Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl rewards players for exploration, sometimes with useful artifacts, and other times with powerful guns. Enemies tend to travel in packs, whether they’re humans or mutants, and it would be helpful to acquire a long-range weapon early in the game to pick them off from a distance. The Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S is a great assault rifle with a high-powered scope that players can get their hands on early on in the game, and this guide details exactly where to acquire this invaluable ranged weapon.

STALKER 2: How To Manage Weight & Use Stash
Weight is a major mechanic in STALKER 2 that requires players to make informed decisions on what to keep in the inventory and what to stash.
How To Get Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S Assault Rifle In Stalker 2
Players can get a high-powered scoped assault rifle, the Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S, during or after the Warlock’s Debtor side mission in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. During the mission, Warlock will task Skiff to retrieve some money from a guy named Valik. Once Skiff reaches Valik’s location, he’ll come face to face with a gang of bandits trying to recover their own debt from Valik.
There are two main ways to acquire the assault rifle. The first one is during the mission itself, but for players who have already missed it, they can still get the weapon after the mission.
Method 1: Get Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S During Warlock’s Debtor Mission
If you’re about to start the mission and want to get the assault rifle during it, here’s what you need to do:
- Reach Valik’s location and talk to the thugs.
- Once the conversation finishes and players choose the non-violent dialog options, they can climb up to the Water Tower close by and retrieve Valik’s stashed loot.
- Players will be able to recover Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S within the loot. After retrieving the weapon, simply kill all the bandits and save Valik from them.
- After Valik is saved, he’ll transfer the coupons to Warlock, and Skiff will get his cut of the deal.
Method 2: Get Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S After Warlock’s Debtor Mission
If you’ve missed searching for Valik’s stash and need to get the assault rifle after the mission, here’s what you need to do:
- Head north of Zalissya toward the Water Tower that’s marked on the map in the images above.
- Climb up the Water Tower and interact with a bag at the top.
- Opening up the bag will allow players to get Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S, a high-powered scoped assault rifle with some ammo.
After that, players can simply equip the assault rifle and use it normally.
If you don’t want to use the high-powered scope on an AKM-74S, you can also
remove the scope attachment
from the gun and use it on another compatible weapon.
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