The Veilguard Patch 3 Update

The Veilguard Patch 3 Update
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If you’ve been enjoying the return of Dragon Age with The Veilguard, there are some cool quality of life changes and bug fixes in the latest patch that went live on November 21, 2024. I’ll break them down below to let you know what you’re getting into.

Photo Mode Updates

A monster holds out its arms while energy glows around them.

Screenshot: BioWare / Kotaku

Photo Mode has filters now! And, if you’ve been confused where your Photo Mode images go, wonder no more: The file path is now shown in game when you take screenshots, and file names are simplified (with the date now included). You can also bind your arrow keys to input mappings now.

Gameplay Changes

As far as gameplay goes, you can now compare new rings against currently equipped rings in either slot, and the Glint option description is a little different. Some weapons got new icons to help differentiate them, and it’s easier to see where your companion’s Enchantments are.

A screenshot shows a skill tree in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Screenshot: BioWare / Kotaku

Extended dodge also won’t get weirdly wonky for Rooks of the ‘Mage’ persuasion., Some skill text has been changed to be more clear (and accurate), and Antaam Champions do a bit more damage (as intended), and instances where enemies and companions would get stuck or in out-of-reach places have been alleviated. Speaking of fixes, that brings us to the bugs that Patch 3 aims to squash.

Bug Fixes

All kinds of bug fixes are included, but not all of them will have obvious or substantial effects. The general focus is on fixing issues encountered during cutscenes, mesh and polygon interactions, and some incredibly minor balance adjustments to get some items to work as they were originally intended to.

Getting into specifics, Rook won’t suddenly change body shapes or adopt strange expressions during or after certain cutscenes. Some other cutscene issues were fixed as well, including strange, stretchy cloaks and clothing clipping through the character. The patch also addresses times where music would randomly stop playing or the wrong sound effects or songs would play.

A screenshot shows character selections in Dragon Age.

Screenshot: BioWare / Kotaku

Pop-in issues and camera stutters have been addressed as well, and your preferred HDR settings will now save properly (finally).

Issues involving the Codex, skill trees, quests, merchant inventory, quest objectives and cinematics, exploration, loading autosaves, really bright visual effects, stat buffs, and weapon modifiers have been fixed.

As a little bonus, some characters and environmental textures have been touched up to look better.

There is a ton to do in Thedas, and with this patch landing your journey should go a bit more smoothly. Get back out there, Rook, and put that photo mode through its paces for me.

You can find the full patch notes on the official blog post. BioWare has confirmed another patch is coming too, with more details to be revealed soon.

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