There’s no card I hate more than Mewtwo ex. How do all of my Pokemon TCG Pocket opponents seem to draw the perfect hand of Mewtwo ex (probably the immersive art variant) and two Ralts, then somehow build up to two benched Gardevoir and a second Mewtwo ex while I’m still searching for my first Dragonair? That combo means Mewtwo ex can deal 150 damage a turn without the drawback of discarding energy, as the Gardevoir in the back instantly recoup that cost.
It’s infuriating, and I lose far more than I win against Mewtwo ex. Counters, I’ve tried numerous. My fun Dragonite deck has some utility here, and well-timed Draco Meteors can win you the battle in a single round, but it’s far from consistent.
However, I came up against an incredibly interesting anti-meta deck this week that could be the perfect counter to Mewtwo ex in Pokemon TCG Pocket. And what’s more, it was thematic as well, feeling like the deck that Jessie and James would use if they played this game.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Weezing And Arbok Deck
Take Jessie’s Arbok. Sprinkle in a little of James’ Weezing. Et voila. Read the decklist, then I’ll explain why this deck works so well.
- 2x Ekans
- 2x Koffing
- 2x Arbok
- 2x Weezing
- 2x Potion
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 2x Koga
- 2x Giovanni
- 2x Sabrina
These are all cards that are easy to get. I have 18 Arbok cards. If you need some of the supporters, buy them with your pack points because they work well in nearly every deck. It’s cheap and effective, quick to set up (Arbok needs just two energy to attack and Weezing only one), and deals bonus damage against Mewtwo ex. What’s not to love?
The tactic you’ll be using most is using Weezing’s Gas Leak ability to poison your opponent’s active Pokemon, before using Koga to draw it back to hand. Then use Arbok to deal 60 damage with Corner and stop your opponent from retreating. With no antidote cards in the game as of yet, this traps your opponent’s Pokemon in the battle with you while poisoned. You’re free to hit them for 70 damage a turn, potentially as early as turn two.
Two Corners take out Pikachu ex, and Starmie ex or Zapdos ex if they’ve been poisoned.
However, this works even better with Mewtwo ex. Even without the poison damage from Weezing, Arbok can two-hit KO Mewtwo ex thanks to its foe’s weakness. That bonus 20 damage takes you over the break point to deal 160 damage across two turns, knocking out the opposing Mewtwo ex.
If you can set this up quick enough, you’ll be able to survive a Psychic Sphere before hitting your second attack to knock out the Mewtwo in return. If you’re unlucky, you’ll have to navigate around Psydrive. It’s not a foolproof strategy, but it’s definitely useful, and I have a better win rate with it than any other deck against Mewtwo.
Team Rocket Blasting Off Again
The best thing about this for me is that it’s not only a good deck, but a flavourful one, too. It may not be as flashy or exciting as ex decks (although that full art Weezing art is lovely), but it’s great fun.
I feel like Team Rocket while playing this deck. I equip my Meowth sleeves, coin, and playmat for the full effect, and sometimes even remember to change my profile picture to that of Giovanni. I’m Team Rocket, and I’m here to ruin your Mewtwo’s day.

Pokemon Pocket Players Are Spending Almost $6.5 Million Per Day
Just imagine how many Wonder Picks that would get you.
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