Tips And Tricks For Beginners In I Am Future

Tips And Tricks For Beginners In I Am Future
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I Am Future is a survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Unlike most survival games, this one is cozy, allowing you to enjoy your rooftop life without stress. You’re isolated from other humans, accompanied by talking robots, and the entire world is submerged in water.


I Am Future: Complete Farming Guide

Surviving in I Am Future means mastering farming. Learn all the tips to grow your crops and stay nourished in a flooded world.

While the game is described as cozy, it’s still a survival game, and you need to stay alive. To do so, you must craft useful items using technology, manage your hunger stat, and more. If you’re ready, we’ve prepared some beginner tips to make your journey easier.

Fishing In The Early Game Is Rewarding

The player cathces a Large Bugeyed in I Am Future.

In the early stages of the game, farming isn’t easy since fertilizer is initially scarce. With hunger as your biggest threat and limited farming options, it may seem like there are few ways to keep your character fed. The food items you gather around the rooftop are not very filling, and it’s wise to save them for recipes. For this reason, turning to fishing early on is a smart move.

Fishing allows you to make one of the simplest recipes, Patty. To catch fish, you can use worms or clams as bait in the early game. Worms come from farming, but since farming takes time, clams are more accessible. You can catch clams by fishing without bait, though it’s not guaranteed.

For a 100 percent chance of catching clams, craft Mollusk Bait at the Workbench using Biomass, so it’s better to avoid eating Biomass since it’s not very filling. With clams, you can reliably catch Scaled Hardtooth. Then, use Chef Mode at the Campfire to cut it into Fish Fillet and Fish Oil. With two Fish Fillets and one Fish Oil, you can prepare Patty.

You Don’t Need to Overexert Yourself with Recipes

The player is preparing baked mushroom for food in I Am Future.

Hunger is the most important stat in the game, even more critical than health. While you won’t often lose health, your character’s hunger will constantly decrease. This means you’ll be in constant search of food. Materials like Biomass or Brightflower aren’t very filling, and since you’ll use them in recipes, it’s not a good idea to eat them directly.

You can try to find recipes through trial and error in the Chef Mode menu at the Campfire. However, it’s especially beneficial in the early game to avoid complex or resource-heavy recipes. Instead, you can focus on simple and low-resource dishes.

For example, Baked Mushroom only requires roasting three Nightshrooms at the Campfire. Considering that most dishes restore about 20–30 Hunger, you can get by with Baked Mushrooms for a long time. Later in the game, you can opt for recipes like Seafood Salad or Burger that restore much more hunger. However, sticking to simple recipes for a while is a good idea.

Use The Campfire Effectively

The player is standing in front of the campfire in I Am Future.

Using the campfire efficiently prevents waste, as it requires planks to burn. Although planks can be replenished by chopping down trees, they take time to grow back, so it’s best to use the campfire wisely. Gather a good amount of ingredients before cooking, and try to prepare around ten servings of each dish at once to avoid repeatedly lighting the fire.

Additionally, if your freshwater supply is low, take advantage of the burning fire by collecting saltwater in buckets and boiling it to refill your barrels with freshwater. Finally, when you’re done using the campfire, instead of letting it burn out on its own, make some coal to prevent waste and collect extra resources.

Where You Place Your Garden Beds Matters

The player is standing next to the garden beds in I Am Future.

When setting up your base, location is crucial. Pay special attention to where you place your garden beds for farming. Firstly, make sure to keep your garden beds as far as possible from large, purple plants. If your farm is too close to these plants, leeches will spawn at night, feed on your garden plants, and turn them into Infected Weeds.

Staying away from these purple plants will make things easier. If you have nothing to fend off the leeches and they approach your farm, you can carry them away to keep them at bay.

Additionally, planning for future Sprinkler installation means arranging your garden beds in an organized layout, as a scattered setup will make effective watering difficult. Don’t worry if you’ve placed your garden beds or other structures haphazardly—you can rearrange them once you acquire the Nano Transporter.

The player stores planks and metal sheets in I Am Future.

Planks and metal sheets are resources you’ll frequently encounter and need early in the game. As your character upgrades, you’ll need to venture farther from your base, making it increasingly tiring to retrieve and transport these resources back. Having them nearby will be especially handy if you suddenly need to light a campfire or use them for crafting.

The best approach is to unlock Metal Storage and Plank Storage blueprints early and build one of each. Then, you can store any planks and metal sheets you find in these storages, preventing potential crises later. Also, remember that if your character’s Hunger stat is above 65, they can carry two planks at a time, saving you time.

Use The Pin Feature To Track Crafting Resources

An orange arrow shows the pin icon for the required bridge materials in I Am Future

Throughout the game, you’ll have plenty to craft and upgrade, and it’s completely normal to lose track of the materials you need, especially when working on the main goal of building the bridge. Forgetting which materials are needed can lead to wasted time as you’ll constantly have to go back to check on the required resources.

The best way to avoid this is by using the game’s pinning feature. Pinning materials is simple: click on the item you want to craft or upgrade, and in the lower right corner of the window that appears, you’ll see a paperclip icon. When you click it, the required materials will be pinned to the right side of your screen, ensuring you won’t forget them.

Start Collecting U-Coins As Soon As Possible

The player is standing next to a Crypto Farm in I Am Future.

While there are many resources on the rooftop, unfortunately, most of them are not infinite. You’ll need various resources, essential items to progress the main story, seed packages, and more. To get these, after repairing the Smart Tower, you’ll want to send your drone on expeditions. Expeditions offer locations where you can acquire small amounts of resources for free.

Additionally, among the places you can visit are stores, where you’ll need U-Coins to purchase items. The only way to obtain U-coins is through the Crypto Farm. The earlier you build it, the better, as it will allow you to purchase materials when you’re running low. One Crypto Farm provides enough U-coins, but with two, you won’t have any issues with coin shortages.

Keep Your Resources Organized

The player stores some seeds and plants into a chest in I Am Future.

Since most of the resources you collect on the rooftop are of different types, your inventory will constantly fill up. Therefore, one of your top priorities should be to build Small Storage units. It’s a good idea to build at least three of them. Additionally, if you label them, you’ll know where to place which materials, making it easier to organize your items.

Another priority should be finding Backpack Modules to free up more space in your inventory. When you dismantle the broken minion next to the Smart Tower, you’ll get an Inventory Cell. You can also purchase an Inventory Cell from the vending machine near Earl, the talking fridge. With Inventory Cells, you can craft Backpack Modules.


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