The Best Builds And Light Cones For Moze In Honkai: Star Rail

The Best Builds And Light Cones For Moze In Honkai: Star Rail

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Building characters in Honkai: Star Rail is usually a fairly straightforward process, as there are almost always build options that cater directly to each character’s kit. Picking the right Relics and Light Cones for a character like Moze, for instance, is a simple prospect thanks to his kit taking advantage of a set of popular mechanics.


7 Best 4-Star Light Cones In Honkai: Star Rail, Ranked

Here are the best 4-Star Light Cones in Honkai: Star Rail, Ranked!

Moze is all about follow-up attacks, and he applies enough debuffs that there are a few different build and Light Cone options that work well and a few that work the best. Let’s learn how to build Moze in this guide.

The Best Relic Sets For Moze

The Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Relic Set description screen in Honkai: Star Rail.

The core of any build in Honkai: Star Rail is the Relics you equip on a character and the stats they require on those Relics. Moze is a follow-up attack specialist who applies debuffs to his opponents to execute those follow-ups, meaning you’ll want Relics that improve one or both of those abilities and that provide a main DPS’s default desired stats.

Relic Set

Desired Stats/Substats


Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters

Chest: Crit Rate/Crit Damage Boots: ATK%

The two-piece 12% flat damage bonus and the four-piece Crit Rate and Crit damage bonuses with debuffs make this set a no-brainer for Moze.

The Ashblazing Grand Duke

The follow-up set, Grand Duke provides a flat 20% bonus to follow-up damage and a stacking ATK% bonus with each follow-up. The only thing holding it back is a lack of Critical stats.

2-piece Ash Blazing + 2 piece Pioneer

If you don’t have four optimal pieces of the above sets, you can settle for two-pieces each. Your damage will be less, but if your substats are better, it all comes out in the wash.

Like his best Relics, Moze’s Planar Ornament selection is easy: if it improves follow-up attacks, you want it, and there’s a best-in-slot choice for those, as well.

Planar Ornament Set

Desired Stats/Substats


Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

Sphere: Lightning Damage (ATK% if nothing else) Rope: ATK%

The follow-up planar ornament set, with a maximum 25% bonus for follow-up attacks and critical damage. This set obviously gets better the higher your Crit Rate goes, so look for pieces with as high a Crit Rate stat as you can.

Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

A solid option if your team focuses more on debuffs, with a flat 12% ATK% buff and a 12% Crit Rate bonus if you have another Hunt unit on the team (Moze’s Path).

Inert Salsotto

Also worthwhile, Salsotto provides a flat 8% Crit Rate bonus, and you get a 15% Ultimate and follow-up attack buff if Moze’s Crit Rate is over 50%.

Best Light Cones For Moze

Four of the best Hunt Light Cones in a line in Honkai: Star Rail.

There are several worthwhile Light Cones options for Moze, but the best of them outperform the rest by a wide margin.

Light Cone


Worrisome, Blissful (Topaz Signature)

Topaz’s signature Light Cone is bound to be one of the first to come to mind because, like her, it improves both personal and team follow-up attack damage. It provides a base 18% Crit Rate buff and base 30% follow-up damage buff, and applies the Team debuff, increasing the Crit damage dealt to that enemy by a base 12%.

Cruising in the Stellar Sea

The go-to free-to-play Hunt Light Cone increases Moze’s Crit Rate by 8% at base, plus an additional 8% base if they’re at 50% health or lower. The ATK% buff only applies if Moze can keep defeating enemies, which against bosses isn’t ideal, but the Crit bonuses are enough to put it on the list.

Baptism of Pure Though (Dr. Ratio Signature)

Between the flat Crit damage bonus, additional bonuses against rebuffed targets, and making follow-up attacks ignore at least 24% of an enemy’s Defense and granting a flat damage bonus after an Ultimate, there are few better single-target choices on the market.


If you’re lacking any of the above five-star options, Swordplay can provide a suitable, if less optimal, replacement, providing up to a 16% flat damage bonus, stacking up to five times, so long as you keep attacking a single target. Rated lower here because that bonus resets when Moze switches targets.

Moze’s playstyle focuses on single-target damage, so he’s best on teams that either complement that specialty or cover for his weaknesses. With the right build, he is a worthwhile hypercarry or supplemental DPS to a five-star damage dealer.


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