Playback: Tearaway was the PS Vita at its interactive best

Playback: Tearaway was the PS Vita at its interactive best
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Profchaos2072d ago

My list of games I loved on the vita is probably going to differ greatly to the normal user as most players stuck to the Indies or jrpg but I love big budget titles I absolutely loved playing
Borderlands 2
Call of duty black ops declassified (despite being universally dismissed as a bad game)
Ratchet and Clank remasters
God of war remasters
GTA vice /LCS (which also defined the PSP for me)
The walking dead was also fantastic on the vita
The battlefront PSP games were actually so much better with a right analog stick
Assassins Creed

There was probably more I was a huge supporter of the system when I had the opportunity to buy a vita game over the PS3 version I absolutely took that chance I think I was one of the only people I know that still have their vita hanging about and had a 64gb card for it.

It’s a shame it never took off full quality console gaming on the go is fantastic I think the switch is proving this I think the vita was just a victim of it’s time it was slightly to early to take advantage of better hardware and it was born in the middle of a mobile phone arm race and people thought that mobiles were actually close to surpassing the vita graphically with Devs like EA focusing purely on iOS and Android for mobile games and shifting away from portable titles on the vita.

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