Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.1 added a bunch of cool new stuff, including an Alliance Raid which is arguably the best in the entire game, but the most sought after prizes right now are undoubtedly the Figmental Weapon Coffers. These little beauties can only be obtained by taking part in Treasure Hunts from deciphered Timeworn Br’aaxskin Maps, and contain one of the weapons from the Weapon Design Contest back in 2023.
They were shown off by director Naoki Yoshida in the most recent Live Letter, before Patch 7.1 went live, and are a selection of goofy little weapons that add a bit of fun to the game. Of course, you can only take part in the fun if you can actually get yourself a Figmental Weapon Coffer, and if you don’t want to endlessly grind Treasure Maps (or don’t have a group to do so), then you’ll have to buy one from the Market Board.
Final Fantasy 14 Fans Are Making Millions From Figmental Weapons
There’s one pretty major problem with that method though, as it actually requires you to have more money than sense. In a move that is probably fairly expected from the ruthlessness that is Final Fantasy 14’s economy, Figmental Weapon Coffers are already going for eye-watering prices on the Market Board, with your cheapest coffer going for about 12 million gil at the moment, as displayed by Twitter user The_Eggroller. They’re so in demand that they’re even being used as giveaway prizes.

Dawntrail Came Back Swinging With Final Fantasy 14’s Patch 7.1
FFXIV’s Patch 7.1 delivered a lot for fans to enjoy.
That’s only if you have a single job too. If you like to dabble in multiple jobs, perhaps one in each role, then you’re looking at 60 million gil for all of your Figmental Weapons. If you really hate having money and want one for every job, you’re looking at a 252 million gil hole in your pocket. Even if you’re the richest catboy in Eorzea, that’s going to leave you bankrupt.
Of course, these prices will eventually go down as we get more patches, and as more people actually obtain them and demand starts to go down. But right now, if you’re planning to go treasure hunting for some Figmental Weapon Coffers of your own and already have all the weapons you want, selling them on the Market Board looks to be a pretty lucrative endeavor, if you can find a moneybags out there willing to buy a few.

Square Enix’s popular MMO, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, has players step into the role of the Warrior of Light in the world of Eorzea. There, they find themselves testing their mettle against Primals, the Garlean Empire, the Ascians, and plenty of other threats.
This award-winning MMO now has multiple expansions to its name, with the most recent Endwalker expansion bringing the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc to a close. Director and producer Yoshi-P has promised lots of plans for future content and the game has regular updates to keep players occupied.
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