In Fields of Mistria, you can pursue a romance with one of your many neighbors by giving them gifts, chatting with them daily, and spending time with them during community events. Every candidate is different, from their personalities to their preferences in gifts, and you can get to know each of them before you make a final decision.

Fields Of Mistria: How To Romance Adeline
Will your relationship with the town’s leader blossom into a romance?
Balor is a great option for creative individuals who are business savvy. He tries to set himself apart from the town, insisting everything is just business, but deep down he’s a big softie. Here’s how you can get closer to him and pursue a profitable romance.
Fields of Mistria is currently in Early Access, so details are subject to change. We’ll update our guides as needed!
Updated November 22, 2024 by Zoë J. Osik: We’ve updated our guide so you can complete Balor’s six heart event with ease. Everything you need to know about it can be found below!
Best Gifts For Balor
Name |
Birthday |
Job |
Family |
Balor |
Summer 10 |
Traveling Merchant |
None |
Balor is the first person you’ll meet upon arriving in Mistria, and he’ll help you get across the ruined bridge into town. As a traveling merchant, he’s familiar with all the routes around town and knows how to get a good deal. Building a relationship with him will take time and good taste in gifts.
While he doesn’t have any family in town, he’s well-loved by many. He can be found at the inn on Friday nights playing Dragons and Drama with friends at the front table.
Below are the best gifts to give Balor to increase your relationship with him:
Balor’s Loved Gifts |
Balor’s Liked Gifts |
Balor’s Disliked Gifts |
Balor’s Hated Gift |
Balor’s Heart Events
As you build a relationship with Balor, you’ll increase your heart rank with him. Depending on how many hearts you have, your relationship will deepen – resulting in a new event every two hearts.
These events allow you to know more about Balor and follow his personal series of quests. Here’s everything you need to know to get started on a relationship with Balor.
As of now, there are only two available heart events!
Balor’s Two Heart Event
While most marriage candidates will send you a letter when you reach the next heart rank for an event, Balor’s first heart event is different. Once you reach two hearts, you’ll need to head to the request board and look for a request posted by Balor.
The quest is titled Tall, Dark, and Mysterious. Balor needs help unloading supplies for the town and will pay you 200T. Simply find and speak with him to initiate the event. Below are the dialogue choices you can make during the event.
Dialogue |
Answer Choices |
“Thanks for waiting. Sorry to put you in the position of being my out.” |
“Why would Nora complain about low prices?” “Your prices don’t seem that low to me…” |
Balor keeps his cards close to his chest, so your answer won’t make much of a difference here. However, you will get a glimpse of how the traveling merchant conducts himself during business transactions.
Balor’s Four Heart Event
When you reach four hearts with Balor, you’ll get a letter in the mail from the traveling merchant. The quest, An Open Book, will begin, and you’ll need to make your way to the inn to see Balor.
When you arrive, Balor is out, but Hemlock sends you up to his room to wait. Up the stairs, you’ll see a journal left open in Balor’s room. Curiosity gets the better of you as you start to read it. Below are the dialogue choices for the event.
Dialogue |
Answer Choices |
You probably shouldn’t be reading this… |
I should wait for Balor. Continue reading. |
“I hope you can trust your discretion on this.” |
“But there’s nothing bad here…” “It looks like you’re working hard to help!” |
Despite the option to continue reading the journal left open on the floor, Balor will enter moments later to meet with you. He’ll try to cover for what you read, and you can try to assuague his fears of your indiscretion.
It’s always business with Balor, so he’ll let things slide and instead focus on the next endeavor you can both work on as Mistria continues to grow.
Balor’s Six Heart Event
Upon obtaining six hearts with Balor, he’ll send you an invitation to meet at the Inn. When you arrive, he orders the finest bottle on the shelves to celebrate with you. All seems to be going well until an unexpected guest makes an appearance.
You’ll have the following opportunities to respond:
Dialogue |
Answer Choices |
“You you, and to Mistria!” |
“I’ll drink to that!” “Actually, can I get a lemonade?” “To Mistria, to raising my cut of the profits!” |
Well, to call it a tidy sum doesn’t do it justice, does it? |
“Do the contracts with the Mistrian businesses stay the same?” “And what’s my cut?” |
“Can I have a rain check on the meal? I’ve got a lot to think about.” |
“You aren’t thinking of taking Wheedle’s scummy deal?” “You should do whatever makes you happy.” |
With an irresistible offer on the table, it can be difficult to talk to Balor. He has a lot to consider, and no matter what you say, you’ll have to leave him to his thoughts. Your celebration is postponed until a later date.
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