How To Get To The Night Light In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How To Get To The Night Light In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake spends the first few hours exploring the first two main continents of the game. After getting the Black Pepper, players will get their own ship, and the entire map will open up as you search for the various orbs scattered throughout the world.

While the orbs are your main focus, there are a lot of other unique places to visit, and even more unique items to find. One of which is the Night Light, which lets players change the world to night whenever they are in the overworld; Here’s where to find it.

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Where To Get The Night Light In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

The Night Light is found in the city Theddon, found south of Portoga after you get the ship. Leaving from Portoga, sail west until you reach the open ocean then begin sailing south until you reach the southernmost tip of the southern continent. As long as you are coming from the western side of the continent, you can disembark anywhere and walk towards the town.

The Night Light can only be obtained during the day, so if you get there during the night go and stay at the Inn in order to change the time of day. During the daytime, head to the blacksmith store and go behind the counter and up the stairs. On the second floor, you’ll find a skeleton in a bed and a chest nearby, with the Night Light being in the chest.

Before you leave Theddon, check it out during the night and during the day, as its story is unique since all the inhabitants don’t appear during the day.

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How To Use The Night Light In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

The Night Light will be sent to the last slot of your item back where it’s best left as it doesn’t get any use for being in a character’s inventory.

  • Use the Light during the day to make it nighttime.
  • The Light only makes nighttime and can’t change nighttime to daytime.
  • The Light can only be used when in the overworld, not while in towns or dungeons.

There are many monsters that you can recruit for the Monster Arena that only appear during the night, along with additional unique enemies to farm for XP that only come out at night. If you want to change the time back to day, you’ll need to rest overnight at an inn or wait a few minutes for the game to naturally cycle.

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