugar or cut them into pieces for biofuel and receive a bucketload of cash.

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