The Railway Maintenance Facility is a location on the west side of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl‘s Zaton Region, and there is a building with a locked gate in its southwest corner. Players can open that gate by entering a four-digit code into the nearby keypad, and there is a Stash and Suit in the room beyond it. For those fans who would like to gain access to those items, this guide details how to determine the code that is used to open the locked gate in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl‘s Railway Maintenance Facility.
who just want to know the Railway Maintenance Facility Stash code, and do not care to learn how it is determined, are advised to skip to this guide’s final paragraph.

How to Get Detention Center Sheltered Stash in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl
This guide will help fans reach the Sheltered Stash in the Detention Center, a location in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl’s Garbage Region.
STALKER 2: Railway Maintenance Facility Stash Code
The code that opens the locked gate in the Railway Maintenance Facility features four digits, which are inscribed upon structures that are scattered around the location. Here are details on the precise positions of those inscribed digits, and the map and images that accompany those details should help survival game fans find all four:
- On the south exterior wall of a metal train car in the northeast corner of the location. (2)
- On the roof of a small brick building on the east side of the location. (4)
- On the side of an excavator on the east side of the location. (6)
- On the east exterior wall of a train car on the location’s westernmost track. (8)
While players should have no trouble locating the first, third, and fourth digits, the digit on the brick building’s roof can be a bit tricky to see (especially when it is raining). Here are the steps that STALKER fans should take to get a view of the roof, and the accompanying images should clarify the process:
- Climb the stacked concrete slabs that are diagonally across from the fourth digit.
- Jump to the metal walkway, and get on top of the wooden boxes that are a few steps forward.
- Jump across the gap to reach the next metal walkway.
- Continue eastward to reach the final metal walkway, using train cars to cross gaps when needed.
After finding all four digits, players must determine their correct order. This is done simply by starting with the train car in the northeast corner of the location and moving clockwise. This produces the sequence 2468, and fans that input that code into the keypad (and press the green button) will unlock the gate and gain access to this Stash in STALKER 2.
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