STALKER 2 Review | The Heart of Chornobyl Beats Stronger Than Ever (Insider Gaming)

STALKER 2 Review | The Heart of Chornobyl Beats Stronger Than Ever (Insider Gaming)
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DarXyde21h ago

“The other technical mishaps I encountered were related to the game’s sound and visuals, such as objects and NPCs floating or clipping through the floor, enemies with no bodies, and a few instances of T-posing. On a few occasions, elements of the UI would disappear so I couldn’t tell how much health or ammo I had left. Wall textures sometimes flickered incessantly. Gun sounds would occasionally not work, or I would hear a sound like rabid mutant dogs barking right next to me, except they were nowhere to be seen.”

I’m biased and put more stock in GS reviews, but it sounds like whatever performance issues are being cited by others don’t detract from a solid game.

8/10 sounds pretty good. The technical issues sound bizarre but it doesn’t seem to really deter one from enjoying the game (according to this review)..

Fair enough. Sounds like a decent game.

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