Many players may be interested in trying out the Tanks in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode, a limited-time throwback special that will remain live through December 3, 2024. For those unaware, it has brought back the Heroes’ original versions to the playable roster, allowing players to relive Version 1.0’s highs and lows.
Several Heroes have seen significant kit changes over the years, as is natural for a live-service game. For instance, countering Roadhog in Overwatch 2 is difficult since it was redesigned to help him adjust to the current standards. In contrast, Winston has received some minor adjustments, so most old-school fans will feel comfortable using his modern form as well. That said, the Tanks in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode need an apt combination to win the 6v6 match format.
Factors such as fun-to-play kits, usefulness of abilities, overall team suitability, and such have been considered while crafting this list of the best Tanks in Overwatch: Classic.

Overwatch 2: Overwatch Classic, Explained
Overwatch Classic is a limited-time game mode in Overwatch 2 that brings back many nostalgic memories for longtime Overwatch players and fans.
5 D.Va
A Clunky Tank With Boosters
D.Va’s kit in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode comprises:
- Fusion Canons: Short ranged shotgun that also slows down D.Va’s movement while they’re active.
- Defense Matrix: Forward-facing targeting array that absorbs incoming projectiles.
- Boosters: The mech launches into the air and flies for a short duration.
- Micro Missiles: Barrage of small rockets.
- Eject: Ejects out the mech when it is destroyed.
- Self-Destruct: The reactor on the mech explodes to deal massive damage.
D.Va has found her place in Overwatch 2‘s meta, but she wasn’t nearly as strong in her early days. Now that the Classic mode has reverted her kit back to default, players can point out some of its glaring flaws. For starters, the 70% movement speed penalty from the primary fire makes her the most clunky Tank to use. Yes, Reinhardt suffers from a similar penalty, but only with his shield deployed. Boosters do make D.Va usable in some Dive compositions, but the ability’s 5s cooldown is a steep trade-off. This is especially true when she’s surrounded by enemies, as there’s not much she can do unless teammates assist her.
She cannot use her primary fire while using the thrusters, a drawback to keep in mind before diving in. D.Va’s Defense Matrix in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode has a 10s cooldown, unlike the standard version of the ability, which uses the resource meter. This means that players can no longer soak damage as efficiently. With the longer cooldown on her Ultimate, which kills her as well, she has become the most skippable Tank in Overwatch: Classic.
4 Reinhardt
A Classic Tank With Incredible Stopping Power
- Steadfast: Resistant to knockback effects.
- Rocket Hammer: Swings hammer in a wide arc.
- Barrier Field: A large mobile energy barrier.
- Charge: Charge enemies in a straight line.
- Fire Strike: Launches a fiery projectile that deals damage.
- Earthshatter: Slams the hammer on the ground to stun enemies.
Reinhardt is widely used across various team compositions in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode for a good reason. He is a large hero that swings hammers towards targets and can defend his ground with a gigantic shield. The Barrier Field now has 2000HP, which makes it a massive obstacle to even the strongest Heroes. Basically, his kit contains all the useful tools that a Tank needs to excel on the battlefield.

Overwatch: Classic – All Healers Ranked
Players can pick from four Healers in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode. This gives less freedom of choice but makes gameplay a tad more simple.
However, there’s a learning curve to efficiently using him, given that he lacks ranged abilities aside from Fire Strike. In Overwatch: Classic, Reinhardt holds a single charge of Fire Strike, as opposed to the two in the standard version. Although his damage output is low across the board, he can stop opponent aggression with his strong shield and a second tank on the team. Reinhardt can also use his Ultimate, Earthshatter, to stun multiple enemies and shift the tide of the battle. He deserves a higher spot on the list, but specialists like Roadhog and Winston are more in demand.
3 Zarya
Shield Allies And Self To Empower Attacks
- Particle Cannon: Energy weapon that fires a short-range beam and explosive charges.
- Particle Barrier: Personal shield.
- Projected Barrier: Shields allies.
- Energy: Absorbed damage enhances the Particle Cannon.
- Graviton Surge: A gravity bomb that traps enemies.
Zarya in Overwatch 2 bears many resemblances to her Classic mode’s counterpart. Hence, she continues to dominate the opponents by using her arsenal of offensive and defensive abilities. Both her Projected Barrier and Particle Barrier absorb a significant amount of incoming damage, only to charge up the Particle Cannon. Therefore, the longer she is alive, the more damage she can deal with her primary and secondary fires.
In Overwatch: Classic, Zarya’s shields have individual countdowns, so players have to be extra careful while using them. Besides, she has only 400 HP, so playing around the barrier’s cooldown is crucial for survival. Her Ultimate, Graviton Surge, pulls targets in without silencing them. However, enemies can easily escape Zarya’s Ultimate by using their movement abilities—doing so is easier in Overwatch: Classic than in the current game. Due to this, players may not get as much value as they would be hoping for. Regardless, Zarya is a strong secondary Tank capable of unleashing great damage. As such, she’s placed in the third spot on this list of the best original Tanks in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode.
2 Roadhog
Deletes Heroes With A Hook
- Scrap Gun: Shotgun with two fire modes.
- Chain Hook: Hurls a chain at an enemy and pulls them close.
- Take A Breather: Self-heal.
- Whole Hog: Scrap Gun fires rapidly at enemies.
Blizzard has thoroughly reworked the modern Roadhog to make him more suitable for a solo Tank role. With the addition of Overwatch 2’s Classic mode, fans can try out the Scrap Gun-wielding Wastelander’s old kit. After all, he is an aggressive Tank capable of nuking targets with his Chain Hook and primary
fire combo.

Why Overwatch Classic Isn’t Exactly ‘Overwatch Classic’
Overwatch Classic is gaining quite a bit of attention as the newest Arcade mode in Overwatch 2 Season 13, but it isn’t exactly ‘Overwatch Classic.’
At range, Roadhog can shoot a Shrapnel Ball with his alternate fire, which deals massive damage on impact. While his Ultimate, Whole Hog, appears to be nerfed, he can still use it to shove back enemies and inflict quite a bit of damage in the process. Although Roadhog’s sustainability is stronger in Overwatch 2‘s standard play than it is in the Classic mode, he still holds up with another Tank on the team. For those wondering, Take A Breather provides a flat 300 health before going on a cooldown. The restoration effect should be sufficient to survive fatal blows, given that DPS characters have no anti-heal passive in the Classic mode. All in all, Roadhog is a menace to play against and a worthy candidate for the second spot of the best Tanks in this special mode.
1 Winston
Jumping On Enemies Made Easy
- Tesla Cannon: Fires a short-range electric barrage.
- Jump Pack: Leaps through the air and damages enemies on land.
- Barrier Projector: A protective energy bubble that absorbs damage.
- Primal Rage: Unleashes primal fury with increased health, boosted melee damage, and frequent Jump Packs.
Winston in Overwatch 2 has seen barely any changes from his previous iterations, so players will feel right at home using him in Classic mode. The Hero’s real strength lies with the Jump Pack, as it helps him leap towards the enemy, preventing them from escaping. The ability has a short cooldown, so he can hop in and out of the fight, creating space for the entire team to jump on a target. Almost every team in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode can use Winston, as long as they commit to diving into the fight with him.
They can pair him with Lucio to benefit from the extra movement speed as he beams at opponents with his Tesla Cannon. The weapon is missing the long-range secondary fire in the game mode, but Winston is least bothered with fighting from a distance when another Tank can assist him in the arena. After losing HP, he can just pop Primal Rage to gain additional health and enhanced melee damage, which can shift the odds in his favor. Moreover, he has a barrier that can block damage from every angle, even the game-changing Ultimate. Simply put, Winston has all the necessary tools to shine as a tank and claim the top spot on this ranking of the best Tanks in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode.

- Franchise
- Overwatch
- Released
- October 4, 2022
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
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